Saturday, August 9, 2014

Making My Being Over Weight A Critical Judgment Of My Doctrine And Salvation

Over the past few months, my being 50lbs over weight because of taking steroids for a medical condition, I have become the target of jokes, hate, laughing, ridicule, and outright unchristian attacks. And some of you are in fellowship with those attacking me. You actually like what they are saying against me. What's up with that?

It is more and more obvious that people do not want to have anything to do with me because I am fat. My, what a sin. I did not know fat or being over weight was a sin. I have observed people using verses that are not at all targeted at fat or over weight people [Romans 16:18, Philippians 3:19]. Neither of these verses are about being fat.

I realize, being over weight is not something many Christian people will ignore. They want to now make it an issue of my doctrine and salvation. They question how can my doctrine be correct if I am fat? Or how can I be saved if I am fat. From these two positions against fat Christians, I am now a target of their scorn. One man became so angry he had to make a video and sandwiched it in with his false love. Why was it even a target?

I can lose fat but how does a person lose their spirit of judging and condemnation of fat people? Even if I lose weight how many more fat people will be treated harshly by them?

I have decided, that if anyone thinks bad of me because I am over weight by 50lbs, I will just not have fellowship with them. I do not want to offend them or their homes. I know this will send some scurrying over into the camp of my enemies, but what else am I to do. When people lose their respect for Truth and my years of fighting the good fight: what else can I do?

If I have over eaten at your table, then call me a glutton. If you have seen me over eat at someone else's table, then call me a glutton. Tell everyone you like that Jesus does not love and save fat people, that they must either be of perfect weight or they are not welcome in the Church or in heaven.

I did not know it was our duty to dislike fat people. And I especially never knew fat Church members and preachers were big sinners [Psa 92:14].

In all of my years of being saved and in the Church, I never once judged a person based upon their being fat, skinny, or having a perfect body. Not once. I certainly never used this condition to attack anyone and set them at naught in the public on Facebook or on YouTube.

If my being fat is an offense to you, please inform me not to come to your Church or house again. I will honor your request.

Pastor Reckart


  1. It has been proved, we are the worse generation ever & most likely the last one too.

    These characters Pastor Reckart's talking about, they are no Christian people. A true Christian would never behave with such a foolish attitude, especially towards a precious minister.
    You can't do nothing at all with a foolish person, & if there was foolishness at the time of Solomon, there's no telling how far worse they have gotten today.

    Proverbs 27:22
    Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his foolishness depart from him.

  2. When people do not respond against hate it is because they support it.
