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Dr. Clinton Willis |
Dear Pastor Reckart, you can use the following if you wish on your web site.
Origin and History of the Books of the Bible (By Professor C. E. Stowe, written in 1868, pages 78-79.
“In Colossians 2:2, our common text reads, “to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ,” but the old Greek manuscripts read, “to the acknowledgment of the mystery of the God Christ.” And so there are other diversities between the old text and the present one."
The Older Greek states "...God Christ..." in Col. 2:2! Not to a Father (God) and of Christ.."
What a bomb shell!
So in Col. 2:2 Jesus is called God! Also in Rev. 1:8, 1 Tim. 3:16, John 1:14 and Rom 9:5!
Pastor, when we study Textual Criticism, it helps our Doctrinal stand it does not hurt it!
I love you Pastor,
Dr. Clinton Willis
Pastor, I re-read your great contribution above. But my emails tell me even if there is a falsehood between the old texts and the KJV: I am told since God guided the hands of the KJV translators in every jot and tittle, that the trinitarian clause added was by God's inspiration and therefore, NOW THE INERRANT TEXT! All trinitarian interpolations become by God's inspiration the INERRANT TEXT. Therefore, the trinity is God's inspiration by the creation of an INERRANT new text that is not identical to the older MSS?
I would like to know where the perfect Bible is? If anyone knows, please email me with its location. Or if you know the name of it, please email it to me (special note: I have asked this now for 30 years and no one has spoken up). If you cannot produce it then quit defending this false doctrine and admit you have a not-perfect Bible that you use. It is time you get out of the box.
Who started the doctrine of the inerrant perfect Bible in the first place (Catholics and its Vulgate: hummm)? Dosen't Rome still say the Vulgate is inerrant and the King James is not? Hasn't Rome been the source of this false inerrant doctrine just like she is the mother of many more false doctrines? So now the KJV only boys yell back at Rome that the KJV is the inerrant Bible and the Vulgate is not.
Was there a New Testament in the upper room?
Was there a Old Testament in the upper room?
Was there a Bible in the upper room?
Did the first Church service even have a Bible present?
On the day of Pentecost was there a Bible in the possession of any of the Apostles?
How many Christians before 70AD saw a New Testament Bible?
How could they possibly be Christians and have no inerrant perfect New Testament Bible?
Did these Christians believe in an inerrant New Testament Bible?
Was the Church founded upon the existence of an inerrant New Testament Bible?
What will it take for Christians to realize that our faith is in Jesus and this faith in Jesus is inerrant and greater than faith in any Bible? Greater than the Old Testament. Greater than the New Testament. Greater than the Quran. Greater than the Talmud. Greater than any so-called holy book of the world. The salvation of the first Christians WAS NOT based upon their faith in an existing inerrant New Testament Bible? Their faith was based upon the Holy Ghost preaching of the inerrant Gospel that for many years was not in written form? I said so!
Faith in Jesus and the plan of salvation will aways remain in the true preaching of the Gospel even when there are no Bibles. Few men can preach the plan of salvation without a Bible because the inerrant Gospel IS NOT IN THEIR HEART.
The time will come, as it has already in many nations where there are no Bibles, that our faith cannot be in whether we possess a Bible, but in the Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation he brought to us by his death, burial, and resurrection. It is coming. Antichrist will make sure there are no Bibles, exactly like it now is in over 52 countries. Some only have a page or two of a Bible. Antichrist are banking on destroying faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by discrediting the Bible or completely destroying and or making possession of one illegal.
Let me make something abundantly clear: disagreeing with errors and interpolations is not an attack on the whole Bible and it is not an attempt to discredit the Bible. We only discredit the errors and the interpolations. The rest stands as the Word of God. Any changes man has made, any errors he has put in, or any interpolations ARE NOT AND NEVER WERE THE TRUE WORD OF GOD. Discrediting them is discrediting falsehood put into the Bible that has no right to be there. Once the corrections have been made, we would have the most perfect Bible possible.
There are people of God in many places in the world where they have no Bible. All they have is the preaching and witness of the Gospel. It is the power of the Holy Ghost that quickens hearts as this Gospel is preached. This is how it started out and this is how it will end during the coming great tribulation. The whole issue of an inerrant Bible has no value to those right now under great persecution. Their faith is in Jesus which is a greater faith than that of faith in an inerrant Bible.
One ignorant chap said this: "I cannot have faith in Jesus Christ if I cannot have faith in an inerrant Bible."
This idiot could have never believed in Jesus then until the whole New Testament was in written form around 100AD. He would have died and gone to hell if he lived in the time of the Apostles. This kind of stupidity is what is preaching in many of our pulpits.
He assumed if there were any errors at all this also means the whole Bible is forced to be false. He carried this to the story of Jesus, Calvary, the Resurrection, the Gospel, the Church, heaven and hell, would now all be false. But this was all in his ignorant mind. Errors can be discovered by comparison with the ancient texts and the modern ones. If there were ancient text for instance that did not have Jesus in them, no Calvary, no Resurrection, no Gospel, no Church, no heaven and hell, we would have a reason to think like this idiot, but this is not the case. He wants to force the acceptance of an inerrant Bible or recant Christ. Well, would he suggest this stupidity to those in China, in the Philippines, those in Spanish countries, those in other nations were their Bibles contain hundreds and thousands of differences with the King James Version? I cannot press this idiotic mind-set enough to say it is the thoughts of a fool. I would never tell anyone in these countries if their Bible is not perfect they should recant Christ and go to hell. This is why novices have no right to the pulpit and be before the people of God. They need to sit down and shut up.
While we have our Bibles, let us read, study, and rightly divide. Let us acknowledge the Truth and if there are any errors or mistakes, intentional or unintentional, let us not be so foolish as to say: IF THERE IS NO PERFECT BIBLE I WILL NOT BELIEVE IN JESUS.
Some day the Muslims are going to come and make a big deal about errors in the Bible. It is already being done on almost every college and university campus in America. YouTube is full of Islamic attacks on the Bible, Jesus as God, and the New Testament. While many of their attacks are perversions of truth and fact, they are zeroing in on some errors that should have long ago fixed. Since they remain, this will cause a lot of people to lose faith in the Bible and reject Jesus. They were led to believe their faith in Jesus was based upon there being a perfect Bible.
Most people do not even understand the Bible and these tricks are designed to convert them to Islam through manipulation of their ignorance. These tricks are already being used around the world. They question: "how can you have faith in Jesus when your Bible has errors in it? How come Jesus did not make sure no errors got into the New Testament? If Jesus is God, how come your God was unable to keep a perfect Bible? The only perfect Bible is the Qur'an and in it we have the true story of Jesus. They will say your New Testament has many errors so it cannot be the true Word of God."
WRONG: Everthing but the errors is the TRUE WORD OF GOD. I said so.
Example of Islamic attacks on the Bible
These are very slick tricks and they are working. Many young men are converting and their wives are putting on the hijab (of course you double veil people love this part of Islam already).
They now go to mosque instead of a church. All of them I have talked to, have told me the thing that really convinced them no longer to believe in the New Testament Jesus were the errors shown to them in the Bible. They were led to believe in the inerrant Bible and the Gospel of Christ was totally depended on an inerrant Bible. When they were shown Catholic and Protestant confessions of errors in the Bible they no longer believed in the Jesus of the Gospels. They chose to believe in the Jesus of the Qur'an. A Jesus who is not God. A Jesus who was only a man. A Jesus who did not die on Calvary. And a Jesus who was not resurrected. Many Christians are falling for this deception, even APOSTOLICS.
You now know my reasons for harping on this subject. You may count me a devil. You may accuse me of pride and blasphemy. You may throw me under the bus and laugh, dance, and shout you have finished me off. But my purpose and my goal is not only noble and of great honor, I desire to keep souls from being deceived and throwing Jesus away because they have been told the whole Gospel of Jesus is depended upon the New Testament being a perfect inerrant book.
Yes, I am a greater man of God than all you yappers. Those men who stand with me are also greater men of God. And the Sisters who stand with us Men of God are greater than any other women in the world. These are the people of the GREATEST faith in modern times. Their faith is in JESUS above all the Bibles of the world and this includes the Qur'an. We are the true household of faith. And our numbers will increase among the nations. We will be the people of God, the true God, whose name is above all names: JESUS!
I will be used greatly by the Lord Jesus Christ because of my honorable approach to this important endtime issue. I will cause many to escape the lies of antichrist missionaries. I am not asking any of the porch puppies or dumb dogs to join me. I know you already, you will betray me for the joy of your own pride. I have received your threats and damnations. Now that I have acknowledged them you can shout and dance.
Brothers and Sisters the hate against the Truth and the Brethren is already all around us. They lie in wait. They appear as one of us but they are not of us. They do not believe Jesus was God and man (dual nature). They go about already deceiving and being deceived. We must avoid them even if they call themselves Apostolic. We must continue on in the preaching of the NAME above all names. We must continue to reject YHWH, Yah, Jah, Yahweh, Jehovah, and Yahshua and their other guess names. We MUST never again use "HALLELU-YAH" from our lips.
We must preach JESUS like no other men on the earth. We cannot fail in this ordination upon our Ministers, Pastors, Deacons, and Bishops. We must close out the Church age with the same faith and the same mind as the Apostles had. We cannot fail in this. We must not fail. We must have rational minds and spirits of boldness in these contentious and perilous times.
I cannot stress strong enough:
The Gospel and faith of Christ is not depended upon a perfect inerrant Bible or a perfect translation. If any of you believe it is, then you are fools. Just go among the nations and they will tell you of the errors in their Bibles.
I am provoking some of you to hate and wrath and I know it. But I am also provoking other honest men and women to a higher and greater faith in the name of JESUS. It is this you who are failures really detest, isn't it? You cannot stop what Bishop Reckart is doing. You don't know how. You don't know where to attack him next on some message board. But I am sure you will try. For we who are JESUS NAME worshippers, we will lift that name up higher than any other people in the world. And you cannot stop us. :)
Bishop Reckart
A Man Who Elevates Jesus Above All Bibles
TRUTH is easy to understand;
LIES need confusion and distortion,
to keep people ignorant. (BR).
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