Thursday, September 6, 2012

Know Ye The Holy Ghost

There is a difference in reference to the Spirit of God before Jesus and after the resurrection.

Before the resurrection it is properly Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit within Jesus was OT. Jesus live all his life under the law.

But the Holy Spirit in Jesus cannot be received until he is glorified. After his resurrection this Holy Spirit is called the Holy Ghost, referring to having dwelt in a human body.

While it is the same Spirit, it is a different dimension.

One Holy Spirit before the resurrection and then after the resurrection referred to Jesus as his Holy Ghost. So we accept only that Holy Spirit that flows through the body of Jesus.

No one can any more receive the Spirit of God except through Jesus.

So no Jew, no Muslim, no anyone, can claim the have the Spirit of God and deny Jesus.

No one can have the Holy Spirit unless now they receive the Spirit that was in Christ.

This Holy Spirit is called the Holy Ghost. We know the Spirit in Christ. We know it is the everlasting Father. We know the Spirit that was in Christ was in the OT time in many people. But we want to make sure we do not tell people they can have this Spirit and be Christ deniers, or they can have it and deny Calvary.

This is a revelation. It is not new. The Spirit that was in Christ is the one we want in us.

There are many spirits in people confessing not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.

If we are confused on this doctrine and revelation we will be telling people who are demon possessed that they have the Spirit of God.

Every spirit that speaks in tongues is not the true Spirit of Christ. No man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus Christ accursed. And no man can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Ghost, that Spirit that was in Christ. This Spirit will testify of Christ because he cannot deny himself.

Many people worship Jews and claim they have the Spirit of God and these Jews hate and deny Jesus and curse him as a mamzer, a devil, and a false prophet.

We know they do not have the same Holy Ghost of Jesus. Wherefore we shall know who has the real Holy Ghost. We will also look for the fruits of this Holy Ghost Spirit.

Know Ye The Holy Ghost
Bishop Reckart
Doing what Bishops are supposed to do....

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