I cannot allow his poisonous and virulent ungodly attack against a New Testament Church go unchallenged. This "Evangelical" preacher has no right to speak lies against the Corinthian Church. His vicious and rabid diatribe demonstrates just how evil men become to attack speaking in tongues as the Holy Spirit gives the utterance. John Macarthur has damned his soul with this blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
Of course being a quasi-Baptist he knew whatever his slander and bigotry, he had millions of Evangelicals and other haters of Pentecostals who would accept his lies without question. Macarthur accuses the Corinthian Church of being satanic. He mocks the congregation with great flowery speech. He gives a report on pagan worship and says the Corinthian church had brought it all in, including not only speaking in tongues but erotica and pagan sexual perversion. As I listened to his eloquent arrogant stupidity, I wondered how many fools would accept his blasphemy? How many people are there out there who will believe this prophet of blasphemy.
Here are some of the blatant lies Macarthur puked before his congregation (I will paraphrase):
- The Corinthian Church had counterfeited speaking in tongues.
- The only comparison to the Corinthian speaking in tongues is confusion of tongues at Babel.
- Speaking about tongues in the Corinth Church, Macarthur said it was so satanic Paul had to write an entire chapter to deal with it.
- The Corinthian Church had substituted the reality with the satanic counterfeit.
- They had counterfeited the real gift and substituted a pagan ecstatic kind of speech. The true gift had been confused with ecstatic tongues which was the counterfeit.
And people ate this puke like one dog lapping up the vomit of another dog.
Let me say right here Macarthur lied. But then when it comes to the issue of speaking in tongues few Evangelicals or Baptist can bite their lying tongues and tell the truth.
A Baptist pastor in Plant City, Florida made a similar rant against speaking in tongues. About a month later he was arrested near a lake in Lakeland, Florida in the woods naked performing homosexual acts.
Another Baptist pastor in Clearwater, Florida made some blasphemous remarks against speaking in tongues. A few days later he was arrested in Tampa, Florida trying to get oral sex from an undercover female cop posing as prostitute.
Another Baptist pastor in Tampa attacked speaking in tongues. Some months later he also was caught in a homosexual relationship.
These are only a few cases where men like Macarthur spew out rants against speaking in tongues and they were apostates, perverts, pedophiles, and drug users.
Many years ago a Baptist minister in Millville, New Jersey with whom I worked, attacked me about speaking in tongues. I walked into his office one day and caught him with a playboy magazine playing with himself. If this was not bad, his own Pastor was later caught with pornography in his church office.
Another Baptist preacher who a few weeks after ranting and blaspheming against speaking in tongues drugged and the suffocated his wife.
Several Baptist preachers who ranted against speaking in tongues are now in prison for sexual child abuse. And many more have been arrested for downloading videos of sex with children and naked pictures of little children. Just go to Google and type in Baptist Preachers sex. Check out this web site: Baptist Preachers. Every one of these Baptist preachers, exactly like John Macarthur, railed and ranted against speaking in tongues and called it of the devil. It has been my experience that every preacher who preaches against speaking in tongues has a sexual problem.
Another Baptist preacher began to make blasphemous statements against speaking in tongues. Later on his wife killed him saying he had been abusing her and making her dress up like a whore to please his imagination.
John Macarthur would do well to keep his mouth shut about speaking in tongues. His lies will bring him down. He needs to spend his time cleaning up the filth and falsehoods among the Evangelical and Baptist religions.
The true story of John Macarthur is not finished yet. There could be something in his life he is covering up. He thinks he is exposing speaking in tongues as satanic but he is really attacking Pentecostals as a whole. Why does he not spend his time preaching about Evangelicals (Baptist) who smoke their cigarettes at the church door. Or who spend lots of money playing the lotto and going to Las Vegas. Or those Evangelicals (Baptist) preachers who have to guzzle a beer in their office before they come out to preach. Or those Evangelical (Baptist) preachers who smoke a joint or hit the crack pipe before preaching. Or about those Evangelical (Baptist) preachers who are homosexual and pedophiles. Or about his church members who are fornicators and adulterers? He might try to clean up his own church before he ventures to clean up ones that allow speaking in tongues.
For the record:
Paul NEVER ONCE rebuked or corrected the Corinthian Church for speaking in satanic tongues. His correction was not about a satanic counterfeit, but rather the wrong use of speaking in tongues in the Church. Macarthur knows this but chose to speak lies and perversion.
I believe he has blasphemed against the Holy Ghost by calling it satanic. He knows the Corinthian Church was not into satanic practices but he vilified and accused them anyway.
He knew what he was doing when he preached his lies. He purposely set forth to mock and ridicule the Corinthian Church and use his perverted attack so all who watched his video would accept his lies that speaking in tongues was satanic. Not one time did he present any Evangelical (Baptist) use of what he calls the true gift of speaking in tongues. And not one time did he offer anyone to come to his church and see the true gift in operation among he and his members. He could not because he has never been filled with the true gift of the Holy Ghost as it was received by the 120 in the upper room.
Let me also set something straight for the record: NOT ONE TIME IS THE WORD GLOSSOLALIA USED IN PAUL'S WRITINGS.
In every case he uses the Greek word "glossa" Strong's #1100.
Glossolalia would mean "tongue(s) speak" if translated exactly (glosso=tongue(s) and lalia from laleo=speak. No where in all of Paul's writing does he use the word "glossolalia." This is made up by men in an attempt to slander the Corinthian Church and its members. It is then used to slander and attack all other Churches and people who have received the true gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.
Here are the texts where the words "tongue and tongues" are used by Paul:
1Cor 12:10, 28, 30
1Cor 13:1,8
1Cor 14:2,4,6,9,13,14,18,19,21,22,23,26,39
In all 18 text Paul never used the word "glossolalia."
Not one time did he rebuke the Corinthians for adopting or practicing satanism or pagan practices. Pastor Macarthur should be ashamed of himself for making up this lie to blaspheme against the Holy Ghost. Evangelicals and Baptist around the world may applaud his brave blasphemy and use it to also reject the gift of the Holy Ghost: but it will damn them. This is what is meant by the words of Jesus: "if the blind lead the blind they will all fall into the ditch."
Should we expect something special from Macarthur who said in 1986:
"Not His Bleeding But His Dying" "It was His death that was efficacious. . not His blood. . . Christ did not bleed to death. The shedding of blood had nothing to do with bleeding. . . it simply means death. . . Nothing in His human blood saves...It is not His blood that I love. . . it is Him. It is not His bleeding that saved me, but His dying."
Macarthur is a well known nut case among many Evangelicals.
Speaking in tongues as a gift of the Holy Spirit is the work of the Holy Spirit. Any man or woman who speaks against this (blasphemy), will damn their soul.
I will be the first to admit that a lot of the so-called speaking in tongues today among the Charismatics is not the true Holy Spirit. I will admit there are some people and groups who speak in tongues and they are fake and false. But in saying this, I would NEVER then go to the Bible and call the Corinthian Church a satanic congregation because it spake in tongues or because they used them in an incorrect manner. I would never say all speaking in tongues was satanic. And I would never say all speaking in tongues is gibberish and of the devil.
As with Paul, I know the proper use of the gift of the Holy Spirit. I know perfectly how speaking in tongues and the use of the unknown tongue are to be used in the Church and among the congregation.
Let me say to everyone, speaking in tongues was the work of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. And among true seekers after God, speaking in tongues remains a precious gift. While we are attacked by men such as John Macarthur, we who have received this great promise of the Father, know it is real, it is true, and it is wonderful. We will not then allow any blasphemer to abuse us, ridicule us, and reproach the gift of God and not speak up.
John MacAuthur does not stop with this false diatribe: he has gone on record saying a person can take the mark of the beast and be saved. This multi-millionare false prophet, predicting people can be saved if they take the mark of the beast, is mentally unstable. Everyone in his church should flee. They need to quit voting with they rear-ends and staying there believing his lies. They need to vote with their feet, scream, and leave.
John Macarthur, REPENT. REPENT because I said so.
Bishop Reckart
A Holy Spirit filled man and proud of it.
Thank you for your post! I've only recently started listening to John Mac and just listened to this sermon. He has been talking about another pastor, saying that this other pastor blasphemes Jesus and my spirit has been torn because the other pastor preaches the word of God and isn't anything like John Mac says, which left me confused and torn. After listening to this sermon, I just cannot go on listening to John Mac anymore. I knew in my spirit once he started talking about this other preacher that something wasn't right and after this particular sermon it just doesn't agree with me that if someone can so twist the Bible like that, he is not anyone we should be listening to about God or the Bible. Thanks for your post and I look forward to reading the rest of your blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I just listened to JM's You tube on Tongues. I noticed that he left out much of the text.
ReplyDeleteHe missed that Paul was speaking of two different kinds of tongues and that a Tongue given in church and then interpreted was the same as Prophecy.
Thanks again for having a place I could respond to the disgust I felt after listening.
I totally agree! J MacArthur has knowing or unknowingly deceived and confused many beleivers on the subject of gift of tongues and salvation....these are the two topics I am well aware of. Why? Only the LORD knows...No believer filled in the HOLY SPIRIT, with discernment will ever agree with his teaching on these subjects!
ReplyDeleteGOD bless!
S McGowan
You wrote an excellent article and I applaud you for your bold stand. It's about time that someone stood up and called a spade a spade. I am a Pastor of a Spirit-filled church and I called MacArthur out by name and mentioned about His blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I pity the people who are sitting under his ministry. Thank you for calling him out. Bless you in Jesus' name!