Monday, September 24, 2012

Letter J Sound Is Very Ancient

The YHWH Golem cults say the letter J did not exist in the days of Jesus, therefore, there could be no name Jesus. The fact is, should we compare just about all the modern English/Latin/Greek letters with ancient letter forms, none of them look like the ancient forms. Yet the ancient forms had nearly the same letter sounds attributed to modern English/Latin/Greek letters. The J letter likewise did not exist in that form in ancient times, but there were letter forms that had the J letter sound. This chart proves this. How some letter forms shifted away from the J sound to sounds like I or even Y or H, can only be due to dialect changes of words or names being transliterated. Language is a learned habit which is mostly transferred by written communications such as Bibles, books, and other government or public uses and applications. The name of Jesus is a valid Hebrew name. It was on the Cross in Latin, Greek, and Paleo-Hebrew. There is no other name given for salvation (Acts 4:12).

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