Monday, April 8, 2013

The Blessing Of Truth

The blessing of Truth is that it saves you through Jesus Christ our Lord.

When religion does not answer the thirsting of the soul, when you go home tired after the ritual shout-down, and when the Spirit nudges you to pick up the Bible and read: there is a purpose the Holy Ghost is working.

At these times just say: "speak my Lord and I'll be quick to answer thee."..

You see religion can become an addiction but people are still not saved. Many are still not free if they are saved. Religion is not Truth. Truth is not a religion. It is the testimony of God. It is the counsel of his mind. It contains no darkness and is always the Light. Truth is always right. It does not have to apologize. It does not deceive or pervert or lie or twist or have anything false within it. Truth is pure, it is holy, it is the highest standard of knowledge and wisdom. Truth represents all that God is.

If you choose Truth it will demand of you honesty. It will lead you from men

but bare you to the throne of God. Truth will set you free from every sin, from all your condemnation, and give you a pure heart. Truth washes and cleanses us in a way that takes away every dirty spec of uncleanness and falsehood.

Truth is a lie detector. If there is any lie in you put there by men, by religion, by yourself: Truth will prick your heart and tell you it is wrong. If you resist these pricks your mind will become seared and you will no longer want or love Truth. You will want to defend lies and religion. You will hate Truth because you refused to accept it. If you are being challenged by Truth, see that you receive it.

The last struggle of the Church age will be over the Truth. What side are you on? Will you sacrifice to stand with the Truth or give your soul to defend lies and deceptions?

If you have a heart for Truth, Truth will lead you from the UPC. It has led thousands out of that religion that has loads of Catholic traditions and teachings. Take a stand and leave the UPC and start a new Church, a Church of Truth. The Truth deserves a place of worship. Give Truth it's glory and show God you honor him as the source of this divine glory.

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