Friday, February 28, 2014

UPCI The Name Of Jesus Is Not Jesus

1 comment:

  1. In his 2013 General Conference message on the name of Jesus, Pastor Bernard said at time point 17.4 that the Old Testament name of God in Exodus 3:14 was Jehovah or Yahweh. He mentions Jehovah also at time point 20.00-21.00. At time point 26.25 he said the name of Jesus means Jehovah Savior. At time point 27.00-27.08 he said Jehovah of the Old Testament was Jesus of the new.

    We can glean from his comments that he believes the name of God was Jehovah or Yahweh and that Jesus was not the eternal name of the Father or God. Yet, in nearly all UPCI churches they teach Jesus came in the name of the Father and NEVER say the name of the Father was Jehovah or Yahweh. This would mean the name of Jesus would not be Jesus, but Jehovah or Yahweh.

    It is clear from his preaching that the does not believe the name of Jesus existed as the name of God in heaven before the incarnation. And he does not believe the name of Jesus is a divine name at all.

    In fact, he believes the name of Jesus is earthly. He says the name Jesus is just an English name. He also says, the name of Jesus is derived from the earthly name of Joshua. Now we know Joshua is not the name of God. Regardless of what the scholars say Joshua means (Strong's #3091), this name is not the name of God. If anyone thinks the name of God was Joshua, they are badly mistaken. This would mean the name of Jesus would not be Jesus but Joshua. And it would also mean the name of God the Father was Joshua if Jesus came in his Father's name.

    I am holding Pastor Bernard accountable for preaching falsehood and deceiving people. He preaches the UPCI is an organization of the name of Jesus, but then out of the other side of his mouth teaches Jesus is not the true name of Jesus.

    If the name of Jesus came from Joshua, and if Joshua is the true Hebrew name of Jesus, then someone in the UPCI needs to quickly put out a message to start baptizing in the name of Joshua Christ.
