Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Jewish Jesus and Hell

Modern Christianity has removed hell from mention in many churches. They do not believe a loving God would dare make an eternal hell and place of torment. Not believing in hell, they take the next big leap and say since there is no hell, there is no sin. In other words if there is no hell, nothing is a sin that would put you in hell. So, those who do not believe in hell, do not believe in sin.

One Pastor said it like this: "there is no sin, people only make mistakes of judgment."

No sin?

Is this something the Jewish Jesus believed?

If there is no sin, then there is no forgiveness needed for sin. And if there is no sin, then there is no sinners. Because sinners are people who have sinned.

Now if there is no sin, just mistakes, then are there mistakers instead of sinners?

Now why did Jesus shed his blood on Calvary: for mistakers who need no forgiveness, or for sinners who do need forgiveness?

So, if there is no hell, then there is no need of Calvary. There is no need for Jesus. There is no need for a Savior.

But what if there is a hell?
What if there is sin?
What if there is an eternal hell?
Would the Jewish Jesus lie to us about all of this? Would he give the Communion Cup and say it represented the New Covenant in his blood which is shed for the remission of sins, if there were no hell and no sins?

Hell is real. It is a place of torment. All who are lost, who reject salvation through the Jewish Jesus will go to hell. This is not a place God puts people, they put themselves there. They choose to go to hell by rejecting the Jewish Jesus and his Commandments. They will deserve to go to hell for rejecting his offer of grace and forgiveness.

Said one Jesus rejector:

"Hell is something Christians invented to scare people into obedience to their rules and beliefs. If I reject the shame Christians place on me because of what they call sin, I can be a free spirit. When I got over the fear factor about hell, I learned I was free and under no man's religion."

The Hebrew hell (sheol) and the Greek hell (hades) can speak both of the grave and a place of punishment. In the case of sheol for the righteous of course it would speak only of the grave because they would not be in any kind of torment. This is the picture Jesus gave when Lazarus died. He was buried, but his spirit went to Abraham's bosom. The rich man died and was buried and he went into hell torment. Both of their bodies were in the grave. So, just because sheol may mean the grave does not mean it cannot mean hell torment also. In fact, if Jesus spoke Hebrew when he mentioned hell and the rich man and Lazarus, he would have used the word sheol. There is either peace or torment when a person goes to sheol.

If a person dies lost without God and salvation, they will go to their grave, into sheol, into hades, and also straight into the eternal fires of hell. While they lay in their casket their soul is in hell fire. While family members gather and view the lifeless body the soul is already in hell. And while the family mourns and weeps for the passed loved one (as the lieing preacher says they are in heaven), this person's soul is screaming for their misery and torment. There is gehenna hell fire for all who are lost.

What about the Jewish Jesus and hell (gehenna) torment. Yes the Jewish Jesus spoke of hell torment.

"And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be case into hell (Gehenna). And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not thy whole body should be cast into hell" (Gehenna) (Matt 5:29-30).

Gehenna is found 10 times spoken by the Jewish Jesus in the New Testament: Matt 5:22-danger of hell, 29-30-cast into hell; 10:28-both body and soul in hell; 18:9; 23:15,33-child of hell/damnation of hell; Mar 9:43-to go onto hell, 45-cast into hell, 47-cast into hell fire; Luke 12:5-cast into hell. It is spoken one time by the Apostle James in 3:6. If there was no hell fire, no hell torment, no unquenchable fire for the damned, no place where the worm (soul) dieth not, then Jesus is the biggest liar of all. He is a bigger liar than the devil himself. The doctrine of hell comes out of the lips of the Jewish Jesus. And so what if what he said is not in the Old Testament (which it is); he is the one to bring immortality to light through the Gospel (2Tim 1:10). He is the one to bring the truth on hell, torment, the final judgment, and eternal rewards. If he spoke it, it is doctrine. If he spoke it, it is Truth. If he spoke it, it exists. The Jewish Jesus tells us that this hell, this place of torment was created for the devil and his angels:

"Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matt 25:41).

The Jewish Jesus came to give mercy and grace to the sinner, to all sinners. Those who deceive themselves (James 1:22), and reject this love of God deserve to go straight into hell to be with the devil and his angels. These also reject God's love, his reign over them, his holiness, and to live holy themselves. These are cursed. They have cursed themselves. They have no one to blame. They can try to erase and sear their minds not to think of hell, torment, and everlasting fire, but they cannot think their way out of their future.

The Jewish Jesus has given us all the opportunity to escape our own damnation. For we all have been as sheep that have gone astray. We all have sinned. We all have been sinners. We all need a Saviour. We need the Jewish Jesus. We need his salvation. We need the atonement of his blood. We need the glory of his presence. Our King must be welcome among us. We must invite him to our houses of God. It is here, in these places of holiness, the place were all evil is banned, that our God, our Savior, our Lord King reigns. If he cannot reign among us and over us, then we have no part with him.

Today, I seek a heavenly city. I desire to be where the Lamb is the Light. For now I know that when I walk in the Light, I walk in holiness, I walk in Truth: it is the glory of that Light in that City that has shined down upon me.

Today, I walk in the Light of the Jewish Jesus and the torments of eternal hell I have escaped by the grace I found in Acts 2:38

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