Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day of Pentecost June 12, 2011

The day of Pentecost

Second of three required pilgrimages to Jerusalem for all males.
Festival of waving the firstfruits (the first of the harvest).
Festival of receiving the New Covenant.
Festival of the true Gospel.
Festival of the plan of salvation for all nations.
Festival of the Holy Spirit baptism with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance.
The Birthday of Apostolic Messianic Judaism.

I have proven over the years how to correctly determine the day of Pentecost from the Scriptures. No man on earth has ever proven the Scriptural method I have used is wrong. Why? Because the Scriptural method I have used makes use of the seven weekly sabbaths as they are defined in the day of Pentecost calculations.

The day of Pentecost can NEVER fall on any day but the first day of the week which is our Sunday.

The day of Pentecost always follows the day after the last weekly sabbath. This is what is meant by: When the day of Pentecost was FULLY COME.

There are seven of these weekly sabbaths which total 49 days. And the 50th day is the day after the last sabbath.

Why did God figure the day of Pentecost as the day the Church would be born? Why did Jesus tell the Apostles to tarry in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high? What was the intention of receiving the promise of the Father which was the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Had any of the Apostles already received the infilling gift of the Holy Spirit?

The birthday of the Church is this coming Sunday.

The Church was born a Jewish Church. No Gentiles were in that upper room. I said so!
All of the 120 who were filled with the Holy Spirit were Israelites from all of the 12 tribes. We know this because the prophecy of Joel was to all Israel and if any tribe was missing in the upper room, the prophecy of Joel was not completely fulfilled. The "sons and daughters" of Joel includes the sons and daughters in all the tribes. What is important here, is that the Church was born Jewish. Let me push out here: The Church is not a Gentile bride. That lie needs to be stopped dead.

The Church was born in the capitol city of Israel, in Jerusalem.
The Church is Jewish because of where it was born.
On the day of Pentecost we celebrate the birthday of the Church.

Birthday song (you can make up your own music):

When The Power Came

On the day of Pentecost the power came;
Happy Birthday;
The Church received the Holy Ghost when the power came,
Happy Birthday
When the power came, when the power came;
On the day of Pentecost the power came;
Happy Birthday.

When the power came, when the power came;
On the day of Pentecost, Happy Birthday;
When the power came, when the power came;
On the day of Pentecost, Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday O Church of God
Happy Birthday O Bride of Christ
On the day of Pentecost, the Church was born
Happy Birthday

When the power came, when the power came;
On the day of Pentecost, Happy Birthday;
When the power came, when the power came;
On the day of Pentecost, Happy Birthday.

On the day of Pentecost Peter preached the first Gospel message and included the plan of salvation for all nations. Let each Pastor review Peter's preaching on this day as his message. Let him confirm to his congregation his commitment to the Acts 2:38 plan of salvation.

On the day of Pentecost schedule baptisms. On the day of Pentecost let it be Holy Ghost day. Let all preaching be about the Holy Ghost.

In all nations where Light has come, let all people celebrate the day of Pentecost in rejoicing. Have a special Happy Birthday party for the Church. Invite sinners, the backslidden, the homeless, and all whomsoever will, let them come. Let this be the day of rejoicing for the birthday of the Bride of Christ has come.

Pastor Reckart encourages all Churches and families to have a special Day of Pentecost dinner. If you are not a member of a Church family have your own Day of Pentecost dinner. Be thankful for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Get the family together. This day is more important to the Church than any other day of the year except Passover.

I send my greetings and blessings to all the people of good faith everywhere. May the day of Pentecost revive in all of us an appreciation for what God has done.

When the power came, when the power came;
On the day of Pentecost, Happy Birthday;
When the power came, when the power came;
On the day of Pentecost, Happy Birthday.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made

PS. would some of you record your singing of the song and email it to me. I will share it with others of our true Apostolic faith. Sing it in your native tongue and language.  Jesus bless us all.


Lev 23:15-21 (keywords "new" [verse 16]; "fire" [verse 18]; "forever" [verse 21]; something new was to be expected on Pentecost; "fire" was part of the offering up of sacrifices; it is a feast forever in all their houses even if they moved; Pentecost was a day of things new.
Num 28:26, (keywords "firstfruits").
Deu  26:10-11, (keywords "worship" [verse 10]; "rejoice" [verse 11].

The day of Pentecost had a lot going on in Jerusalem.  Pentecost began a lot of new things: 3,000 were baptized in Jesus Christ's name and added to the Church; the Gospel was then spread to all Israel; Light was sent forth by the Holy Spirit; The Messianic olive tree burst forth in new growth. Gentiles had their day of Pentecost experience in Acts 10. From Pentecost went forth the power. We must remember that the Church began with power, let us keep this power in our Churches. Let all Ministers be in the same unity as the 12 Apostles were on the day of Pentecost. Let them stand up together to support Truth. The first Church had no need of ecumenicalism (unity without doctrinal agreement). Let the true Men of God return to the day of Pentecost ethics and honor. Let us avoid all who walk not according to the rule of the first day of Pentecost.

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