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Latter Rain Prophets & Their Shams To Deceive |
The latter rain group did not believe in religious organizations because it was those in organizations who opposed them. In fact it was these false doctrines that caused the need for men to unite in an organizational structure for a covering and protection of their churches. The organizations had such large numbers of ministers that within one month from publications sent out, the latter rain movement was dealt a decisive blow of defeat. This happened in the February 1950 edition of the Pentecostal Herald. While this article mentioned a few important matters it did not deal with all of the issues at hand.
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Latter Rain People And No Standard Of Holiness |
The latter rain movement opposed a formula for water baptism. They chose no baptism over baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. How could a Spirit filled people fall away into such apostasy? How could men who loved God also join them? Whole churches went into this latter rain order and eventually poisoned the Oneness doctrine at its very core. Organizations could not resist adopting many latter rain false doctrines. The latter rain group rejected long sleeves for men and women. Men and women could wear short sleeves and the women even sleeveless blouses and tops. They saw no need to keep the neck lines high and in many cases the cleavage of a woman or girl was clearly visible. Makeup and jewelry at first was limited but between the 1930s and the 1950s it was common for women to use makeup power on their faces, pluck their eyebrows, trim their hair and bangs, wear pants, and put on earrings. Of course along this latter rain path they put on wrist watches and other bracelets. At first they allowed wedding bands and then all manner of finger rings. Members in the stronger holiness churches saw all this loose living and the speaking in tongues, and began to rationalize that if God allowed all this and they still had the Holy Ghost, then it must all be ok. So they took on this unholy character and began to parade it into the churches. It was at this time, the doctrine of personal convictions was born among the latter rain to help free people from strong holiness standards and the flood-gate of worldliness was now opened. Who would be able to stand. Who would stand? No Oneness organization has been able to withstand this onslaught. And none have retained their first holiness. Like Ephesus they need to repent and turn back to their first love. But I am an outsider in this matter and as one UPC person said: "you are not one of us, so keep your mouth shut." How arrogant? How disrespectful to a man of God? But this is the fruit of the wild vine of Sodom speaking.
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Latter Rain Children Deceived |
One of the greatest errors of the latter rain movement was that of laying on of hands. A man who was an evangelist could lay hands on a man and ordain him to be an apostle. An evangelist could lay hands on people and give them the gifts of the Spirit. These renegade preachers could speak in tongues at the drop of a hat, turn and tell a dirty joke, and then a couple hours later ordain a kid to be a prophet. The laying on of hands by these so called evangelist, apostles, and prophets (even prophetesses): is all false. From this the charismatic movement was born. It is nearly impossible to root and ground men and women who are snared into this apostasy and great falling away. They are contentious, rebellious, and reject submission to a pastor. They call themselves, ordain themselves, send themselves, and make up their own ministry. They are all of them out of order.
The true Oneness Ministers do not practice the promiscuous laying on of hands. We let God divide to whom he will the gifts. And we will consider the life of the gift user when they are so used. If their life does not line up we do not receive them and we do not allow them to engage their out of order fake gifts among the congregation. We will guard our platforms from wolves in sheep clothes. We will not allow greasy grace preachers who speak falsehoods and use their fake gifts to deceive the people. We will not allow such renegade preachers and preacheretts to deceive our people with their latter rain practices.
It is now time for us to recognize that not all speaking in tongues is the real Holy Ghost. And it is also now time to take a stand on our Apostolic doctrine. We cannot allow the children of the latter rain movement to turn us into Laodicaea which is exactly what is happening. We must stand for holiness no matter what the latter rain order says about us.
One of the things I have noticed over the years is that latter rain people cannot be pastored. They rebel against Pastoral authority. They claim they have their own ministry and go about to fulfill a fake vision that never materializes. They usually fall away into gross sin and evil and never fit into any Church and become a blessing to God or a move of God. They usually will go astray into the yahweh cults or some other fringe cult that while they speak in tongues, they are full of the devil. By their fruits ye shall know them. Today they teach against women with long hair calling it a magic hair doctrine. They teach all manner of personal convictions where there is nothing Apostolic remaining except the name. Yes, like Sardis, they have a name but they are dead. It is time for the true people of God to say enough is enough and come out from among them. It is time to quit giving tithes to these preachers and churches. It is time to vote with your feet. It is time to stand up and help establish prayer groups, home churches, and even new Churches. The latter rain deceptions will not take captive everyone.
On a final note I must speak about these monk days that so many continue to follow and practice which shows they are not far from mama Rome. I speak about monk day #1 St. Nicholas Christmas. This was started by a monk. He went forth and gave gifts only to Catholic children. There is no proof he gave gifts to non-catholics. I am sure they will rewrite his history now. Then there is monk day #2 St. Valentines Day. Then monk day #3 and St. Patrick's Day. And then monk day #4 and Easter day. It was at Nicaea that 318 monks adopted Easter as the replacement of the Jewish Passover observance that Jesus gave as the Communion. The latter rain movement in all their speaking in tongues, all their fake gifts and fake offices as apostles and prophets, continued in all the monk days of their mother church. They never did leave the trinitarian doctrine completely. So they were always monk influenced.
I am writing about this today because so many are following one, two, three, or many of the latter rain heretical doctrines. In this great apostasy they teach no one can live above sin. I will tell you here and now that is a false doctrine. You do not have to sin. You can live above sin. And we do not have to compromise with sin in the life of the pastor, his wife, his children, the church members, the organization, or from any other people. The reason many teach the latter rain doctrine that we must all sin, that we are never free from sin, that we cannot live above sin: is because they have not fully repented and surrendered to the life of Christ. There is a perfected life of Christ where sin does not reign over the mortal body. You must get up walk out and never go back and listen to a man who claims we all must sin. This man cannot perfect himself, how shall he perfect anyone else. Come out from among them.
As we enter the times of many false prophets doing all manner of signs and wonders using Jesus name, we will see massive gatherings of people who will believe these men are servants of God. They are not. Signs and wonders are prophesied for the endtimes to be done by false prophets who will deceive many. I warn one and all, if these are not the true endtime servants of God. Do not follow miracle workers, have your faith in Jesus alone if you never see or receive a miracle.
Bishop Reckart
A Man That God Loves
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