Daring To Challenge The Strong Delusion
It is time for the world to take a good look at the man who most trust with their souls and their salvation. They trust this Methodist liberal scholar more than they trust any preacher in the world. In fact, they will take the words, opinions, and theories of James Strong over the very words of Jesus and the Apostles.
In 1850, six years after graduating from Wesleyan University, James Strong began his career in attacking the Bible. He was only 28 and experimenting with his liberty. His very first written work that we have record of is entitled "Apparent Discrepancies In The Evangelists' Accounts of Christ's Appearance To Mary Magdalene After His Resurrection (Meth Quart. Rev. xxxii, 1850, pp. 337-338). Here, Mr. Strong admits he believes the King James Version had errors. He claims there are falsehoods in the four gospels. In his own mind, he is the one to say it and the one to tell us which apostle wrote the truth and which ones lied. This is the man, many will be brainwashed to trust with their souls as they accept blindly his Hebrew/Chaldee/Greek opinions. James Strong did not believe in the infallibility of the King James Version of the bible. He did not believe it was the inerrant Word of God as most KJV onlyist believe.
In a sampling of 500 church going people, it now appears that less than 1% of those who use the Strong's Lexicon can read and speak Hebrew/Chaldee and Greek. It also appears less than 5% of all Bible college and university teachers can read and speak Hebrew/Chaldee and Greek. Although Dr. Strong taught many about these languages, he did not teach any of them how to speak and read Hebrew/Chaldee and Greek. I have often been told: "if you cannot read and speak Greek and Hebrew keep your mouth shut." To which I always reply, "can you read and speak Greek and Hebrew?" And of course they say no. And I ask them why their mouth is not already shut? I remind them then that 95-99% of people need to keep their mouth shut about Greek and Hebrew and quit using Strongs and acting like they are well educated and schooled. Usually, such are perverts anyway trying to make up false doctrines by using Strongs. This is the great danger we are in today with everyone a Strong expert but cannot even quote five scriptures.
What is astonishing, is that in researching his life from the age of 22 until his last teaching position at Drew University, there is not a single reference that he was writing and putting together a Hebrew/Chaldee/Greek lexicon. I have researched all of his known written works and mention is no where to be found. Why was this a secret? Why did he publish his work just four years before his death? What is also strange, is that his lexicon is not tied to any of the universities he attended or was employed at. Nothing that he did assisted in the Apostolic renewal that began to take place immediately after his death.
We are now in a time period where the lies and perversions of Dr. James Strong will cause many to be lost. I recently checked the Hebrew dictionary of William Robertson (1650) edited and updated in 1814 by Nahum Joseph (164 years later). In the Robertson Hebrew dictionary there is no link whatsoever to a god named Allah. There is no perversion of any Hebrew root that would lead to a god named Allah. But Dr. Strong makes Allah come alive as an alternative name for God. Because of his lies, many are saying Elohim is the same as Alahym. Many Christians are being led into Islam using the lies of Dr. James Strong. It is time for the Truth to come out. Yes, I may be the only person in the world now writing and saying it, but Dr. James Strong is one of the greatest perverters of all time since the days of Jesus. It is time to bring out the truth on the man who is responsible for the existence of many sacred name cults and their attacks upon the name of Jesus Christ.
I am going to post information here that will shock you. Let me give you my up-front purpose in this special Bishop Reckart expose of STRONG DELUSION.
I want everyone to throw their Strong's in the garbage. No one used it before 1890. And no one needs it after 1890. I will start with the information below.
The James Strong Delusion
The 67th Book Of The Bible
1. Strong was a member of the Westcott and Hort Revised Version Committee (RV) of 1881 and worked in masterminding this corrupt version.
2. Strong was also a member of the American Standard Version Committee, finally published in 1901. It said that Jesus Christ was a creature, not the Creator.
3. On these committees Strong joined Unitarians (e.g. Thayer), a child molester (Vaughan), followers of Luciferian H.P. Blavatsky (e.g. Ginsburg, Schaff), and a horde of Bible critics (e.g. S.R. Driver), who together changed nearly 10,000 words of the text.
4. Strong’s Concordance definitions are often the very words of these corrupt versions and also the Koran.
5. Strong also gathered his definitions from Gesenius’ corrupt Hebrew Lexicon. His work also accesses the corrupt lexicons of Liddell-Scott, Thayer, Brown, Driver, and Briggs.
6. Strong’s Greek text is not always that which underlies the King James Bible.
7. Strong’s various definitions may not give anywhere near a literal translation of the Greek.
8. Some of the latest editions of Strong’s Concordance are not even Strong’s original. They are changing words and names. In the Greek and Hebrew lexicons in the back section, they contain even more corrupt definitions from new version editors. In the main body of the concordance new editions omit important Bible usages of the name “Jesus” in order to match corrupt new versions
(comments by other researchers into James Strong).
James Strong was born on August 14, 1822 in New York.
At the age of 17 he started to study medicine although we are not told where. He became ill and gave up his desire to be in the medical field.
In 1844 at the age of 22 he graduated from the Wesleyan University in Middleton, Connecticut. There is no mention of a degree. These were awarded at later dates in 1856 (Honorary D.D and S.T.D) and in 1881 (Honorary LL.D), all three from Wesleyan University.
This same year he went to Poltney, Vermont and taught for about a year and a half privately although we are not told any of the details.
He met Miss Marcia A. Dustin of Middlebury, Vermont and they were married on June 13, 1848. I will list his children at this time: James F (June 13, 1848); Mary D (December 8, 1851-died February 17, 1854); Stella M. (June 18, 1850); Emma F (July 30, 1858); Cyrus J. (March 3, 1862); and Harriet Judd (August 28, 1867).
He fell sick in 1846 and departed to a farm in Newtown, Long Island, New York. It is said he remained in Newtown for about eighteen months. At this time he dabbled in politics and was elected mayor of Newtown, Long Island, New York. We are not sure why he departed from office after just a short stint and moved to Flushing, New York where as a politician he held even more political offices.
He built and was president of the Flushing Railroad. No one explains where his wealth came from or who his bankers and backers were.
It is claimed he became a member of the Masonic Lodge along this journey and he returned to his religious studies. According to the history we have of him, he gave more of his time to study and offering "private instruction classes" in Greek and Hebrew. This allegedly led to his first literary work of writing manuals in Greek (29 pages), Hebrew (80 pages), and Chaldee (32 pages). Up to this time (1856) there is no record of where he got his training or understanding in Greek, Hebrew, and Chaldee. There is no record of college or university courses, classes or even the name of such where he attended to acquire this knowledge. The only source seems to be from his involvement with the Masonic lodge and its search in these languages for the lost word. For a more detailed look into the Masonic search for the name of God consult Morals And Dogmas by Albert Pike which was published in 1871 that delves into this through ancient languages.
In 1856 Wesleyan University granted him what appears two honorary degrees: Doctorate of Divinity (D.D) and Doctorate of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.). We are not sure what instigated this honor. It is our belief that when Dr. McClintock declined to be the first president of the newly formed Troy University that this chair was offered to Dr. Strong and it was deemed needful the new president have some degree to make him qualified in the eyes of the public to hold this position. Wesleyan was more than willing since this new Methodist University was sponsored by the Methodist Episcopal Church.
In 1858 he took the presidency chair at Troy. The new college died after three years. It went out of business in 1861 and later that year the mortgage foreclosed and the property sold to the Catholic church. To have an income for those three years he was self appointed as the professor of Biblical Literature (of course the board approved it).
After leaving the defunct Troy mess he took seven years off and from 1861 to 1868 we have no record of his whereabouts or much of his life. We do know he assisted in writing Methodist sunday school lessons with Orange Judd and Mrs Olin from 1862-1865. In 1863 he wrote an article for the Methodist Quarterly Report (MQR) on the Pentateuch. In 1864 he edited the work of others who wrote: "The Words Of The Lord Jesus." In 1865 he wrote again for the MQR about the affinity of the Hebrew and Greek languages. In 1867 he began editing and co-writing assisting John McClintock with his Cyclopedia of Biblical Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. We are told he gave a speech at the 1867 convention (the 33rd), Psi Upsilon Fraternity in Middleton, Connecticut. He was so well received he was invited back in 1868 where he gave a speech at that year's convention of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. This was held at the Hopkins Music Hall, in Cincinatti, Ohio.
That same year, in 1868 he applied for a teaching job at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. He was hired and given a professorship in Exegetical Theology. We are told he remained at Drew for the next 27 years. This is not true. My investigation of the dates indicates he began his professorship in 1868 and it ended in 1881. That is thirteen years. If he had been there 27 years he would have retired in 1908 and 14 years after his death. Did he continue a relationship with Drew after 1881? Yes, but we cannot find out what it was. Did he have a continued relationship with the president: John McClintock (1814-1870)? No, Dr. McClintock died in 1870. An official with Drew said Dr. Strong actually completed the last six volumes of his Cyclopedia of Biblical Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature which was published in 1881, eleven years after McClintock's death. So far as we know, Dr. Strong was the only one who took in all the financial profit. There is no record he shared any money from the sales to the family of McClintock.
In 1874 he took time off and traveled on his journey east as a traveling man to Egypt and Palestine. As far as we can determine the only connection he would have with the Egyptian pyramids is Masonic. He became a member of the Palestine Exploration Committee/Fund which was comprised mostly of Freemasons in control in London, England.
In 1881 at the age of 59, Wesleyan University granted him the honorary Doctor of Law (LL.D) degree.
There is no proof Dr. Strong actually earned any degree from any college or university.
His last year of teaching at Drew University was in 1881 according to the Alumni Record of 1844 graduates.
In all, he was a teacher/professor at Drew University for 13 years not 27 as claimed.
His mailing address in 1881 was Madison, Morris County, New Jersey.
In 1890 he published his first Strong's Hebrew and Greek Lexicon. How long it took him to plagiarized the work of Gesenius and number his lexicon we do not know. We do know there are lots of lies being told about this new Strong lexicon.
It appears Dr. Strong numbered the Gesenius lexicon, changed a lot of materials, between 1881 and 1890. How much time he put into this we do not know. He could have have done it all in one year or less since the bulk of his lexicon was plagiarized.
Dr. Strong was not a minister and held no ministerial license. Yet his lexicon is nearly required reading and or use by all ministers of many denominations. Ministers are told they cannot understand the bible or the meaning or words except by use of Strong's concordance.
So far as his literary work, there is no mention of him being Spirit filled. There is no mention that he was Spirit inspired and or led of the Holy Spirit in any of his varied works. His entire life is one of the letter and not the Spirit. He was a brilliant learned man that we are sure. But in all of his learning, he did not learn the equity and value of Truth. He was not guided by Truth but by his egoistical driven theology to prove Methodism was the true representative of the New Testament church.
He died on August 7, 1894 and was buried in Round Lake, New York.
Lexicon Historical Facts
The Hebrew scholars all copied and stole from each other. When you study one and cross reference to the others you are only in an inbreeding circle that has led to deceit. You can not use any of them to validate any of the others since they are of the same poison bottle. Any cross-referencing between William Robertson, Nahum Joseph, John Parkhurst, William Gesenius, Samuel Tregelles, James Strong, Brown, Driver, Briggs, is all from the same poison Hebraic wild gourd soup pot. You cannot use them to verify each other because they are not independent works. Just remember, in the days of Jesus there was no dictionary. There was none or could be one until vowel points were added. After this we do not know who created thousands of words and definitions. What we have relied upon is not these man-made and deceptive dictionaries but the very written Word of God. We would ask the Holy Ghost to give us the understanding and the sense. With this simple Bible study practice we do not need any dictionary proposing to give us meanings and spellings that are all man-made and never intended by God to interpret his inspired Words.

Dr. James Strong was against Acts 2:38 water baptism. He totally rejected it, claiming baptism was by sprinkling and for the purpose of people believing in the trinity. Why did he avoid a confession that water baptism was into the death, burial, and resurrection? He avoided this because sprinkling baptism is not in any way symbolic of a burial and resurrection. Only immersion baptism can signify this. If I was to preach what this man believed my name would be scandalized from sea to shinning sea. But he gets a free pass because he is a scholar, holds three honorary degrees, and he wrote a dictionary that allows people to see into Hebrew and Greek words. Wow, and for this, he is given an honor the same people will not give to a real Holy Ghost filled man baptized in Jesus Name. Why do Oneness people think this man is greater than any Oneness preacher ever produced by the Apostolic renewal?
Some interesting facts:
James Strong could not read or fluently speak Paleo-Hebrew/Chaldee/Aramaic.
James Strong could not read or fluently speak Koine Greek. So far as we know he never spoke any Greek in any public address. He never spoke five minutes in Greek in any lecture or speech. He did not because he could not.
James Strong did not write a single book in either Hebrew or Greek. His twelve lesson pamphlet "Greek In A Nutshell" (1876), was a 29 page outline of Greek grammar copied from other books. Even after his students completed the course, they could not read or speak Greek. No where does Dr. Strong mention the names of any students that he taught how to read and speak Hebrew or Greek. Teaching grammar is not the same as teaching how to read and speak.
James Strong was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. But his list of friends permits us to ask how he could have such a wide variety of perverts, shams, mystics, and otherwise reprobates as friends? How he was so well received by several different semi-secret society fraternities?
What many do not know, is that his professorship at Drew University in exegetical theology was centered around the existing works of William Robertson translated by Nahum Joseph, John Parkhurst, and William Gesenius, all alleged Hebraic scholars. Mr. Gesenius is the one credited for inventing several hundreds of alleged roots, spellings, and definitions which Dr. Strong copied, and which did not exist prior to 1833-34.
Over the twenty seven years (sic) of his professorship he developed a numbering system of the Gesenius Hebrew words. He plagiarized the work of Gesenius and altered hundreds of words and definitions even omitting vital information. One thing of notice is that Gesenius used the "J" letter in rendering Hebrew alphabet characters and in particular the "yod" with its vowel marking. Strong replaced it with a "Y" which was becoming popular. He did continue to give the words that were spelled with the "J" a "J" spelling but this was because that is the way they appeared in the King James Version. What he did was put a perversion in the minds of those who read his lexicon that the name is spelled with a "J" but now they are told in Hebrew it is really a "Y." Where did they get this "Y" doctrine? Why they borrowed it from the translations that do not use vowel points. All vowel pointed "yods" are rendered with an "I" or a "J". This perversion of Gesenius by Strong would poison the minds of millions to think they were reverting back to original Hebrew "Y" which was not true at all. There is no letter "Y" in Hebrew.
As mentioned above, in 1881, Strong was asked by Philip Schaff to help on the Old Testament revision of the Bible which would end up being the American Standard Version (ASV). How much he helped we do not know but we do know he accepted the assignment and contributed. This means, James Strong did not believe the King James Version was the absolute true and pure Word of God. If he did, he would not have assisted in the new translation of the ASV.
We are told that 100 of the world's best Hebrew and Greek scholars worked on the new ASV. This was supposed to persuade the King James Only people that there were more famous scholars translating this version than which had translated the King James Version.
I contacted Drew University to inquire about Professor James Strong. I had read in Thomas Nelson Publisher's edition of Strongs (copyright 1990: published 2004), that over 100 scholarly individuals had assisted him in the creation of this new lexicon. In my correspondence with Drew officials, I was shocked to learn the following:
1.) There was no record in any of his files over his twenty seven years (sic) of professorship or in any publication from Drew University that mentions Professor Strong working on a Hebrew or Greek Lexicon.
2.) There was no record of any student or other person on the faculty over this twenty seven year (sic) period who were working with him on this lexicon.
3.) So far as their records are concerned, Dr. James Strong had no degree in Hebrew or Greek. And no record he ever took a single Hebrew or Greek course at their university or any other university.
4.) The same at Wesleyan University. No one from this University has any recollection of any student or staff assisting him. There is nothing within its records.
It is now clear there is no record of any degree in Hebrew or Greek. We now know Thomas Nelson Publishers made up these lies to give the purchaser and user confidence in the credibility of the man who wrote the book. There are secret behind the scenes people who are embellishing the legacy of Dr. James Strong to make his lexicon the most trusted source of Hebrew and Greek definitions and spelling of words. They are also editing it and changing it and we do not know their names or qualifications. Secret individuals at Thomas Nelson Publishers (TNP) and Hendrickson Publishers are manipulating the Strong lexicon. When I asked Hendrickson the names of the persons changing their Strongs they would not provide them. A lot of changes are now appearing in all publications of Strongs. Now that Strong is being challenged and I am putting this before the public, someone must take action to warn churches, ministers, and the people. In the 2004 edition the TNP wrote that the lexicon was the "fruit of 35 years labor." They also wrote that this labor was by "Dr. Strong and more than 100 colleagues." Both are lies.
Apparently Thomas Nelson Publishers took the one hundred scholars who helped with the ASV and pasted this number over on Dr. Strong. He did not compile his lexicon over a 35 year period. He compiled it between 1881-1890 but more likely between 1887-1890.
Here is an example of James Strong perverting Greek words. He did not render "baptizo" as immersion to make fully wet. Why? Because he believed in the Methodist baptism of sprinkling. He believed sprinkling baptism was how to whelm or make fully wet the head of the candidate. He was willing to pervert the Greek and lie to make Methodist mode of baptism the correct practice. This is just one instance of where he has perverted Greek words and definitions.
As we begin to investigate Dr. Strong's many perversions we will make some of them available to you. For those of you who believe in water baptism by immersion, this alone should cause you to get up and throw his lexicon in the trash.
One dear Oneness brother said: "if I find there is just one error in the King James bible, I will throw it all away because that means none of it can be trusted." I asked him, do you hold that same doctrine on Dr. James Strong and his lexicon? He would not answer. It is clear he has put the Strong lexicon above the very Word of God. In fact, the sin here for most, is that the bible and its words will not be accepted on face value but must be authenticated by James Strong. James Strong gets the last word on what the bible means. He is the one to settle all disputes and what he says is taken to be straight from God. This places on the Strong's concordance an honor of infallibility where if anyone disagrees, they are counted as idiots and in danger of hell fire.
Many thousands no longer trust Dr. Strong or his lexicon to build a sermon, teach a doctrine or practice, or to research spellings for names. We do not trust him at all. One of the things that makes this so real, is that in researching his career as a professor of theology we have not found where he accepted or spoke good about the Greek Septuagint version of the Bible that Jesus and the Apostles used. Instead, he chose with other mystic and cult influenced scholars to turn to the Masoretic text which Jesus and the Apostles did not use. His whole Old Testament lexicon on Hebrew/Chaldee is based upon his rejection of the Greek Septuagint. He rejected the very Bible Jesus and the Apostles used. If he did this, why would he want to make sure his Masoretic/Chaldee/Hebrew lexicon was pure? If he believed the Bible Jesus and the Apostles used, he would not have made a Hebrew/Aramaic/Chaldee lexicon based upon the Masoretic text. He would have made an Old Testament lexicon based upon the Greek Septuagint text. He would have shown how this text was translated from the more ancient Paleo-Hebrew and not from the Babylonian Aramaic. We are now discovering he perverted a large quantity of information. Why was Dr. James Strong hostile toward the LXX?
Here are some important things to consider:
Before the Ben Ezra rabbi club added vowel points to the Chaldee Aramaic letters that were called Hebrew, no one knew how to spell any of those 8,674 words in his lexicon no older than 289 years (1600-1890). Before the vowels were added no one knew how to pronounce any of those 8,674 words. Even the rabbis disagreed and argued on the spellings and pronunciations. There could not be a Hebrew/Aramaic/Chaldee dictionary before 1200AD simply because the vowel points had not been fully added and no words formed to make a dictionary possible. Even with this knowledge it took several hundred years with the vowel points added to make dictionaries.
Many do not know it but there was a Jewish system of translation of Aramaic that did not use vowel points. Many scholars even after the Masoretics added vowel points continued to reject the vowel pointed renderings because they saw hundreds of words spelled wrong and given false meanings. We are told the system of no vowel points was discovered to Mr. John Parkhurst by Jewish rabbis. He was one of the first Gentile Hebraist to make a Hebrew dictionary/lexicon. His non-vowel words are now stolen and vowel points added and put into Strong's.
Interesting in the notes of Nahum Joseph is the statement that lots of the spellings with vowel points follows the Latin language. We do not know how many or which ones are really designed for Latin but now passed off as English transliterations.
Yet here we have one man, all alone, with no class in Hebrew, no degree in Hebrew, giving spelling and renderings of words and definitions on 8,674 Hebrew words. James Strong gave no man before him any acknowledgment as a source of his transliterations and definitions. Did he really think everyone would believe he did this all on his own?
I will show two translations. One using no vowel points and one using vowel points. Take a look at the big difference. I know by posting this next image the whole sacred name movement will be thrown into a tizzy and new prophets will arise with new invented names for the tetragrammaton. But I post this next image to show the world that the Hebrew/Aramaic can be transliterated without vowel points. We do not need to trust the Masoretics for anything. NOTHING. In fact, we would all do much better if we rejected all of their perversions.
I mentioned before that Dr. Strong plagiarized the Hebrew work of William Gesenius. By stealing the Hebrew work of Gesenius he did not need to be able to read and speak Hebrew. He did not need to study and dig up definitions by talking to rabbis. All he had to to was steal the work of Gesenius, alter it a little, remove the Arabic letters, change some spellings, delete some words, change words, and make it appear he did something on his own: and people accepted his fraud.
When I discovered that Hendrickson Publishers had published a Strong's edition and some words were being changed, I contacted them about it. I wanted to know who was making the changes and why? I wanted to know why they were starting a practice of editors changing what he had published. I got an answer back from Hendrickson that their editors believed that in light of discoveries made by archaeologist and other reasons they should alter Dr. Strong's lexicon. Meaning that given several years, a person would be totally manipulated with changes believing they all came from Dr. Strong himself. I asked the representative what guarantee anyone had that over a hundred years many hundreds of words would not be changed and many hundreds of new definitions created? His answer was that they were a good Christian publisher and would try to keep everything within the accepted Christian use of words.

We know Christians are fools already and accepting Allah and other added names, spellings, words, and definitions: so what else is coming down the pike? One rabbi already said that when the Jewish messiah comes he will be using
Jehoshua (see--
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0DTT3u2JZ8). Observe how this video already proclaims Jehoshua is the name of Jesus. Through Strongs this name and this coming messiah will be accepted by millions. Do not accept, I repeat,
DO NOT ACCEPT Jehoshua as a name for Jesus. It is a lie. It is false. It never was the name of Jesus. If Jehoshua is the name of Jesus, then the name of the Father is Jehoshua. All those who claim Jehoshua is the name of Jesus and that Jesus is not the name of Jesus must begin immediately rebaptizing all church members in the name of Jehoshua Christ. Do not be fooled by the Strong Delusion. Apply this rule to every name someone tries to say the name of Jesus is while saying Jesus is not the name of Jesus. This video says this rabbi was a modern Apostle Paul. This is so false and such a big lie, I leave you to make the final judgment of this deceptive video that claims this antichrist rabbi had a visitation by a Jesus apparition and gave him Jehoshua as his name. Is or was this the devil himself masquerading as Jesus to a man who denied his death, burial, and resurrection?
Think about this, no one knew these 8,674 words until the dictionary list was developed over hundreds of years. So far as we know the first dictionary of the Hebrew/Aramaic was in Latin. This was translated into German and then into English. Who was the person or persons who developed the Latin definitions? Some of them are grossly false and distorted. But who made up all these words and spellings that begin to appear in English around the 1700s? Remove the vowel points and see what happens to Dr. Strong and his lexicon. It would be worthless. The world did not need this book before 1890 and it does not need it now. The bible is not dependent upon Strongs or the opinions of James Strong.
What we are now seeing, especially concerning the tetragrammaton is a total fraud. Let me explain.

According to the scholars, the tetragrammaton was originally IHVH. It was subsequently changed to YHVH. The vowels assigned were "e, o, and a." We are told four lies here. The first is that these vowels were taken from Adonai and inserted between the letters like this: YehoVaH. But there is no "e" in Adonai. And do not give me that "i" has the "e" sound and that is where it came from. We are told the Masoretic scribes had spoken this tetragrammaton for hundreds of years as Jehovah. And so the vowel signs were given to IHVH so it would be pronounced Jehovah. Then we are told the second lie, that a Kabbalist infiltrated the Catholic church and become a monk. This monk, Raymundus Martini, invented the name Jehovah from scratch and did not know anything about vowel markings and is the one who added the vowels of Adonai. Why would he need to add vowels from anything if he already had the Masoretic text before him with the vowel points already assigned from Adonai by the Masoretic scribes? The third lie: we are told is that from 800AD on the Masoretics held strict control of the Aramaic/Chaldee/Hebrew text of the bible and how it was copied and or the rules by which a copy would be destroyed. And that after 800AD all the copies now had the vowel points. How then is it possible that in 1260AD, some 460 years later, a Jewish rabbi who was a Kabbalist, could fake being a Catholic, take the tetragrammaton from a Hebrew bible, and it did not have vowel marks so he would invent them all on his own? And why another fourth lie that the name Adonai was in the margin in every place IHVH was found so the scribe could glance over at it and pronounce it instead of the four letters? Copies I have seen of these Aramaic/Chaldee/Hebrew text do not have any such thing in the margins every place the tetragrammaton is interpolated. Look for yourself in this Dead Sea Scroll copy of Isaiah. There is no Adonai in the margin anywhere. I checked the whole book of Isaiah and did not find Adonai in the margin one time. Someone is making up lies.
Here is where the thimble-rigging begins. Many now say the Masoretic scribes who knew the pronunciation of YHVH as Jehovah or Yehovah were all liars. That the vowel marks from Adonai of "e, o, and a" were fake and false. That the Ben Ezra club had bastardized the name of God when they vowel pointed IHVH to be pronounced Jehovah. So what is now offered? These new Hebrew scholars who cannot read and speak Hebrew come to the rescue with their James Strong book of lies.
They offer that Jehovah with three vowels is a bastardization by the Masoretic scribes and Martini.
They changed the letters from IHVH to YHWH (I to Y and V to W).
Then they said there were two vowels not three. They do not take these two vowels from Adonai in the margins. In fact, they say it was lies of the Jews to claim the vowels of Adonai was a secret code in how to reconfigure the divine name. They must now get their vowels from somewhere, but where? Few ask this question.
The new vowels would be "a and e." They would take these two vowels from the writings of Origin and his Hexpla Samaritan bible where the divine name is written as JaBe (same as JaVe). They invented this new name YaHWeh from a foreign Gentile pagan bible that has not been vetted. So, Yahweh is an invention from the Samaritan bible and not from any Hebrew/Aramaic bible. And these sacred namers tell us this is a Hebrew name and not a pagan foreign name. The Samaritan bible is a foreign bible. It is not a Hebrew or Jewish bible at all. People being rebaptized in this name Yahweh are being baptized in the name of a Samaritan god who has not been proven to be the God of Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob. What is more shocking is that Yahweh was invented by yet another Catholic monk, Benedictine Gilbertus Genebrardus around 1567AD.
Now, these have not only plans to change Jehovah in all bibles to Yahweh, they plan to make Yahweh the new name of God. Who decided the vowels would be "a and e?" Who decided Yahweh was the true name of God and the Jews were false and wrong for hundreds of years? Who decided that all bibles must be changed and Jehovah removed and Yahweh put in?
The secret players are all trying to get control to change the Strong lexicons to make this fraud acceptable. New Bibles are planned to have Yahweh, Yahwah, Yahuah, or one of the other 72 guess names in them in over 6000 places LORD in all caps is now found in the King James Version.
I am telling all of you right now, throw your Robertson, Parkhurst, Joseph, Gesenius, Tregelles, Strong's, Brown-Drive-Briggs in the garbage. Do not use them for anything. They were not needed by Jesus or the Apostles. And we do not need them now. Go back to the simple Word of God in the LXX for the Old Testament a good translation of the Greek New Testament and let the Holy Ghost be the teacher. The Holy Ghost does not need or depend upon a dictionary.
I have one purpose. One motive. One assignment.
To Praise the Name of Jesus Christ, name above all names. You can work to destroy that name with all of your lies, but you will go to hell. I have warned you. For some this is your last warning before God reprobates your mind.
Throw the Strong Delusion in the garbage. Never again quote to me anything from Strongs, Gesenius, Thayers, or the other Hebrew perverters to establish a doctrine. If you use these at all, use them only to prove the errors of translations and interpolations of falsehoods within the lexicons themselves. Just as I reject profane translations of the bible I have a right to reject profane lexicons.
And since Dr. Strong did not need to speak or read Hebrew or Greek, neither do any of us. All we need to do is be able to read our Bible and come up with the plan of salvation, how to live holy, and how to be a righteous Christian by faith and the love of God as we call on the name of Jesus Christ.
Bishop Gary Reckart
A Man Made By God.
The blind follower of James Strong surrenders their mind to the opinions that others fixed in his mind. I herewith urge you to have the mind of Christ, not the mind of Dr. James Strong.
Those who have a searching spirit for God and Truth and seek to detect and find them, and the humility to pursue in the face of traditions and hate, will find both.