Friday, April 11, 2014

Passover Dates Correctly Explained

Few Gentiles know how to calculate the day and date of the Jewish Passover.

There are many spiritual Samaritans putting out false days and dates, even the time of day to observe it according to the Christian practice of the Lord's Supper.

The chart on the left explains how the world will observer Christian Passover on different dates according to the Gregorian international dateline calendar, but still observing it on the same date of Abib 15 according to the Jewish calendar.

For those west of Jerusalem Passover begins after sundown on April 14th. But for those already who had their sundown before Jerusalem did, their Passover falls on sundown April 15th.

While this is confusing to most, all of those who observe it on the 14th and 15th of April will still be observing it on Abib 15 according to the Jewish calendar.

The Jewish Passover always falls on a full moon. The moon is full officially at 10:43am on April 15th. Jews will celebrate their Passover and first day of unleavened bread beginning sundown April 14th and end sundown April 15th. The remaining days of unleavened bread will continue until sundown April 21 when it will end.

Keep the Passover Feast of Jesus this year. Do not observe pagan Easter any more.

Bishop Reckart
Man of One Cup and One Bread

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