On May 12, 2010 I was invited by Minister Kelvin Bird to come and be the evening speaker.
Flyers were printed and passed out. And then the war began.
Several pre-trib pastors rose up and said they would not attend any of the meetings because a post-trib preacher was going to be the speaker. While the meeting had a prophecy theme, it was scheduled to be a missionary meeting with emphasis on evangelism and winning the lost. I did not diviate from that purpose and all my preaching was to encourage the saints and win souls. But because I am a well known post-trib preacher a protest worked its way among the people.
A Jezebellic network of women preachers began opposing the meeting. Some of these were the wives of pastors. Some of the pastors rose up to fight. One of them was a district presbyter. He did everything he could to disrupt this meeting or to make sure I did not preach. This man went so far as to go to the tent rental and convince them not to rent a tent for the event. He even began to sow discord between Pastor Leonard Bird and his son Kelvin, trying to create division between father and son and between mother and son. But Pastor Bird did not cave in and allowed the meeting to keep on schedule. I appreciate Pastor Bird not caving in to politics and organizational magic being orchestrated behind the scenes.
If hurricane Tomas comes to Jamaica it is the proof Pastor Reckart is not a man of God (the idea was the hurricane would stop my plane from landing there and this was proof God was against the meeting).
Now that was a prophecy to put God on the spot.
The prayer band kept praying against the hurricane coming to Jamaica. They knew the enemy was fighting. They knew God had ordained Pastor Reckart to preach six nights. They met and prayed together. They prayed without ceasing.
By wednesday November 2nd the hurricane had driffted south. Then on November 4th about 1am in the morning the hurricane stopped. A miracle happened. By 2pm it had turned a hard right. It met the prayer front. The weather people, taken by surprise said a cold front had turned it. Haha. No, Deacon Michael said the hurricane hit a prayer front. They did not care if God used cold to turn it. All they cared was it turned. It then took a course North East and by Friday it had passed over Haiti and back into the north ocean. The eye totally missed Jamaica passing over 100 miles to the east. All Jamaica got was some light wind and rain. A miracle. God turned the hurricane and it passed by a day and a half before my plane was to land. When I arrived God greeted me with nice blue skies and sunshine.
Now what of the prophecy that put God on the spot? That if hurricane Tomas comes to Jamaica it is proof Pastor Reckart is not a man of God?
Well now, what will happen?
I was taken to Port Royal to meet several of the holiness prayer front band. Some young men and women full of the Holy Ghost. They were preparing things for the tent meeting. There was excitement on every face.
The meeting began on November 7th at 7pm. And the tent was nearly full of people by the time the worship was completed. I was greatly impressed by the worship and by the spirit of many of those in attendance. The tent was just on the edge of town. In a good place where the whole town could hear the praises and the preaching. It was an awesome time of Holy Ghost power.
Each night was different. There was spiritual war in the air. Every night was a battle. I had never fought such spiritual warfare in years. It was a struggle to preach against the demonic powers of that place plus the demonic hate of pastors and the Jezebellic network that were against us. It was hot. It was a time of battle for the souls of men and women. I can tell you this, Port Royal NEVER had any meeting like those in its history. I was standing on the ground once claimed by the pirate Henry Morgan. A place once hailed as the most evil place on the earth. I was there for Jesus Christ. I did not go there to fight men. I came there to fight the devil. I came to get a break through for the Truth. I preached in the face of opposition from within and without. If this opposition had not happened there would have been an even greater move of God. No telling what God could have done if the fire could have spread to other Churches. We saw demons cast out. We saw backsliders touched. We saw God move on drunks. And we saw God move on sinners standing inside and outside of the tent. While God was trying to move, some stood around uncooperative, resisting, and opposing. But Jesus still showed up and showed out. I stayed off prophecy and preached the Word of God. The hallelu-yah people came and tried to disrupt the services. But the name of Jesus prevailed.
Sure enough, the pastors who rose up against us did not come. I think I remember only one or maybe two pastors who were brave enough to buck the political organizational systems of Babylon and come out. I am so very proud and thankful for the young men and women of God who came and stood with me in the war. For the young men and women who helped me make war against the devil and his demons at altar time. The power of God was so awesome at every altar call. It was a time of great manifestation of power and awakening. I have seen with my eyes what God is doing in Jamaica among those who believe in the post-trib. They are the most powerful people of God on the island.
When I returned home on November 13th, I was tired. But I was also very sad. I did not go there to fight men. I did not go there to even oppose those who disagreed with me on the time of the rapture. I went there for the good of the people of God and to reach Port Royal. But something else came about. When men fight God, God will turn from them and choose another direction, and another Church. And if there is no Church, he will raise one up. The resistance has made it necessary for God to raise up another Church in Jamaica. It is reported that one pastor got up and told all the people who believed in the post-tribulation rapture to get out of his church. He did not want them there. So, I am believing God for a post-trib Church to be the mother Church of over another 100 that will come forth to the Truth and stand for it.
I am now making my plans to return to Jamaica to explore the possibility to establish that Church. I feel very strongly that Jesus wants a real Apostolic Israel of God Church raised up there. The pastors have had a year to repent. To apologize to the saints they have offended and fought against. The Jezebel networks have had a year to repent and stop their long-tongued gossip. They all have had a year to recognize that I did not come there and do any Church, Pastor, or member harm. Those who attended those six nights know I preached the Truth. They know God was with me.
For whom else and for what other reason would God turn a hurricane? When the hurricane stopped and turned to the right, did any of them then say: Pastor Reckart must be a man of God? No, but God answered their prophecy. They cannot deny they made the prophecy and they cannot deny the hurricane turned right and missed Jamaica.
It is time for Jamaica to have a real post-trib Apostolic Jewish Church. It is time for the olive tree to be planted there. It is time for there to be a real Apostolic JESUS HOUSE in Jamaica.
We will now see what God will do to help this come about.
Jamaica will never be the same. Organized religion will lose its hold and magic over the minds of the people.
I speak a word of God to Jamaica:
"Come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord thy God. I will receive you and ye shall be my people and I will be your God."
I am indebted to several Jamaican men and women who despite the attacks upon them, came together to fight the fight of faith. I am so very proud of them that they did not become offended at those who made war against the tent meeting. And I am so very proud of those who came to worship, praise, and work at the altar in the power of the Holy Ghost. Behind this work of greatness and standing off to the side being a humble servant of God, was Minister Kelvin Bird. Some day I see this great man of God being a leader in Jamaica to whom much respect will be given. He was the first Jamaican Apostolic to bring the first post-trib Preacher to that nation. He made history even if a lot of men fought him and have became his enemy. He will increase and they will decrease. My thanks also to Minister Oscene Barrett, who also must be recognized as my first contact in Jamaica years ago and who was the instrumental Witness of Jesus to many men and women concerning the Israel of God and the post-tribulation coming and rapture. When the Apostolic history of Jamaica is written, these two men will be recognized for their great work in the Kingdom. Heaven has recorded it all for later reward. After my next trip to this island, I will give recognition to all those men and women of God who stood with me under the tent and made war against the devil's kingdom in Port Royal. You are indeed in my heart and I love all of you.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made
That was awesome Bishop!
ReplyDeleteAs you say Jesus is great!
Jesus bless you!