Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Jewish Jesus And Christ-Mass

The Jewish Jesus was indeed born in Bethlehem of Judaea. It is true he was laid in a manger. It is true angels appeared to shepherds who came to his place of birth. It is true wise men came and visited him. And it is true these wise men gave gifts to Jesus. But this was not Christ-mass. They did not come to celebrate his birthday. They did not even come to celebrate his birth. They came because it was announced by angels and the prophet star that the Messieh was born. It was his Messianic identity that had angels singing from heaven and the wise men seeing his star in the east. The shepherds and the wise men did not come to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The shepherds may have come the day after his birth and the wise men did not arrive until almost two years later when Jesus was in a house. There is no proof they came on the day of his birth. They came because Messieh the Lord (Christ the Lord) was born and this had nothing to do with celebrating the day he was born.

The Jewish Jesus lived 33 1/2 years and there is nothing in the Bible that anyone celebrated his birthday with Christ-mass. There is nothing within the next 70 years of biblical record that the early Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus as Christ-mass. What is mentioned is his birth record in Matthew and Luke. But mention of the historical event was not for the purpose of beginning an annual Christ-mass on December 25th. We know this, because after these Gospels were written, no one began an annual birthday celebration called Christ-mass.

The origin of Christ-mass has nothing to do with true Christianity. It has everything to do with the paganism of Christianity by men who are deemed to be early Catholics. And it is these men with their adoption of paganism who integrated Jesus into heathen celebrations. The first such heathen festival into which the birth of Jesus appears to have been mixed was the Roman Saturnalia. This pagan celebration was originated in Babylon under the worship of Semiramis and Tammuz. Alexander Hislop documented the Babylonian connection in the following chapters of his book:

I have written about the paganism of Christ-mass here:

To read all of Alexander Hislop Book TWO BABYLONS click the link below:

Christ-mass is a Catholic holiday. It can be nothing else. The Catholic church invented it. It's St Nicholas (alias Santa Claus) is the idol of this false birth of Jesus celebration. I have no qualms saying idol for this Santa Claus has all the attention and identity of a false god.

#1. He is said to have an all-seeing eye and can watch all the children of the world at the same time whether they be good or bad;
#2. He is said to have a book that he writes down their good and bad behavior;
#3 He promises reward to those who are good;
#4 He claims he has a heaven like place in the North Pole where no one has seen;
#5 He has little angel elves there to help him make toys;
#6 He has a magic chariot called a sleigh, in which he rides and visits all the homes of the children;
#7 He has several reindeer which fly his chariot in the sky and lands on roof tops;
#8 His leading reindeer has a nose that glows and leads like a headlight, all other reindeers to follow him.
#9 The children hand out their stockings. The father and mother set up the Nimrod bush called a Christ-mass tree. They hang out green boughs of ivy and mistletoe. The decorate the house with lights. The prepare for Santa cookies, rum, and in some cases a glass of milk. The children are told to go to bed early or Santa will not come.
#10. Dad and mom tell their children more lies about this fictitious god than at any other time of the year.
#11. Parents take their children to sit on the lap of this idol and have them ask him for blessings of gifts. And it is essential to believe in Santa, because anyone who does not believe in Santa, he will not come to their house.
#12. One mother was overhead to tell her child: "tell Santa you were bad and ask him to forgive you.

I would like to ask all of you: who made Santa a god that little children should ask him to forgive them for being bad? Is this not some evidence, regardless of how small, that little children are brain-washed to look at Santa as some kind of a god being?

These and other Christ-mass activities show the paganism of this false birth day of the Jewish Jesus.

The Jewish Jesus was not born in December. He was born in September and any reasonable mind could figure this out. Jesus lived 33 1/2 years. This means his death at Passover in the end of March took place in the 6th month of his 34th year. So, just go forward or backward 6 months and arrive at his birth month: viz; April (1), May(2), June(3), July(4), August(5), September (6). Or go backward February(1), January(2), December(3), November(4), October(5), September(6).

It is most likely Jesus was born on the day of Atonement which falls in the month of September. Now why it it, that all these religions who claim they are the true Church never celebrates the birth of Jesus in September?

It would be far better for a person to celebrate the birth of Jesus on the Jewish day of Atonement and tie it to a true religious purpose, then to switch it over to a pagan holiday and mix the birth of Jesus into that, which has NO RELIGIOUS PURPOSE!

There is more adultery, fornication, killing, drinking alcohol, rape, stealing, child and wife abuse, and riotous living during the Christ-mass celebration than at any other time of the year.

It is the fake pumped-up Christ-mass spirit with decorations, Santa Claus, Christmas music, and the gift-giving, that turns on the the whole world. But have you ever noticed the day after Christmas when the music stops, the decorations are taken down, the Nimrod bush is dragged out to the curb for the garbage man, that the Christ-mass spirit totally DIES? Then they rush to New Year's eve to turn a new page in their life from all the evil and wickedness they did in the Christ-mass season.

The Jewish Jesus does not need anyone to remember his birth with a drunken holiday. What the Jewish Jesus would like the whole world to remember is HIS DEATH.

For it is his death on the cross at the Passover that gives the world hope. It is this annual celebration that should be the queen day of the year. But it is neglected once again for another pagan Catholic holiday called Easter. Yes, the devil has deceived the world to replace two great events of the Christian Church into pagan worship and celebrations.

The Jewish Jesus deserves to be removed from all paganism. He is God. He is above all idols. He said he would not give his glory unto another. It is a great sin to put Jesus in the middle of paganism and pretend he is part of pagan holidays and there his glory is revealed.

I say, take Jesus out of Christ-mass.

I say, do not celebrate this pagan hell-a-day.

I say, Jesus is Lord and he has no part dark.

The Apostolic people, the Oneness People, the Pentecostal people, who celebrate this annual Catholic holiday are not that far away from their mother in Rome. Yes, they may baptize in Jesus name, yes they may believe in one God, and yes they may believe in receiving the Holy Ghost: but all the rest of them is Catholic when it comes to celebration of Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, and St. Patrick's day.

It again time for a voice to cry: COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!

You may have to leave your paganized church and religion. But to do so, would be a move toward the Jewish Jesus in respect and holiness.

May the Lord Jesus Messieh deliver his people from the paganism of Christ-mass

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