Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Jewish Jesus And Evolution

The Jewish Jesus

Did Not Believe In Atheist Evolutionism

Jesus clearly spoke of God as a divine personal supreme Creator Being (Mark 13:19).

He spoke of man being created (Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6).

He spoke of God as his Father (Mat 7:21, John 20:17).

If there is no God then there are no angels, but Jesus spoke of angels and God in the same breath (Mat 24:36).

All of the basic Jewish teachings of Jesus about heaven, hell, satan, sin, Adam and Eve, and the created things proves not only Intelligent Design but that God was the origin of all things.

The Jewish Jesus did not believe in evolution.

Evolution is voodoo science.

Evolutionist attempt to distort what God has said in the Hebrew Scriptures. It is absolute antisemitism. Jewishness and God are a union that is unbreakable unless it is the purpose of the atheist and evolutionist to destroy both. When God is destroyed the Jewish people as a religious group are instantly destroyed. This same death stroke destroys instantly Jesus Christ and the New Testament Church because they also are essentially founded upon Israel and God.
Anyone who believes in evolution has chosen a mind set that will never find reconciliation with Israel and God.

Because of the foregoing it is my opinion that all evolutionist work for the master of all decievers, satan. Only satan could devise an educational system, tree of knowledge, tree of science, that men can eat from and rebell against God and bring death on billions. Evolution is fruit on the tree of knowledge (science is called knowledge), in which just as satan promised, man can become god. He can elevate himself above his Creator and make a god of himself and boast

All branches of science that adheres to the evolutional theory are nothing but a choir singing the same song only using different voices.

Is it a fact as scientists claim that errors within scientific theories are self correcting therefore always presenting the best facts as we know them? No. Most of modern day science is theory made to be facts where any opposing arguments testing the claims are treated as non-scientific and opposing science. Modern science refuses any outside correction especially from those who believe in God, Intelligent Design, and Creationism.

The allegation that believing Intelligent Design and Creationism destroys science and invites mental limits is false. Many men who have claimed Christianity as their faith have been very successful in science and scientific research in all of the sciences. It is insane for some scientist to claim that all scientist in the world are evolutionist. It is a fact that evolution scientist control the whole scientific world. They control the universities, colleges, and public schools. They control the court systems. Satan's kingdom is already in control under the disguse of atheistic evolutionism. All that is lacking is the false christ to come and bring them altogether. The hatred of Christianity and Jews who believe in God is now viral. The infection of the minds of the world could bring out a revamped Hitler who if he said the right keywords, could obtain instant stardom.

Science means knowledge. This knowledge is supposed to be gained by observation, study and testing. Evolution is not a science. It has never been observed as many report it. Although there is extensive study concering the universe there is no study of evolution because it has never occured. What is studied is the claim of life from non life, the development of life from microscopic chemicals into complex organisms. And the mutation of organisms into additional complext life forms. Evolution is a proposed theory where men make up with great imagination alleged changes of DNA brought about over billions of years. It is a theory that through death all things evolved to a greater form of life. What is seldom discussed is the abilty of sexual reproduction and what made it come about. In addition, no scientist can take the fossils and prove that anything evolved from the creatures found. Unless some scientist can prove this or that fossil was the life form of other creatures, there is no proof that any fossil creature had any biological offspring let alone be an ancestor to other animals.

No one can be an evolutionist and be a believer in Jesus. Jesus clearly taught Intelligent Design and Creationism. He taught the divine principles by which man was to govern himself. No where in the teachings of Jesus is there any trace of the tenets of modern evolution theory.

An atheist does not believe there is a God or a creation.
An atheist does not believe in Intelligent Design (ID).
An atheist believes all things came about by the big bang followed by evolution of life from non-life (rocks).

An evolutionist does not believe there is a God or in creation.
An evolutionist does not believe in Intelligent Design (ID).
An evolutionist believed all things came about by the big bang followed by evolution of life from non-life (rocks).

Evolutionism is nothing but atheism disguised as science.

Dr. Kent Hovind says the following are five things evolutionist and atheist believe:
1.) Time, space, and matter came into existence by themselves.
2.) Planets and stars formed from space dust.
3.) Matter created life by itself.
4.) Early life-forms learned to reproduce themselves.
5.) Major changes occurred between these diverse life forms (i.e., fish changed to amphibians, amphibians changed to reptiles, and reptiles changed to birds or mammals).

How do atheist and evolutionist claim life started:

Ans: there was nothing on earth but rocks because at this early stage there was no plant life or life of any kind. There was billions of years of massive torrential rains upon the rocks. The rocks heated and cooled. It rained more and more. Lightening began and struck the rocks and caused the hydrogen and oxygen (water) to sizzle. The electrical lightening strikes created soups of chemicals that evolved. The chemicals began to separate. Then some of the chemicals began cohesion and formed all the elements in the element table. These in turn over billions of years created more soup. This time the basic chemicals necessary for life found each other and with one strike of lightening life began. First it was algea. Then greater and great DNA mutations occured until a separation between plant life occured and started what they claim are living creatures. These mutated over billions of years and changed from land animals to water and air animals.

Death is the hero of atheist evolutionism.

The Jewish Jesus taught the essense of existence was life. He never taught that a future generation of mankind might evolve into a righteous being with random DNA alterations caused by the invironment.

Death is the opposite of life. Who is the father of death but the devil himself. Who is behind the evolutional theory that death brings forth life? In the evolutional scheme, all things that are not superior must die so the stronger can survive and continue the evolution process. The natural selection of the species demands death be the hero.

But the Jewish Jesus taught that life was the hero. That pleasing God in righteousness and holiness would guarantee men and women could escape the curse of death. Yes, the Jewish Jesus taught that death was a curse. Not a DNA award so a better species could evolve.

Basically said, atheist and evolutionist claim that death is what brought man into the world. After billions of years of death to inferior evolved creatures man ultimately evolved himself into existence.

The Jewish Jesus would be on trial for his life if he lived in our generation. The universities and colleges would ban him. He would be investigated by IRS to see if taxes were paid on donations he received. He would be the target of ACLU law suits to keep him from teaching in public schools. He would not be welcome in churches that believe in evolution. The first time he taught about heaven and hell CNN reporters would be there to ridicule him and make him look like a fool. The USA Supreme Court would rule against him. And the natzi white supremist would put on their KKK night gowns and burn their bonfire and shout death to Jews. The Muslims would threaten to cut off his head if he spoke against Islam's belief of 72 wives for each man who dies for Allah. And the reprobates of the nations would demand his death for speaking out against sexual immorality.

But, the Jewish Jesus remains the center of respect and honor among a shrinking group of Bible believing people. And to him they proudly lift their voices in worship and sing:

All Hail King Jesus

The Jewish Jesus, King Jesus, holder and defender in Biblical creationism and intelligent design.

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