Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Jewish Jesus And The First Saturday Then Sunday Threat

I read a Muslim saying the plan to conquer the world was first to destroy Saturday and then Sunday. I had no idea what he was saying. See, the Jewish Jesus did not speak about destroying nations and people. He specifically told his Apostles that whosoever used the sword would die by the sword. He sent forth his Ministers with the Gospel not the Gospel and the sword.

Yes, I know the Catholic church that evolved out of the Roman Empire used the sword to enforce its creeds, the three god trinity, traditions, dogmas, papal decrees, and the many decisions of monks at their synods. But then, the Catholic church is not the Church of the Jewish Jesus. There is no record in the entire New Testament of any person losing their life, being killed by a real Christian. Only after the monks were invented from pagansim did killing and blood shed begin. But again, these were not true Christians. They were pagan converts to what became Catholicism.

Now here comes a Muslim saying that first Israel (Saturday) must be destroyed. Then next will come Rome and Christianity (Sunday). So what is the meaning of this code: "FIRST SATURDAY THEN SUNDAY"?

It is a fact that the Christian religion is now at the mercy of the governments of the nations. And it is a fact that the high-ranking government officials are all of the Masonic cult that has for its religious order the very beliefs of Islam. And it is so very true that these leaders do not like Christianity and have fought it in the school house, in the court house, at the election box, and in the white house. The religion of the Jewish Jesus is on the very fore-front of wide scale persecution, injuries, and death. The Church of the Jewish Jesus will soon some under the attack of the pale (green) horse rider. With death and hell (grave) following this new world dominion religo-political beast system.

The Jewish Jesus has given us an opportunity to prepare ourselves. Let me asure all of you, that when Europe begins to crumble and fall to Islam, the United States will immediately errupt into fire balls, bombs, and destruction. Do not think tribulation must come first. No, there will be wide-spread destruction of death and hell when the pale (green) horse and rider go forth to conquer and to conquer.

The Jewish Jesus has used this man of God to sound the trumpet.

How much time do we have?

The bombs and bloodshed can begin any day. All it needs is the spark to set it off.

First Saturday then Sunday.

And can we stand by and let this happen without saying something about what the real purpose of the Jewish Jesus was?

And can we allow Apostolic people to be so deceived because the Pastors have become grevious hungry wolves for money and material possessions? Can those whom the Lord is calling forth be bold and speak the Truth in love with great conviction?

Sinners may not have long to prepare themselves for the things ahead. It is safe to say they had better fall on their knees and begin to beg for mercy.

I know there is a tendency to have no trust for Jews who are anti-Christian and anti-Christ, but let us not be herded into a colony of antisemites so the Muslims can use us to rally to their defense in their hate and killing of Jews. Christians in the early Church did not rally to the Romans against the Jews who hated Jesus and Christians. Let us take this as our cue in how to respond to the threats "first saturday then sunday." If attacks come against Jews, even anti-Christ Jews, we should not feel it strange or wrong to assist in their escape, protection, and or hiding. This may take a lot of courage and a change in our love factors. But it is something to be prepared for. I do not wish any Jew dead just because they are anti-Christ. This is their ignorance and arrogance. Let us remember, if the Muslims do intend to take out saturday all over the world, America will see a lot of blood shed BEFORE they attack sunday.

May the Jewish Jesus show us the way.

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