Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Same Old Trick "Smite The Shepherd & Scatter The Sheep"

Jesus came to gather Israel. He came as a King Shepherd. Israel was the flock.

It is true, the flock had been mixed with all manner of sheep. There had been out-breeding where sheep in the flock were bred with sheep out of the flock and produced sheep that were not of the true blood of the Israelites.

We see this proven in the book of Nehemias where he rebukes men for having taken strange or Gentile wives from Ashdod. He sets again the principle of a pure flock. What was so shocking is that some sheep spoke paleo-Hebrew and some were speaking in the language of Ashdod. The problem was not that they were a mixed speaking breed now, but that those of the out-side language had no plans to speak paleo-Hebrew or fall in line to live the life of a Jew.

Nehemias was a shepherd in his time. What was his first and major challenge? It was his smiters. Those who rose up against him. Wanting him destroyed. Wanting the work he was doing stopped. The method of smiting the shepherd goes back to the serpent wanting to smite Adam as the shepherd of the garden of Eden and all the animals in the world. The serpent would use this against the second Adam, Jesus Christ.

In the endtime, the smiter spirit must come before us. I think this is part of the coming Antichrist attitude. He will seek to destroy, smite, the holy people of God, the true Israel of God. But before all of this, false prophets shall arise and deceive many. Just as the false prophet Zedekiah smote Micaias, and in his proud arrogance said: "WHICH WAY WENT THE SPIRIT OF GOD FROM ME TO YOU?", the same spirit will arise against good men of God.

This is a day when they who smite say they do it in love. But their words do betray them.

I think this is why Jesus said if they smite you on one cheek, turn the other and let them smite that side also. I think what is meant here, is that they who smite do not just want to humiliate you by slapping your face, they want others to see their bravery, that the victim is a no-body or at lessor esteemed than themselves. The one who lords over will do the smiting. Pastors are warned about not falling into this lord-smiting conduct. How much more the lay-members?

I see this smiting spirit against the Apostles. The Pharisees had this smiting spirit really bad. They like to slap faces. It gave them joy to slap someone's face. Even the face of Jesus was slapped. He gave his face to the smiters.

What is in this spirit? How can it be love?

In no case in the scriptures where smiting is used can I see love.

I am speaking this today, because it is so very easy to join the thug keyboard gang and dog-pile on a victim who someone has openly slapped.

I saw a young teenage 17 year old boy slapped his dad. In no case is this ever appropriate no matter what the dad said or did. Honor of a father would prohibit this slapping. But the boy believed he had a right to slap his dad. I was shocked when the mother took up for the boy saying his dad deserved it because he made his son mad. Oh my. If you make someone mad they have a right to slap you? If you make someone mad they can say you deserved it because you made them mad. People are so strange now days that respect and honor mean nothing. You make a person mad about something and they can slap you and others will say this conduct was not wrong. Well, the outcome of this was the father grabbed his son and threw him to the ground and told him never to slap him again. Threw him to the ground. He did not slap him, hit him, or punch him; just threw him to the ground. Oh my, then the mother called the police and had the dad arrested and thrown in jail for assult and battery on a minor. Oh my. The father got out of jail, went home, got his things, and moved out. The mother filed for a divorce with child support. She got the divorce and child support for one year until the ruffian turned 18. The husband stopped making house payments and let it go into foreclosure. The wife and boy had to move into an apartment. She had to get a job which before she had a new car and all the nice stuff. She lost the car when the husband refused to make any more payments. The wife then started taking in men. And the boy became a demon that has been in and out of jail. The boy and his mom destroyed their home. When destruction comes because of something as small as slapping and smiting, the person who will suffer the most is the smiter. In this case, the husband and father cut them off. Would God do this if you smite one of his little children? Would God tell you to hang a millstone around your neck and jump into the sea: if this was not a serious spiritual crime?

I want all of you to stop your slapping and smiting spirit. And when you see this in someone else acting like they are so spiritual and so proud of what they are doing: my advice is to get away from this person before that demon jumps on you.

If you are a man who cannot stop slapping your wife: I advise you to stop.

Many shepherds in the pulpit are smitten by their wives in front of church members. This ought not to be. Many pastors are talked down to and abused by language of their children. This is a big sin.

Learn to have respect for even your enemies. Isn't this what is behind the whole idea of feeding your enemies? In our case feeding our enemies is not about natural food, but spiritual food. If you give your enemies spiritual food, it is a sign you at least respect them as a human being even if they do deserve to go to hell for what they have done.

Smiting is a spirit of the hour. Learn what is behind it and do not play a part in this spirit of demons, who satan tried first by attacking God and wanting his throne, so he got his demon followers to agree with him that God had to go.

God go?

No way...

Shepherd go?

No way.....

Husband go?

No way......

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