Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Jewish Jesus And satan

There are several web sites claiming that Christians invented the devil. Most of those behind these are atheist or satanist themselves. For instance those in wicca claim the devil is an invention of Christians. Yet one of the central aspects of their nature religion is a figure who has all of the satanic emblems of the devil.

There are several religious leaders who claim the devil is nothing more than Adam in his fallen state. Some claim the devil is Cain, whose spirit now roams the world as some form of ghost. Naturally, those who deny the devil is satan, and that satan is indeed a fallen angel, do so because somewhere in their heart and mind they have for their target, the Jewish Jesus.

There are many attacks upon the Jewish Jesus. Some attack his birth and claim he was a bastard child born of fornication between Mary and a Roman soldier. Others claim he was a bastard child born of Mary and a man named Pandera. At the root of these accusations is a desire to destroy the image and character of the Jewish Jesus by attacking his mother and thereby make him an unacceptable candidate to be the Jewish Messieh.

What has amazed me over the years is how so many think themselves so wise but they never are on the forefront making a stand where a stand is needed. They do not see the issue between the Jewish Jesus and the devil being all that important. As one Pastor said to me: "well Brother, that doctrine is not a problem in my area and so I see no need to mention it before the church. All I want to do is win souls."

I talked to another Pastor and asked him when was the last time he did a complete teaching or preaching on the devil. He responded that it has been many, many years. He did say he mentions the devil every once in awhile, but he was told by a friend it was not good practice to mention the devil or satan to much because it gives him glory. So, he developed the practice never to mention the name of the devil or satan in the pulpit.

The Jewish Jesus would not be allowed in these pulpits today.

I was in a church about ten years ago and felt so burdened about how the devil was tearing it up. I could see the presence of the devil working in it. The devil brings confusion usually first. He then brings in accusing spirits. This develops into some making themselves the judge of all others. Fault-finding appears. Jealously blooms. And at last the spirit of Cain comes present where the righteous become the target of those who do not please God. I was in this church for several days. I was invited to preach. So, with prayer I chose to preach on the devil. I did all my home work. I prayed for the Holy Ghost to guide me. The preaching was passionate and with great conviction. I worked on the way the devil comes in, the way he functions. The way he divides. The way he deceives. The way he destroys. And the way he brings men and women down to hell with temptations. I preached about those who are the devil's helpers and destroy one another and even work at attacking the Pastor and the existence of the church. The message was powerful. Many in the congregation were visibly shaken. Some were crying. Some responded to the preaching with great spiritual worship. And there were a few who sat like frogs in a hail storm all bug eyed and not moved at all.

The atar call was terriffic. I laid hands on many who came for prayer wanting deliverance from oppression. Some came to dedicate themselves more to the Lord. I prayed for one young man who did not have the Holy Ghost. He had been told he did not need it and so he was trying to live for God based upon the sinner's prayer. There were a few who prayed through to the Holy Ghost that night. I cannot in words describe the awesome power of God that was upon me that night.

Near the end of the service the Pastor said he wanted to speak to me in his office. I followed him in and he closed the door. He invited me to sit down. Then he said: "Brother I love you but you cannot preach here any more. I cannot have you spreading hate in my church." I was SHOCKED! What? I exclaimed! His answer: "you said during your preaching that you hated the devil. You said everyone must hate the devil. You mentioned the name of the devil over 50 times, I counted them. I do not mention the devil's name in the church and give him glory. But you did it over 50 times. I preach here that we must love our enemies and this includes the devil. He is a fallen angel and he sinned but he still deserves respect for being one time a holy creation of God. And so, because you went against my pulpit policy you cannot preach here any more." I stood up, bowed my head and openly prayed: "Lord Jesus I do not know what this means, but I pray you bless this Pastor more and more, Amen." I then went out to the dining hall and had something to eat. The Pastor never came near me again that night. I have visited this church two times and for one funeral, and I have never been invited to preach there again. Each of the times I did visit, I was called upon to greet the congregation from my seat.

The Jewish Jesus openly referred to the devil many times. In one cold dark contrast he mentioned we cannot serve two masters at the same time. Obviolusly, those who understand him know who he was referring to. He also contrasted light and darkness. And he made it clear who the god of darkness was. The Jewish Jesus was tempted by the devil and was rebuked. He cast ther devil out of several. There was no place where Jesus taught for doctrine that we must love the devil.

The Jewish Jesus came to deliver us from the power of satan (Acts 26:18).

The Jewish Jesus mentioned the devil and satan more times than any other person in the Bible. and there is no Biblical reference that mentioning the name of the devil brings glory to him. This is a perversion that in practice means the devil will never be mentioned in the pulpit. Now I wonder who would be behind that? Why who would want the devil not to be mentioned? Is this not a unique and neat way for the devil to never be preached against or mentioned? Well, before I will quit openly preaching from the pulpit against the devil, I will burn the church down. If it cannot be a place where the Jewish Jesus is glorified and the devil preached against, it does not deserve to be called a Church. May I remind all of you what the focus of Jesus was in Matthew 16:18-19?

Not one time did the Jewish Jesus invent the devil as the atheist and Jesus haters claim.

Christians did not invent the devil as those in wicca claim.

The Jews did not invent the devil as the evolutionist-antisemites claim.

The devil as satan is mentioned 79 times in the New Testament.

The first time the devil is mentioned in the New Testament is when he came against the Jewish Jesus in Matthew 4:1. It was the devil who came looking for Jesus, not the other way around. We all experience the same thing. We do not have to seek the location of the devil, he will find each of us.

The Jewish Jesus cast the devil out of people. He cast out demons who are fallen angles who followed the devil in his revolt against God.

The Pharisees accused John the Baptist of being possessed by the devil because he preached against their hyprocrisy and secret sinful behavior. This same accusation was hurled at the Jewish Jesus. Yes, indeed, today it is the same: let a Man of God get up and preach the Word of God and mention holiness and separation from the world and he also must suffer the accusation of being of the devil.

The Jewish Jesus has taught us:

1.) To cast the devil out every time we can (see Mark 1:39; 3:15; 6:13; 16:17).

The Apostles Doctrine teaches us:

1.) Give no place to the devil (Eph 4:27).

To make the attitude of the Jewish Jesus even more plain, the devil is to be put into the lake of fire and to be tormented for eternity (Matt 25:41).

And this enemy of God and man, will be cast into the Lake of Fire (see Rev 20:10).

We are in the midst of this war right now. The devil has raised up his soldiers to bring the world into the house of God. The change agents are among us. They have rebellious spirits. They will not submit to leadership. Like the devil they are haughty, self-willed, high-minded, and resist correction and rebuke. The battle against the endtime holiness Saints is everywhere. Preachers and ministers are now showing they are tares and not wheat. We are already in the midst of perverters and blasphemers. They act religious, they look religious, and like the devil they appear as angels of light. But their end is destruction of all that is Godly, Righteous, and Holy. The war is all about us and the Jewish Jesus has told us to endure until the end.

The Jewish Jesus did not die on Calvary to play games with the devil or with sinners. The offer of salvation is not a religious game of dice and chance. It is not something we add to our programs and into our pagan holiday celebrations. The Jewish Jesus stood against the devil all of his life. And in his death, he conquered him who had power over death (Heb 2:14), since he conquered sin. Those rebels and Laodicaeans among us who are wanting more and more sin in the Church to be accepted are inviting spiritual death. They are idiots while the profess themselves to be wise. They are babel and rabble as they puke out their putrid attacks on men of God who want sin out of the congregation.

The Jewish Jesus is not just a man who did miracles, fed some hungry people, held little children on his lap, or who did good deeds for the poor. This Savior, this Delieverer, this Lord of all Righteousness, came to overturn all the damage the devil brought upon the human race.

Why are so many making a contest about how much of the devil's kingdom is tolerable in the Church? Why are so many now claiming holiness is legalism and bondage, whereas worldliness and nakedness are the liberty Christ wants all of us to have? Have these not made the devil into their christ? Have they not a different Jesus than the one in the New Testament?

The Jewish Jesus is my Champion. He is my hero. He is my Lord. I have no desire but to follow him. I have no purpose but to take his message to the nations. I have no joy except to see his glory in the Church upon the people. It is because of this Jewish Jesus I have purpose in life. Without him I have no God in my future. Without him I am as a man with no hope. I have no future and am alone in my journey through a dark and cruel world. I know who I am. I was once blind sitting by the way side. And when I heard some noise. When I asked who that was. Someone said it is Jesus of Nazareth and it was the beggar in me who cried out:

Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy upon me!

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