Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Blessing Of Serving To Later Serve

Each day separated from a pastoral foundation and leadership, brings more personal darkness and delusions. Eventually, the darkness becomes the source of supposed revelations of the Scriptures that are clearly wrong to a Spirit led and Word established Christian.

Over the years I have seen many come and go. The going was for different reasons and some of them were valid. The most were not. It amazes me how people all of a sudden start hearing from God and what they claim they hear is contradictory to the way God operates.

One young novice minister told me he had a dream about finding a suitcase in the middle of the road. He picked it up. His dream ended right there. He came to me and said he believed this dream meant it was time for him to pack up and leave the church and go out on his own. I asked him if God told him that? And he answered no. He just believed in his heart this was God speaking to him to go.  I told him: but you are not even established in doctrine. You do not have a testimony of faithfulness. You have not served in the ministry, just preached a couple times. But he was adament. He said he would not be back. Humm.... A novice minister, a wife, and seven children.  He was not gone with his suitcase even a year and left his wife for another woman. When I inquired about to his wife what happened, she said: oh he came home when I was not there, packed a suitcase, left me a note he would not be back, and left.

Ok, maybe, just maybe, his dream was not for him to take the suitcase but to reject it because he never even looked inside.

Today, several years later, messed up. After he departed he started having his own personal revelations that contradicted the Truth. He believed his revelations were from God. I was sent back the message he was no longer under bondage to me. What? Well, his real message was: I can get revelation on my own and I do not need Pastor Reckart to guide me on what is real and what is false. And at last, his final decision was: I am qualified to pastor myself.....

Today there are many deceptive spirits seeking to take over the minds of people. Demons utilize all manner of conflicts and issues to swoop in and start whispering lies into their ears and mind. It is these lies that begin the trek into darkness and at last into false revelations.

How many of our current false doctrines have come from men who once knew the Truth but they departed from it? Did this not happen to those who were ministers as the Apostles began to die off? They did not remain in the Truth. They departed for their own reasons. They started new sects and cults. And at last, in 325AD, 318 or so Bishops met in Nicaea and none of them knew the Godhead doctrine any more. They did not know the baptismal formula any more. They had lost the annual Passover celebration and eagerly accepted the Easter dogma and edict. In just a few short years, darkness came over the world. From 325AD to the Protestant Reformation is called the Dark Ages. In this time period all manner of blackness, false revelations, mysticism (speculation and theories), even elements of witchcraft spread throughout what was considered Christianity. All because one man, two, three, fifty, a hundred, a thousand: had been deceived by their own lusts for greatness they no longer cared to remain in the truth.

I look about today and see the trend still being used by the devil. As he deceived many who were with Paul, and who rose against him, who departed from him (Demus and others): and never came back, or there is no record they ever came back: I see men with their suitcase thinking they have been given a divine calling to separate from a safe port, a secure haven, to go out on their own and they are in no way prepared or qualified. Even the revelations they once had, once loved, will in time be cast aside and replaced with crazy stuff. Jesus will wipe their mind and allow them to receive a strong delusion if they do not remain under the foundation of Pastoral leadership until it is indeed time to go out. The modern YHWH cults all come from once Apostolic ministers, and much, much more false doctrine has come from once Oneness men.


No, how about a Bible. How about the same thing Jesus gave the Apostles and then sent them? They had a foundation. They proved faithful (except for one). They did not go out on their own like one of the three little pigs to seek his fortune. They believed in unity of the faith. This held them together in love in an eternal embrace. There would be no divorce from the church and taking off with a suitcase.

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