Monday, December 26, 2011

A Divine Truth

"Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all the people: for all the earth is mine" (Exo 19:5).

"But this thing command I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you" (Jer 7:23).

There is an exclusive choosing going on here. It is something so powerful no man can change it. Many have perverted this Divine Truth. But they only commit spiritual suicide.

It goes like this:

Until a person is born again of water and Spirit (John 3:3-5), they are not a child of God.

Those who are not born again are not a child of God.

Therefore, God is only God to those who are born again.

And only those who are born again according to Acts 2:38 are the people of God.

God chooses who he will be God to. God does not choose to be God to everyone in the world.

The world has their god and gods. And, the Kingdom of God has its God.

God is not the God of the kingdom of darkness. Therefore, all who are in the kingdom of darkness do not have God as their God.

This is set forth in the Old Testament in a clear fashion, so powerful that only a fool would mess with it.

God chose Abraham and his seed as his people and to whom exclusively, he would be their God.

No other people of the world. No other nation. No other religion. No matter if it was the Assyrians, the Babylons, the Medes, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians, and the host of other Gentile nations: God was not their God and they were not his people.

While many billions may believe in God, this is not sufficient for God to be their God. And while many unbelievers believe in God, this does not force God to be their God (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob).

God chooses whom he will be a God to. And he chooses that those to whom he is God, they are his people.

This Divine Truth cannot be overthrown. It can be perverted by novices and other fools, but it stands as an unshakable fact.

What did God say to Israel, to whom alone he was God.

"Obey my voice, and I will be your God."

When will preachers get it straight? When will they see that Repentance, Water Baptism, and being filled with the Holy Ghost is obeying Jesus-God?

Yes, when will they stop saying: "Peter said, Peter said, Peter said" and boldly confess that the words of Acts 2:38 may have been spoken by Peter but those words came from God. Those words came from God for the purpose of obedience of faith. When will Oneness preachers stop making Acts 2:38 a ritual and start preaching the Divine Truth here?

It was upon my very own faith that I repented. My very own faith I went into the water and was baptized in Jesus Christ name. And my own faith that I received the gift of the Holy Ghost. From faith to faith to faith, I obeyed God. I did not do all this as a ritual. It was not to me step one, step two, and step three. No, it was obey one, obey two, and obey three. I got it.

When I obeyed God and stopped playing church. When I obeyed God and laid aside my personal opinions. When I obeyed God and the Spirit fell and I began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance: I changed from having no God to having a God.

It was not preached to me clearly how and when I became part of the people of God. That revelation came years later. No, it was not a new revelation, to me it was new Truth that always existed, I just had not heard it preached in any Oneness Church I had attended.

Yesterday as I taught my lesson "Hearing And Obedience" it all came back to me in a flash. I remembered the day and the hour I became obedient. It was the day for the first time I actually showed respect to God and chose to obey him. I knew not that in all my disobedience I was showing disrespect to God. I can remember being at the altar and crying and crying. Seems like buckets of tears came down my cheeks as I humbled myself to a God who had never been my God. I wept my way before the throne of my God. I cannot tell you the washing of my soul that made me feel clean when I got up. All I know is, I had entered into the Spirit and there I soaked up the glory of God. I loved praying now whereas before it was a chore. At last I had a God and he was not far from me.

Today many think God is their God when he is not. Billions believe in idol gods and they cannot have our God for their God in all this idolatry. Sorry, but God will not give his glory to another, and he will not share his glory with any idol god. He will not allow any person to place him equal to other gods.

Then I got it:

"Hear, O Israel."

This is a command. "Hear" here is the Hebrew "shama" and means also to obey.

To tell the people of Israel to "HEAR," Moses was commanding them to listen. Listen to what?

"The Lord our God is one Lord."

Here it is in such great beauty.

"Our God."

I know the novices and reprobates will scurry to send me their hate emails. But save your fingers and time. I will not listen to anything you have to say.

My heart, my mind, my soul is fixed.

The day God became my God and the day I became one of his people: was the day God chose to be my God. And today, after 43 years, he is still my God.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Is A God To

1 comment:

  1. This is an amaizing truth. I can recall when i decided to surrender my life to the Lord almost 11 yrs ago that i did not know anything about baptism in Jesus name or Holy Ghost infilling. Even though i was baptised according to Acts 2:38 and later received the gift of the Holy Ghost as promised; It was not until a few years later that i had an understanding of this amizing truth. Your right Bishop; for far too long we have made Acts 2:38 Peter's words and not God's word.
