Monday, September 26, 2011


The church was beautiful and well built. The church family worked hard on it. They spent a lot of hours, weeks, months, and years to lay the foundation and slowly build it room by room all the way to the roof. They worked on the inside until it was all completed. The day the church family moved in was a celebration. Everything they had worked for, had hoped for was here in this building. Their achievement was a crown to the talents, skills, and creativity they all put into it. Friends admired the final product. There was joy and music that brought dancing. All was well, very well. Several years went past. Summer months passed into winter months. The cold months slipped into spring. Many times the south warm air pushed the cold air back north. As the days got longer they got warmer. The grey skies changed to beautiful crisp blue skies. And the spring flowers bloomed. Everyone in the church family was so proud of their church home.

Soft warm revival air blew and the church family opened the door to the church and there was no guard. Soon it was filled with people. First one preacher and then another came blowing through. A spiritual storm caused by the blowing doctrines of these men swept through the house. A violent storm erupted on the outside and on the inside. Some of the outer doctrinal protection of the church was blown away. The winds blew and the pastor did nothing as doctrine after doctrine was destroyed. The doctrinal pillars were one by one removed. The winds blew more and more and more of the doctrine of the house was torn away. Some people who saw the danger quickly escaped. The pastor and those remaining tried to save the house but it was to late, the winds of false doctrine had already done their damage. Then came the flood. The swirling waters of all manner of sin filled the church. From the pastor to the deacons sin was accepted. The waters of sin brough much damage. The remaining members were now trapped. The pastor had deceived them and told them things would get better. There was now no escape. There was no one to help. All the false prophets and false teachers had long gone. At last the waters of sin attacked the house foundation that was built upon the sand. Those angry flood waters of sin which no man can control tested the house at its very foundation. At last, with remaining fearful souls still in it with the pastor promising them victory, it crashed and was swept away. And great was the fall of it.

Across from this valley of sand upon higher ground was a pastor building a Church on the rock. It was also beautiful. The members worked hard on it. At last it was completed and it was dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ with vows that it would be a place of Truth, Salvation, and Hope. The Apostle's Doctrine was established. All doctrine would be tested against the original faith of the early Church. All who ministered here would be preachers of Truth who passed rigid qualifications. No winds of doctrines would be allowed. False prophets and false teachers would not be allowed and if a man erred and refused correction he would be cast out. There would be high standards of holiness. This would be a sanctuary for souls. Days, weeks, months, and years passed. From time to time there were accusations hurled at this Church from those over at the church built on the sand. False prophets and false teachers with their winds of doctrine spewed out their rage and hate against the Church on the Rock. But the winds never affected it. And when the flood of the waters of sin came and the house on the sand was violently swept away, the Church on the rock stood firm.

Bishop Reckart
Rock Church of Tampa

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