Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Houses That Flesh Built

Churches: houses that flesh has built (like Babel), or houses that faith built (like the early first Church).

One of the reasons I am hated by so many people concerns religion by flesh rather than religion by faith.  Some decry the use of the word "religion" like it is a dirty word. I personally have no issue or problem with use of it. If an Apostle had no problem using it, I have no problem:

"Pure religion and undefiled is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world" (James 1:27).

I take the fatherless here not to be orphans, but the children of the widow. We have an obligation to assist godly sisters with children at home where the father has died.

But pure religion is not just taking care of widows and their children. Even sinners do this and they cannot be concluded to have pure religion.  Pure religion is keeping unspotted from the world.  To me words mean everything. I have been a word-smith for many years. I pay attention to detail when words are used. And in this case, I do the same.

"Keep himself unspotted from the world."

This is where there is a difference between the house flesh builds and the house that faith builds. It begins in the soul of each person and then presents itself in the Church. The Church will be what its members are. The members will give the Church its identity. It is this religious face the world will see. We cannot hide what we are at home because it will show up at the Church sooner or later. And the Church cannot hide what it is because it will show the world what it is.  Herein we will see the manifestation of what flesh builds as contrasted to what faith builds.

I return to the last bold text to make a few points:

1.) To keep: before a person can keep their self in a holy and sanctified condition (which is what being unspotted means); they must first be changed with a personal work of salvation that presents us unspotted. No one can keep being unspotted until they have been made unspotted. I have been writing now for 38 years on issues related to salvation, holiness, sanctification, and being unspotted. In this I can boast in Christ Jesus because he it is who spoke to me to write and I have obeyed his voice (2Cor 11:16). My work is one with Christ. As a scribe of the Apostle's Doctrine I am one with Christ. I can write with revelation and with Spirit because I can see and I can put into words the Truth of our first unspotted condition. If others have somewhat to boast against what I have written to the Church of the living God, let them present their revelations that contain NOTHING I HAVE WRITTEN. I am set in defense against the house flesh has built in the past and is now building and calling it the temple of God or the Church.  I speak today about pure religion being the internal quality of the soul. Pure in the sense of unspotted. And pure in the total condition of sanctification.  If someone is pure they are sanctified. If they are not pure they are not sanctified. And pure religion is something sanctified because it is unspotted.  How then does a person "keep their self unspotted"? 

First they must become unspotted and then KEEP THEMSELVES THIS WAY.  This is religion, pure religion: the cleansing and being made pure and then living a life in which their first condition of purity becomes their life. I dare say, in this life there is no backsliding. There are no trends to return to the ways of the world if we are to keep ourselves unspotted from the world. Modern liberalism and backslid Pentecostalism is naked. It cannot hide its shame. In fact they do not care to hide it, they flaunt it. They dare us to say something against it. And if we do, we have sinned against their houses of flesh.  I am not that easily intimidated. I cannot be shut up by railers and blasphemers. They are to me like Shimei to David: liars, blasphemers, perverters, railers, making themselves important in denying God's ordained.  But again, I find myself in spite of all the Shimei kinds of men, contending for a house of faith and pure religion.

2.) Get it to keep it:  let me make myself clear, I am not writing this blog for the joy and edification of my enemies or the railers. I am writing the things of this blog for the men and women of God who want to be saved. They want clean and pure religion and not that spoken or sent by the houses of flesh. Brothers and Sisters of the same birth water: let me speak to you today. When you were baptized by a called, prepared, ordained, and sent Man of God, you were cleansed. When Jesus Name was invoked over you, the name on the Cross that represented the blood of our Messieh, our Christ, our Saviour: you were made pure (ministers properly ordained to bear that name are the only ones qualified to baptize). You were sanctified. And as you were under the water being buried, your sins being put into the sea of God's forgetfulness, and your life now hid in God: you were translated over into the house and religion of faith. You had a blood translation. You were made unspotted by the blood of Jesus. What a wonderful gift of grace. What a great blessing from our God. We were made children of the Light. And we entered into pure religion where all the holy saints who "keep themselves" unspotted from the world worship.  You have been given the revelation by means of the Apostle's Doctrine as explained in my writings that you are to now keep yourself in that sanctified and holy condition until Jesus comes.  You cannot go back to the wild olive tree and be grafted back in. You cannot return to your Gentile paganism and worldliness. No, you are a new creation and a new person in Christ. The Apostle Peter gave us testimony here (1Peter 1:22)--purify yourself by obeying the truth. And the words of this Apostle in Acts 2:38 are so relevant to our pure religion.  The Apostle Paul gives us also warning to keep ourselves pure from the sins of others (1Tim 5:22).  No one can keep until they get. I say unto one and I say unto all. If you have not been baptized by a qualified Man of God go back to the water. Make sure you have been cleansed and sanctified, made pure by the blood of Jesus.  Many have been baptized by unqualified men and women and they cannot keep from sin because they were never delivered from their sins. They had a baptism but it was a fake and false baptism. For this reason those who gravitate to the houses flesh has built, are worldly, they are backslid, they are not unspotted, and they are railers and blasphemes in their Laodicaea churches.  I say go back to the water. Go back and be purified by the blood of Jesus. And then come out of the water to live the pure life of the religion of God.

I write unto you beloved children of God who have known my labor and my love for the Truth and the Church. Do not, I repeat, do not follow the rantings and hate of those fornicators, adulterers, and backsliders who think they make themselves pious and holy by attacking me. These men and women are not in the pure religion. They are not a part of Light To The Nations. Consider them as tools of satan to bring confusion with their being accusers of the Brethren. Keep yourself unspotted from them. They will turn your mind and mouth into poison. You will become ranters like them. You will become a hypocrite just like them. They are not in the house of faith. Like Shimei, they think by their much boasting and pride against the Truth, that they shall become famous. Brothers and Sisters of the house of pure religion, if they speak not according to these words it is because there is no Truth in them. The words I write to you today is to encourage you to remain pure in the covenant of your holy baptism. If you are in a house that flesh has built, GET OUT!

I am very much pleased with many Pastors in fellowship with me, also the many thousands of Church members around the world. You know my heart. You know my mission. It is well demonstrated in over 38 years of writing, teaching, and preaching.  I began this work of the Lord when he spoke to me to write the revelation of the Israel of God many years ago. While many wish I was dead, want me dead, have and are are trying to destroy, but Bishop Reckart reports proudly the TRUTH will live on. Other great men of God are standing up with Truth sent to them. It is being declared among the nations. It is reaching the nations with rapidity as the true Gospel of the Kingdom continues to go out world-wide daily. And the Men of God who have kept themselves unspotted will continue this work of Light To The Nations until Jesus comes (Thank You Jesus). The olive tree is alive and growing. Pastor Reckart is grafting more into it. (Thank You Jesus).

The house that pure religion has built, is the Church on the Rock. Until a person comes into that Church according to Apostolic doctrine, they are not pure and they cannot keep themselves unspotted.

For us who are unspotted, we will keep ourselves pure, we are the one and only PURE RELIGION and we will keep ourselves unspotted the way we came up after our holy baptism. After this we will hold a pure conscience. We will maintain all things in purity. Ministers and our beloved Sisters, keep yourselves in the love of God and in the Truth.
We are not of the house that flesh built. We will not follow the novices and pernicious men who turn back into perdition of ungodly men.  We will overcome. We will endure unto the end. We are those of the pure religion. Our faith is not in vain. We will close out the endtimes in victory and glory as we keep ourselves unspotted from the world.

Go Church..
Go Ministers and saints of the most High...

Bishop Reckart
A Man Of The Pure Religion

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