Dispensationalism was considered a false doctrine in 1878 and listed with other non-biblical groups such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Seventh Day Adventist.
At this time all of the dispensational schemes had not been invented. It would take several men to fine-tune this hoax until it was accepted by the majority of Baptist in America. It would take master schemers like master masons Clarence Larkin and C.I. Scofield to dress it up ready for the soon coming Pentecostals.
The two great hoaxters of this false doctrine are Larkin and Scofield. The Scofield Bible where he placed his private interpretation as foot notes on each page, became the source of most prophetic interpretations of the pre-trib secret rapture. Other Baptist who wanted to pitch in and add additional perversions interpolated their two-cents: men like Harry Ironside, Dwight Pentecost, Hal Lindsey, and Tim Layhae. Using the schemes of these great trinitarian hoaxters a number of Oneness Pentecostal writers are pushing the schemes. Among them are Marvin Tereece, Clyde Haney, Jonathan Urshan, William Chalfant, Nathaniel Haney, David Bernard, and Daniel Seagraves. All of these teach the "postponed kingdom" hoax. This lie is so big it totally destroys the New Testament Church. A fake church is slipped in to replace the one that was postponed until the millennial. There then are the fake churches vs the Kingdom Church that began on the day of Pentecost. Contrary to the lies of the hoaxters, the Kingdom Church was not postponed. I said so!
There are some smaller little hoaxters trying to make a name for themselves repeating the lies and schemes of these trinitarian and oneness writers. I call them hoaxters because they are fooling the people. No, they are lying to them. Telling people if they miss the rapture they can be saved by not taking the mark of the beast or have their head cut off. That by shedding their own blood they can save themselves. Self salvation by self blood atonement is a joke. No, it is a hoax. And to tell people they can miss the rapture and still be saved by joining the Jews and revived law-keeping, is a really bad joke. No, a really big fat hoax. But dispensationalist do not mind lying if it makes the pre-trib secret rapture believable. It helps keep the dispensational glasses on. People do not want to see anything else. They want to escape before they are ever tested for their faith. And dispensationalism offers them a secret snatch up and away.
Among main-stream Oneness Pentecostalism there is no Bible College that does not teach this hoax. As soon as students arrive on campus and collect their books, upon arriving in class the dispensational pre-trib rapture glasses are put on them. If they dare take these off and read the Bible without these on, they will soon see the lies being told to them. But if they want to stay in the Bible school, glasses on or off, they better not say anything about dispensationalism and the secret rapture being a hoax.
These colleges and Bible schools are supposed to be Spirit filled, Spirit led, and Truth oriented. So why then do they continue to teach the lies of dispensationalism? Why are they not condemned at all? Why do they stand in their pulpits and declare that interpretation of prophecy is not salvational, UNTIL a post-trib student or Minister shows up and begins to tell souls there is no secret rapture and dispensationalsim is a hoax. Then, the powers that be, the curriculum committee, the instructors, hold a private meeting and orchestrate all manner of hate, backbiting, and gossip, to the extent of silencing those students and Ministers who say dispensationalism is false. If these hold youth positions they are removed and a pre-tribber is placed in the positions. More than one student has been sent home for rejecting dispensationalism and saying it is not true. The gossip used against them saying they have departed from the faith, they are false teachers, calling them devils, false prophets, and deceivers. Even parents are carried away with this dissimulation. It must then be a lie that interpretation of prophecy is not salvational. Why do they then make it salvational as soon as a post-trib student or Man of God shows up or comes to town?
In my parody, the Jesus Name Bible College image tells it like it is. The hoax glasses must be put on to interpret the Bible to believe a pre-trib rapture.
Once these Bible students are brought to a Pentecostal Bible school, their brainwashing into dispensationalism begins immediately. Once they put on the hoax glasses, they will never see the Bible again like it was before. As they are brainwashed into this great hoax, they will believe dispensatioanl lies and perversions came to them from God. If they cannot get the understanding, because the Holy Ghost will not bear witness to a hoax, they are told to go get one of the recommended dispensational guide books: like trinitarian Larkin's Dispensational Truth, or trinitarian Scofield's Bible. These men will reveal what the Holy Ghost will not. With the hoax glasses and these hoax resources, the schemes and perversions will come right into the mind and masquerade as if they came from the throne of God.
Once the dispensational pre-trib rapture glasses go on, it will take a miracle of God for the hoax to be exposed to these individuals. And for the majority, they will believe these lies and count them as the truth.
Because the dispensationalist know their lies and schemes will be challenged, they abide the sacred oath "not to contend to their separate views to the disunity of the body." In this manner, dispensationalism can have the pulpit, go unchallenged, and any other view is in violation of the sacred oath and must be gagged and silenced.
These who are so hateful against Post-trib Ministers will then turn and fellowship Amillennialist, Preterist, Partial Preterists, divine fleshers, spiritual communion, liberals, progressive Laodicaeans, and the hosts of other drama stars, dirty dancers, holy rod twirlers, and white-glove ritualist, in the which as I have told you before, there is no genuine Holy Ghost. Add to these the hundreds of rebellious Jezebel women who are out of order, claiming to be apostles, prophetesses, elders, evangelists, co-pastors, pastors, and bishops: and you have a horde of brave blasphemers that makes pre-trib pastors proud. All of this is carnal, of the flesh, of the world, and yet these things are championed by dispensationalist and the pre-trib rapture hoaxters.
If anyone disagrees with dispensationalism or these new carnal rituals they are rejected as Brethren and Sisters and must either accept dispensationalism or they are worthy of hell.
Let me tell all you hoaxters, young and old, your lies may deceive millions, but a revival of the Truth is coming forth and you cannot stop it. The nations will receive the Gospel of the Kingdom. And this Gospel, the same one the Apostles preached, will focus on the post-tribulation coming and rapture.
You can fight it, you can spread your hate, you can defend and try to protect your hoax, but the Elect will come out from among you. When they depart, you will at last become all that Laodicaea is destined to become.
Dispensationalism is a big joke.
I said so!
The whole hoax is to make Matthew 24:29 not the true coming for the Church.
The hoax may be an accepted doctrine. But Jesus will come after the tribulation of those days and the hoax will not stop him.
I said so!
For the hoaxters: explain Revelation 14:13, how at this time in the Great Tribulation anyone can die in the Lord? Go for it....
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Jesus Turned Another Hurricane Right On Time
Jesus Turned Another Hurricane Right On Time.
More on this in about ten days.
Jesus bless us all as we continue to take Light To The Nations.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made
More on this in about ten days.
Jesus bless us all as we continue to take Light To The Nations.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made
Monday, August 22, 2011
Times Of The Gentiles
"And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" (Luke 21:24).
1.) Babylonian captivity to the Pre-Trib rapture (Scofield Bible page 1345; Clarence Larkin charts).
2.) Acts 10 to 1967 when the church is being phased out and to end at the beginning of the tribulation (Hal Lindsey).
3.) Acts 10 to 70AD (some partial Preterist).
4.) 66.5AD to 70AD (Catholic Preterist).
5.) 70AD to the middle of the tribulation (pre-wrath).
6.) 40AD to the end of the tribulation (dispensational Post-Tribs).
7.) 70AD to the end of the tribulation (Apostolic Post-Trib).
#7 is the correct one.
There is a difference between the times of the Gentiles to come into salvation in 34AD and the times of the Gentiles to begin with the trodding down of Jerusalem in 70AD.
The Catholic Preterist claim the time of the Gentiles was between 66.5AD and 70AD. They do not consider the "times of the Gentiles" as being the Church age. They have a rapture and resurrection of the Church in 70AD. The Church age ends when the trodding down began. And the spiritualized Millennial began at that time. In this prophecy scheme, after 70AD, the Jews can return home because Jerusalem will no longer be prophetically trodden down of the Roman Gentiles. So the trodding down lasted three and a half years and ended. Anyone can research this theory and see quickly it is false.
The Dispensationalist claim the time of the Gentiles began with the Babylonian captivity. They also target the time between 70AD and 1948AD when Israel was declared a nation and many Jews returned to Israel. They revised this in the late 60s to say that the times of the Gentiles did not end in 1948 but in 1967. They did so because no rapture had taken place soon after 1948. And when no rapture had taken place in 7 years (1955), then 14 years (1962), then 21 years (1969) (increments of 7 years), they revised their scheme claiming their prophecies failed. Hal Lindsey claimed the time of the Gentiles ended in 1967 and the Church was being phased out and would end soon at the pre-trib rapture.
The Pre-Tribbers then put out that when Israel got control of the Temple mount this would signal the end of the times of the Gentiles which they claimed was the Church age. Let me say right here that the Church did not trod down Jerusalem and the Temple mount. So to make the Church now the times of the Gentiles is absurdly false. I said so!
When Israel captured the Temple mount in the 1967 war, the Pre-Tribs predicted an imminent rapture. They said the Church age was over. Rapture fever swept the world. More was heard of the rapture and the end of the Church after 1967 than at any other time in Church history. It has now been 44 years since the 1967 hoopla over the Church ending and an any second rapture. They prophesied falsely again. What is the hold-up of Jesus coming back? Obviously the times of the Gentiles ending and the Church age being over ushering in an any second rapture was another lie. And all the other rapture schemes since 1967 have been lies. So what is the lie now?
It is that until the Jews can build their third Temple, the times of the Gentiles is still running on the prophecy time clock. Since the Church is now the cause of the "times of the Gentiles," the Church must be removed from the earth in a secret rapture so God the Father can turn back to the Jews.
All attention has been shifted upon the Muslims and the mosque on the holy mount. With the Muslim Gentiles sill treading upon the city from one end to the other, and upon the Temple mount area, they have revised the times of the Gentiles and the end of the Church age. Now, the "times of the Gentiles" shifts from the Church ending to Muslim control ending. They now say the end of the Church age will end and the rapture take place when the Muslims are conquered, the mosque has been removed, and the times of Gentile trodding down ends. They see the mosque as the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. The day the mosque is removed and no longer sits upon the holy mount as a symbol of Gentile power and conquest of Jerusalem, this will signal the end of the times of the Gentiles and the time of the Church age (to take place concurrently). They prophesy the rapture and the end of the times of the Gentiles will take place.
So, the Pre-Trib rapture preachers keep revising their any second rapture theories and who and what controls the "times of the Gentiles." This shows all of us they not only lied in the many times of the past, they will revise their lies until at last they guess the final conclusion of the times of the Gentiles.
Then there are the dispensational Post-tribs who hold most of the above and change only the time of the rapture from before the tribulation to the end of the tribulation. Many of those who hold this theory continue to develop all manner of schemes and theories to also come up with a final guess that might turn out accurate. But along the way they keep scheming up where the Church and world are in the tribulation time. Many have tried to claim we are already past the fifth seal and the fifth trumpet (Ervin Baxter and Ken Raggio). Both of these Oneness Ministers are dispensational Post-Trib. These and other dispensational post-tribs have schemed their interpretations of prophecy to soon be in alliance with the Pre-tribs and an any second secret rapture.
They claim we could quickly see the judgments of the sixth seal and the sixth trumpet. The schemes have been many. And with computer graphics they have come up with some very impressive images of horror and pending hell to break upon the world. The pay day of the Gentile nations (another times of the Gentiles) for mistreating Jews since 70AD will at last cause God to wreck the world in his wrath and anger, finalizing it at the battle of Armageddon. They see in all this the destruction of Rome and the Catholic church the wind up of the times of the Gentiles. Protestantism also will see its demise as the trinitarian family of Mystery Babylon plummets into the judgments of hell.
We must ask ourselves when is the "times of the Gentiles" over?
We must also ask ourselves if the end of the times of the Gentiles allows Jews to come back to Israel and be restored as a nation?
There is nothing in the prophecy of Jesus in the Luke text that hints at a regathering of Jews from all nations where they were carried captive.
It appears from a careful examination of Luke 21:24-28 that the times of the Gentiles ends at the time of Armageddon just prior to the post-trib rapture. It does not end when Jews take control of Jerusalem and the Temple mount.
Since the rapture is not until after the great tribulation, the times of Gentiles salvation does not end until Jesus comes in flaming fire taking vengeance upon those who know not God and who have not obeyed the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (2Thes 1:7-8).
Look at Luke 21-24-28 carefully and see if you can find a restored Israel in this prophecy of Jesus:
LUK 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
No secret rapture or restoration of Israel in that verse.
LUK 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
No secret rapture or restoration of Israel in that verse.
LUK 21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
No secret rapture or restoration of Israel in that verse.
LUK 21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
No secret rapture or restoration of Israel in that verse.
LUK 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
No secret rapture or restoration of Israel in that verse.
We can see that the end of the times of the Gentiles is signaled by catastrophic events in the heavens and upon the earth. What many novices have done here, is jump up and start shouting about signs in the heavens or even upon the earth, but they fail to see that the prophecy is they will happen all at the same time. It is obvious that if there are signs in the sun and the moon and the stars but nothing major is taking place upon the earth, the time is not yet.
When the powers of the heavens are shaken. And this implies some very dramatic catastrophic events that will cause disaster upon the earth, the times of the Gentiles will soon be over.
We must, sooner or later, decide if the current nation of Israel is indeed a regathering of scattered Jews in fulfillment of prophecy. If so, the times of the Gentiles was over in 1948. I cannot find any prophecy that predicts Israel to be restored as a nation before or after the tribulation.
We must, sooner or later, ask ourselves if those in Israel right now are real Jews? What if the majority of them are not real Jews but they are descendants of Gentile converts to the Jewish religion? What if there is only a remnant of true Jews in Israel, and this remnant is not in power or control of anything? What if the whole nation of Israel right now has a Jewish identity but it is just as false as an idol image that represents some god? Just as it is possible for an idol image to represent a god, it is possible for an Israel image to represent the real Israel and it is a total fake. Since Israel was an abomination in the past, is it possible in the future for Jews to be the abomination of desolation in the holy place? They sure were the abomination in the holy place when it was destroyed in 70AD. There is no other possibility that would cause God to allow this horrible destruction. God then is the cause of the times of the Gentiles to trod down Jerusalem. And only God can end it. When will he end it?
We have within our Bibles the prophecy of a remnant of Jews and Israelites that will be saved. We see a picture of this remnant in Revelation chapter 7 of 144,000. These we know are real Jews or real Israelites.
We must now ask ourselves if the "times of the Gentiles" means the Church age?
When I was among the Pre-Trib camp, I held the view that the Church was a Gentile bride and espoused to Jesus, God the Son. Israel was the wife of Jehovah, God the Father. I held like other Oneness that Jehovah Father cannot have the Son's bride for his wife and the Son could not have the Father's wife for his bride. So, I held like others, that there was a covenant between God the Father and Israel, and the New Covenant was between God the Son and his Gentile bride. I could not figure out how a Jew could violate the law and marry outside of Israel and take a Gentile bride. But I ignored this. Of course within all of this trinitarian dual covenant theology, I had to wrestle with how to explain the Oneness doctrine if the Father and the Son had two different wives (one lives eternally in the New Jerusalem and the other lives eternally upon the new earth? But, like many, I shoved this contradictory theology into the back of my mind. I could not resolve the Father and the Son being one and having a wife and a concubine. So I ignored the contradiction that the Church was a Gentile bride. But then my eyes came open to the olive tree in Romans 11 and how there was no Gentile bride, the Gentiles were grafted into something Jewish. That was one of the greatest revelations that delivered me from dispensationalism (Pre-Trib rapture hoax).
The "times of the Gentiles" DOES NOT REFER to the Church age. I said so!
It refers to the duration of the years, months, and days from the time Jerusalem was destroyed until the time Jesus returns from heaven. The times of the Gentiles mentioned in the Luke 21:24 passage DID NOT begin when the Church was started on the day of Pentecost (30AD). The Luke 21:24 times of the Gentiles did not start in the Samaritan revival in Acts 8 (34AD). The Luke 21:24 times of the Gentiles did not begin at the house of Cornelius in Acts 10 (40AD). The Luke 21:24 times of the Gentiles did not start with the sending forth of the Apostle Paul in Acts 13 (43AD).
If the Luke 21:24 times of the Gentiles has NOTHING to do with the Church, how is it then a signal for a Pre-Trib rapture?
I heard it over and over, that the times of the Gentiles began in Acts 10 and the conversion of Cornelius and his household. This is merging two different times of the Gentiles into one.
At first I did not catch the lie. I did not know of a prophetic time clock when the times of Gentiles salvation began. It was when I learned how and when they were grafted into the olive tree that I got it. It was not until I finally understood there was no gap between the 69th and 70th week that I got it. When I learned that the 70th week ended three and a half years after Calvary, and this kicked in the times of Gentiles salvation: I got it. I then saw the Samaritan revival took place as soon as the 70th week ended. And then the fully open door for the Gentiles in Acts 10. Then I understood perfectly that the times of the fullness of the Gentiles to come in to salvation began in Samaria with the Apostle Philip. the Apostle Peter, and the Apostle John. I got it.
I also saw at this time, that it is contradictory to have the times of the Gentiles to begin trodding down Jerusalem in 70AD and also claim it was the same as the time of the Gentile salvation that began in 40AD. The times of the beginning of Gentile salvation cannot be the times of the Gentiles ushered in by the Roman empire conquering Jerusalem in 70AD.
The times of the Gentiles to receive salvation began in 34AD at the Samaritan revival. And it will not end until the second coming of Jesus at the end of the tribulation. The fullness of the Gentiles be come in to the Body of Christ, began in Samaria when the first Gentiles were grafted into the olive tree, and will end at the sound of the seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:15).
There will NEVER be a time since 34AD to the Post-Trib coming of Jesus that Gentiles cannot be saved by Acts 2:38 (Rev. 7:14). This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached among all nations and then will the END come (Matt. 24:14). The "END" here is not a Pre-tribulation rapture. The "END" is the end of the tribulation at which time, the one and only resurrection and coming of Jesus will occur (Matt 24:29-31).
I said so!
Now, I know it irks some of you for me to say: I SAID SO! Now where did I come up with this?
It came from hearing a Pre-Trib preacher answering a question about the secret rapture. When he concluded his crazy answer, he told the audience what he had spoken was true because he said so. He was verifying his own words to be true. At first I thought to myself, what audacity? What pride? What aloofness? What arrogance? Who did he think he was to say something was true because he said it? Then I realized he was speaking to his own. They were Pre-Trib like him. They did not judge his words: "because I said so" to be condescending or arrogant. They took them to be AUTHORITATIVE. That his opinion settled all disputes. Over some years I heard other preachers use the same kind of words about a variety of subjects. Question them about something and they will encourage others to believe what they have said, because they said it and others should trust them saying it to mean it is true. So, I decided to be a brave Post-Trib and say the coming of Jesus was after the tribulation because I said so. And wow, the hate, the slander, the animosity, the rancor, the blasphemy, the railings, the pride they manifested in their own rightness. So, I decided I would make a game of it. Every time a Pre-Trib would email me about something they said being true because they said it, I will in turn say my doctrine was true because I said it. I have had many years of amusement from this game. Because it stirs up the pride in others to slander and retaliate, I dig at them to see how humble they really are and also to see if they are seeking the Truth, or for some reason to find fault so they can stick me under the fifth rib.
Ok, the times of the Gentiles for salvation began in Acts 8 when Samaritan Gentiles were added to the Church. Then the door fully open in Acts 10.
It is a total lie that the times of the Gentiles for salvation began in 70AD. And it is a total lie that the times of the Gentiles conquering Jerusalem in 70AD has anything to do with the times of the Gentiles receiving the Gospel.
Thus, the times of the Gentiles in Luke 21:24 has nothing to do with the time the Church age began or will end. So far as I know, among Apostolics in modern times, I am the first to straighten this out. I searched the internet for any Apostolic who may have written about it, and there were none. All that has been out there is my Bible Study on it in 2003. I am sure now, some will rush to say something and back date it. It matters not to me. As long as the Truth is preached that the Church did not trod down Jerusalem in 70AD and the salvation of Gentiles in 34AD has nothing to do with the trodding down by Roman soldiers and their successors
It was Jesus that showed this to me. I give him the highest praise: PRAISE JESUS, HALLELU-JESUS.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made
- "They" refers to the Jews living in Israel and Jerusalem.
- "Fall by the edge of the sword" means killed.
- "Led away captive" means taken prisoner of war.
- "Into all nations" means removed from the Abraham land grant and live among the Gentiles where they are taken.
- "Jerusalem shall be trodden down" means who ever conquers Jerusalem will tread upon the holy city from one end to the other, including upon the temple mount.
- "Trodden down of the Gentiles" means by the Romans and their successors who will have or take control over the city.
- "Until the times of the Gentiles" means the Gentile conquerors and their successors have a specific number of years, months, and days to have control of Jerusalem and then their control over Jerusalem will come to an end. Some place into this the "restoration" of Israel as a nation, but it is no where mentioned or predicted by Jesus.
- "Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" means the total of the years, months, and days the Gentile conquerors and their successors are allowed to have control over Jerusalem. When these years, months, and days are fulfilled for Gentile dominion we can expect Luke 21:25-28 to kick in immediately. There is no restoration of Israel in Luke 21:24-28.
1.) Babylonian captivity to the Pre-Trib rapture (Scofield Bible page 1345; Clarence Larkin charts).
2.) Acts 10 to 1967 when the church is being phased out and to end at the beginning of the tribulation (Hal Lindsey).
3.) Acts 10 to 70AD (some partial Preterist).
4.) 66.5AD to 70AD (Catholic Preterist).
5.) 70AD to the middle of the tribulation (pre-wrath).
6.) 40AD to the end of the tribulation (dispensational Post-Tribs).
7.) 70AD to the end of the tribulation (Apostolic Post-Trib).
#7 is the correct one.
There is a difference between the times of the Gentiles to come into salvation in 34AD and the times of the Gentiles to begin with the trodding down of Jerusalem in 70AD.
The Catholic Preterist claim the time of the Gentiles was between 66.5AD and 70AD. They do not consider the "times of the Gentiles" as being the Church age. They have a rapture and resurrection of the Church in 70AD. The Church age ends when the trodding down began. And the spiritualized Millennial began at that time. In this prophecy scheme, after 70AD, the Jews can return home because Jerusalem will no longer be prophetically trodden down of the Roman Gentiles. So the trodding down lasted three and a half years and ended. Anyone can research this theory and see quickly it is false.
![]() |
Clarence Larkin Chart |
The Pre-Tribbers then put out that when Israel got control of the Temple mount this would signal the end of the times of the Gentiles which they claimed was the Church age. Let me say right here that the Church did not trod down Jerusalem and the Temple mount. So to make the Church now the times of the Gentiles is absurdly false. I said so!
When Israel captured the Temple mount in the 1967 war, the Pre-Tribs predicted an imminent rapture. They said the Church age was over. Rapture fever swept the world. More was heard of the rapture and the end of the Church after 1967 than at any other time in Church history. It has now been 44 years since the 1967 hoopla over the Church ending and an any second rapture. They prophesied falsely again. What is the hold-up of Jesus coming back? Obviously the times of the Gentiles ending and the Church age being over ushering in an any second rapture was another lie. And all the other rapture schemes since 1967 have been lies. So what is the lie now?
It is that until the Jews can build their third Temple, the times of the Gentiles is still running on the prophecy time clock. Since the Church is now the cause of the "times of the Gentiles," the Church must be removed from the earth in a secret rapture so God the Father can turn back to the Jews.
All attention has been shifted upon the Muslims and the mosque on the holy mount. With the Muslim Gentiles sill treading upon the city from one end to the other, and upon the Temple mount area, they have revised the times of the Gentiles and the end of the Church age. Now, the "times of the Gentiles" shifts from the Church ending to Muslim control ending. They now say the end of the Church age will end and the rapture take place when the Muslims are conquered, the mosque has been removed, and the times of Gentile trodding down ends. They see the mosque as the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. The day the mosque is removed and no longer sits upon the holy mount as a symbol of Gentile power and conquest of Jerusalem, this will signal the end of the times of the Gentiles and the time of the Church age (to take place concurrently). They prophesy the rapture and the end of the times of the Gentiles will take place.
So, the Pre-Trib rapture preachers keep revising their any second rapture theories and who and what controls the "times of the Gentiles." This shows all of us they not only lied in the many times of the past, they will revise their lies until at last they guess the final conclusion of the times of the Gentiles.
Then there are the dispensational Post-tribs who hold most of the above and change only the time of the rapture from before the tribulation to the end of the tribulation. Many of those who hold this theory continue to develop all manner of schemes and theories to also come up with a final guess that might turn out accurate. But along the way they keep scheming up where the Church and world are in the tribulation time. Many have tried to claim we are already past the fifth seal and the fifth trumpet (Ervin Baxter and Ken Raggio). Both of these Oneness Ministers are dispensational Post-Trib. These and other dispensational post-tribs have schemed their interpretations of prophecy to soon be in alliance with the Pre-tribs and an any second secret rapture.
They claim we could quickly see the judgments of the sixth seal and the sixth trumpet. The schemes have been many. And with computer graphics they have come up with some very impressive images of horror and pending hell to break upon the world. The pay day of the Gentile nations (another times of the Gentiles) for mistreating Jews since 70AD will at last cause God to wreck the world in his wrath and anger, finalizing it at the battle of Armageddon. They see in all this the destruction of Rome and the Catholic church the wind up of the times of the Gentiles. Protestantism also will see its demise as the trinitarian family of Mystery Babylon plummets into the judgments of hell.
We must ask ourselves when is the "times of the Gentiles" over?
We must also ask ourselves if the end of the times of the Gentiles allows Jews to come back to Israel and be restored as a nation?
There is nothing in the prophecy of Jesus in the Luke text that hints at a regathering of Jews from all nations where they were carried captive.
It appears from a careful examination of Luke 21:24-28 that the times of the Gentiles ends at the time of Armageddon just prior to the post-trib rapture. It does not end when Jews take control of Jerusalem and the Temple mount.
Since the rapture is not until after the great tribulation, the times of Gentiles salvation does not end until Jesus comes in flaming fire taking vengeance upon those who know not God and who have not obeyed the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (2Thes 1:7-8).
Look at Luke 21-24-28 carefully and see if you can find a restored Israel in this prophecy of Jesus:
LUK 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
No secret rapture or restoration of Israel in that verse.
LUK 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
No secret rapture or restoration of Israel in that verse.
LUK 21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
No secret rapture or restoration of Israel in that verse.
LUK 21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
No secret rapture or restoration of Israel in that verse.
LUK 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
No secret rapture or restoration of Israel in that verse.
We can see that the end of the times of the Gentiles is signaled by catastrophic events in the heavens and upon the earth. What many novices have done here, is jump up and start shouting about signs in the heavens or even upon the earth, but they fail to see that the prophecy is they will happen all at the same time. It is obvious that if there are signs in the sun and the moon and the stars but nothing major is taking place upon the earth, the time is not yet.
When the powers of the heavens are shaken. And this implies some very dramatic catastrophic events that will cause disaster upon the earth, the times of the Gentiles will soon be over.
We must, sooner or later, decide if the current nation of Israel is indeed a regathering of scattered Jews in fulfillment of prophecy. If so, the times of the Gentiles was over in 1948. I cannot find any prophecy that predicts Israel to be restored as a nation before or after the tribulation.
We must, sooner or later, ask ourselves if those in Israel right now are real Jews? What if the majority of them are not real Jews but they are descendants of Gentile converts to the Jewish religion? What if there is only a remnant of true Jews in Israel, and this remnant is not in power or control of anything? What if the whole nation of Israel right now has a Jewish identity but it is just as false as an idol image that represents some god? Just as it is possible for an idol image to represent a god, it is possible for an Israel image to represent the real Israel and it is a total fake. Since Israel was an abomination in the past, is it possible in the future for Jews to be the abomination of desolation in the holy place? They sure were the abomination in the holy place when it was destroyed in 70AD. There is no other possibility that would cause God to allow this horrible destruction. God then is the cause of the times of the Gentiles to trod down Jerusalem. And only God can end it. When will he end it?
We have within our Bibles the prophecy of a remnant of Jews and Israelites that will be saved. We see a picture of this remnant in Revelation chapter 7 of 144,000. These we know are real Jews or real Israelites.
We must now ask ourselves if the "times of the Gentiles" means the Church age?
When I was among the Pre-Trib camp, I held the view that the Church was a Gentile bride and espoused to Jesus, God the Son. Israel was the wife of Jehovah, God the Father. I held like other Oneness that Jehovah Father cannot have the Son's bride for his wife and the Son could not have the Father's wife for his bride. So, I held like others, that there was a covenant between God the Father and Israel, and the New Covenant was between God the Son and his Gentile bride. I could not figure out how a Jew could violate the law and marry outside of Israel and take a Gentile bride. But I ignored this. Of course within all of this trinitarian dual covenant theology, I had to wrestle with how to explain the Oneness doctrine if the Father and the Son had two different wives (one lives eternally in the New Jerusalem and the other lives eternally upon the new earth? But, like many, I shoved this contradictory theology into the back of my mind. I could not resolve the Father and the Son being one and having a wife and a concubine. So I ignored the contradiction that the Church was a Gentile bride. But then my eyes came open to the olive tree in Romans 11 and how there was no Gentile bride, the Gentiles were grafted into something Jewish. That was one of the greatest revelations that delivered me from dispensationalism (Pre-Trib rapture hoax).
The "times of the Gentiles" DOES NOT REFER to the Church age. I said so!
It refers to the duration of the years, months, and days from the time Jerusalem was destroyed until the time Jesus returns from heaven. The times of the Gentiles mentioned in the Luke 21:24 passage DID NOT begin when the Church was started on the day of Pentecost (30AD). The Luke 21:24 times of the Gentiles did not start in the Samaritan revival in Acts 8 (34AD). The Luke 21:24 times of the Gentiles did not begin at the house of Cornelius in Acts 10 (40AD). The Luke 21:24 times of the Gentiles did not start with the sending forth of the Apostle Paul in Acts 13 (43AD).
If the Luke 21:24 times of the Gentiles has NOTHING to do with the Church, how is it then a signal for a Pre-Trib rapture?
I heard it over and over, that the times of the Gentiles began in Acts 10 and the conversion of Cornelius and his household. This is merging two different times of the Gentiles into one.
At first I did not catch the lie. I did not know of a prophetic time clock when the times of Gentiles salvation began. It was when I learned how and when they were grafted into the olive tree that I got it. It was not until I finally understood there was no gap between the 69th and 70th week that I got it. When I learned that the 70th week ended three and a half years after Calvary, and this kicked in the times of Gentiles salvation: I got it. I then saw the Samaritan revival took place as soon as the 70th week ended. And then the fully open door for the Gentiles in Acts 10. Then I understood perfectly that the times of the fullness of the Gentiles to come in to salvation began in Samaria with the Apostle Philip. the Apostle Peter, and the Apostle John. I got it.
I also saw at this time, that it is contradictory to have the times of the Gentiles to begin trodding down Jerusalem in 70AD and also claim it was the same as the time of the Gentile salvation that began in 40AD. The times of the beginning of Gentile salvation cannot be the times of the Gentiles ushered in by the Roman empire conquering Jerusalem in 70AD.
The times of the Gentiles to receive salvation began in 34AD at the Samaritan revival. And it will not end until the second coming of Jesus at the end of the tribulation. The fullness of the Gentiles be come in to the Body of Christ, began in Samaria when the first Gentiles were grafted into the olive tree, and will end at the sound of the seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:15).
There will NEVER be a time since 34AD to the Post-Trib coming of Jesus that Gentiles cannot be saved by Acts 2:38 (Rev. 7:14). This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached among all nations and then will the END come (Matt. 24:14). The "END" here is not a Pre-tribulation rapture. The "END" is the end of the tribulation at which time, the one and only resurrection and coming of Jesus will occur (Matt 24:29-31).
I said so!
Now, I know it irks some of you for me to say: I SAID SO! Now where did I come up with this?
It came from hearing a Pre-Trib preacher answering a question about the secret rapture. When he concluded his crazy answer, he told the audience what he had spoken was true because he said so. He was verifying his own words to be true. At first I thought to myself, what audacity? What pride? What aloofness? What arrogance? Who did he think he was to say something was true because he said it? Then I realized he was speaking to his own. They were Pre-Trib like him. They did not judge his words: "because I said so" to be condescending or arrogant. They took them to be AUTHORITATIVE. That his opinion settled all disputes. Over some years I heard other preachers use the same kind of words about a variety of subjects. Question them about something and they will encourage others to believe what they have said, because they said it and others should trust them saying it to mean it is true. So, I decided to be a brave Post-Trib and say the coming of Jesus was after the tribulation because I said so. And wow, the hate, the slander, the animosity, the rancor, the blasphemy, the railings, the pride they manifested in their own rightness. So, I decided I would make a game of it. Every time a Pre-Trib would email me about something they said being true because they said it, I will in turn say my doctrine was true because I said it. I have had many years of amusement from this game. Because it stirs up the pride in others to slander and retaliate, I dig at them to see how humble they really are and also to see if they are seeking the Truth, or for some reason to find fault so they can stick me under the fifth rib.
Ok, the times of the Gentiles for salvation began in Acts 8 when Samaritan Gentiles were added to the Church. Then the door fully open in Acts 10.
It is a total lie that the times of the Gentiles for salvation began in 70AD. And it is a total lie that the times of the Gentiles conquering Jerusalem in 70AD has anything to do with the times of the Gentiles receiving the Gospel.
Thus, the times of the Gentiles in Luke 21:24 has nothing to do with the time the Church age began or will end. So far as I know, among Apostolics in modern times, I am the first to straighten this out. I searched the internet for any Apostolic who may have written about it, and there were none. All that has been out there is my Bible Study on it in 2003. I am sure now, some will rush to say something and back date it. It matters not to me. As long as the Truth is preached that the Church did not trod down Jerusalem in 70AD and the salvation of Gentiles in 34AD has nothing to do with the trodding down by Roman soldiers and their successors
It was Jesus that showed this to me. I give him the highest praise: PRAISE JESUS, HALLELU-JESUS.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Law Keeping The New Wind Of Doctrine
Law keeping, that is, going back under the Old Testament, as a means to either improve a person's salvation or give them a better chance to be saved, has been with the Israelite Church from its infancy.
According to the official record of the Apostles, it was the Pharisees who had joined the Israelite Church who tried to being in dual covenant salvation.
"But there arose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses" (Acts 15:5).
This maneuver by the Pharisees to take the Israelite Church from the New Covenant back to the Old Covenant had to be stopped. There is no way the Apostles would take the Church back past Calvary. The agenda of the Pharisees was put into check. It was DOA in Jerusalem before the Apostles and Elders. This man whom God has made will keep it DOA when it appears today masquerading as a way to make salvation better and give people a better way to please God.
The Israelite Church was now about fifteen years old. We are past the last half of Daniel's 70th week. We are past the scattering of the saints because of persecution in Acts 8; we are past the Samaritan revival in Acts 8; we are past the conversion of Saul to Paul in Acts 9; we are past the Gentiles grafted into the olive tree in Acts 10; we are past the Jerusalem convention where Peter was questioned about preaching to the Gentiles; and we are past the spread of the Gospel to all Judea and then to Antioch. After all these years of un-opposed preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to Jews and Gentiles with no demands or teachings about law keeping: here came the Pharisees.
We have some specific teachings of Jesus that does not include law-keeping.
First, the Gospel is not the preaching of law-keeping. No one will ever prove that it is. I said so!
Second, the Lord's Supper contains only acknowledgment of the New Testament. There is no law-keeping associated with Calvary in the Cup.
Third, the Apostle John said clearly:
"For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17).
There is a reason for the distinction. Obviously a keen eye can detect that grace and truth did not come by Moses and was not contained in the law.
Fourth, Jesus did not preach law-keeping as a means of improving a person's salvation or of giving them a better chance to be saved. Jesus referred to his own words having in them eternal life:
"He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day" (John 12:28).
We have another verse that bears witness with this and by the mouth of two or three witnesses let all be established:
"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7).
There is nothing of law-keeping in any of this.
Peter had a revelation straight from God:
"Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life" (John 6:68).
There are no words of eternal life in the law. I said so!
Fifth: The Apostles were not Ministers of the law. The law requires priests and in the New Testament none of the Apostles or Ministers are priests. This shows us the law has no representation in the Israelite Church. The Apostles were not sent to preach or teach the law. Apostle James, the half-brother of Jesus, made a bold, strong, and clear point that the Church was not an oracle of the law:
"For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day" (Acts 15:21).
It is clear there was now a distinction between the Church and the synagogues. If the Church was an oracle of Moses, why point to the synagogues? The Apostle James could speak that Moses was preached every worship day in the Church. Yes, it does take a keen eye to rightly divide the Truth. Many do not have it. But I do. I said so!
Sixth, law-keeping was rejected by the Israelite Church in the Jerusalem convention:
"Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment" (Acts 15:24).
Seventh, the Apostles and the Israelite Church did not see observing New Testament Passover or New Testament Pentecost as being law-observing. These two events occurred on days set forth in the law, but when the types and shadows were fulfilled, there is no need to leave the light and go back to the darkness of the shadows.
If Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Gal 3:14), why go back to law keeping and take back upon us the curse?
My daughter remarked to me some weeks back how so many who are now coming awake about the Jewishness of the Church are shooting past Calvary back to law-keeping. How that when they discover the Jewish roots of the olive tree, they are deceived that the root is law-keeping. And they leave the Church and begin to join Jewish synagogues and other false Messianic groups in search of a better relationship with God. They do not know the relationship they seek is in Jesus and not law-keeping.
I could not agree more. Her observation comes from years of seeing me preach the true Israel of God and many others who grab that and then quickly go off into law-keeping because they do not have a strong foundation in the Israelite Church. Many of these are not under my leadership and so they are unable of themselves to avoid going back under the law for a better salvation or to be saved.
If there were more Pastors who preached the Truth about the Israelite Church olive tree, and that we are not grafted into law-keeping, many souls would not be carried away by this raging wind of law-keeping. But many Pastors are themselves confused. They do not know how to preach from the Old Testament through the lens of the New Testament. They have been taught by peers and scholastic writings that the Church is to keep the law. In fact one UPC pastor was very bold that he keeps the law. I am very bold to say he lied. He does not keep the law. In fact, I do not know a single UPC preacher who keeps the law. The most of them pick and choose which laws they will keep and which laws they will claim Calvary abolished. It is this partial-law-keeping that sets up fragile minds to think that if part of the law helps their salvation and to be saved, that keeping all the law will increase their chances. No one keeps the law without the idea doing so helps save them. They quickly depart from their faith of being saved by Christ alone, by grace alone, and by faith alone as found in Acts 2:38.
I have been on the cutting edge of Israelite New Covenant Church theology since about 1982. At first no man stood with me. Then a few saw the light and teamed up. But then some of these wanted to use the truth to become great and famous and went on their own way to destruction. A few came along and took part of the Truth away and perverted it with made-up revelations they thought went past my understanding and they would stand upon the mountain top of Truth and proclaim themselves as the temple to which all men should seek. But glory to God, praise Jesus, little by little there has come forth from different nations men of love for the Truth. Men who can abide in the vine, abide in the olive tree, men who seek not their own self-made revelations, but who see the Truth, embrace it, and then determine themselves to stand for it.
It has been clear to me that many Pastors and Church members do not know, that everything important in the law has been transferred to the New Testament. That is why it is called the New Covenant. It is because men do not know how to preach the New Testament that they do not know how they can preach holiness. They do not know how to use the law as a schoolmaster. They do not know what it means that when they come to Christ they are no longer UNDER the schoolmaster. Because of ignorance and following religious traditions of unfinished Pentecost, they never come to the perfection of Truth so they cannot in anyway help in the last perfection of the Body of Christ. They are worthless to the Body ministry. They are inward focused only on their own collection of people and even these they have not perfected.
In fact, they claim openly they have no ministry of perfection. They call themselves apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers and are WORTHLESS to the perfection of the saints. And this is why liberalism and worldliness has showed up in their churches. Any church that has open worldliness permitted by the pastor, is public confession he has no ministry of perfection. Who would want to be under such men? These CANNOT be in the real five-fold ministry because it is a PERFECTION group of Ministers.
It is right here, many souls who seek a closer relationship with God begin to look into law-keeping for their perfection. They yearn in their hearts for something more than the Pentecostal shout, the Pentecostal running, the Pentecostal leaping, and Pentecostal holy laughter. They want more than stage shows and a church that is a theater. They feel in their heart to draw closer to God in holiness.
Yes, an outward standard of dress that is moral and beautiful. Women want long uncut hair because they know this is their glory and they know by this they have power on their head. They have nothing to condemn their prayers before angels. While there are many reprobate novices now trying to say a woman has no power on her head because of her long uncut hair, these will never lead astray the true and pure hearted women who love God with all their heart. The reprobates who pastor these backslid Pentecostal churches do not have a holiness beauty for a wife. They have a Jezebel for a wife who refuses to live by a holiness standard. So these pastors take up their attack on outward holiness to give a protective cover for their evil wives. They will have influence within churches who are liberal and worldly, but that is the extent of their change agent ministry. Laodicaea will accept these kinds of luke warm pastors and novices but not the true people of God. When holy women and men are unfulfilled in backslid Pentecostalism many will seek a law-keeping group because they see no alternative. Finding a real holiness Apostolic Church these days that is not tied to Rome via pagan holidays is very difficult. With worldliness taking over many Jesus Name churches those who love holiness will seek shelter even if it is in a law-keeping group. And there they will be just as damned as if they stayed in the Laodicaea church and backslid.
As I observe so many now trying to improve on the finished work of Calvary by going back under the law, I am sad. I am broken hearted because these have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge. And law-keeping preachers will take advantage of this zeal and cause many souls to be damned. We cannot go back past Calvary to law-keeping without treading underfoot the Son of God and bringing his sacrifice to an open shame. It was the shame of the law, the judgments of the law, the death penalties of the law, that nailed Jesus to the Cross. And to go back to law-keeping and take Jesus down from the Cross and say he did not need to die, because a person will keep the law anyway, is an insult to the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. I said so!
If any of you are thinking about going back under the law to observe the sabbath, to observe dietary laws, to observer feast days, new moons, and circumcision, the Apostle James had this to say about you:
You are subverting souls! You are subverting your self. Paul ask the Galatians:
"who hath bewitched you."
We can see that when any person is led back under the law there is a bewitching, perverting, and overturning spirit involved. And this is exactly what "subverting" means. It is a method of trickery and deception so that a person is "bewitched" which means also beswitched, and they do not know they have been hood-winked by a very crafty and slick law-keeper.
If law-keeping is subverting, perverting, and overturning the faith of men and women, those attempting to subvert them are already perverted from the Gospel of Christ.
The Gospel of the Israelite Church contains within it the blessings and covenant of Abraham. And I tell all of you, this was 400 years before there was any law given on Mt. Horeb. I can also tell all of you there is absolutely NO LAW KEEPING in the blessing and covenant of Abraham.
To all you who love Jesus and his words abide in you, you have one that will judge you in the last day. It is Jesus. You will NEVER be judged by Moses or the law. I said so!
For those of you who know the glory of this great salvation of Christ alone, by grace alone, and by faith alone as found in the Apostle's Doctrine: I say you are a friend of Truth and Jesus.
Now stop all this hate against Pastor Reckart and get into unity and help reach the nations with the true Light of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
The blessings and covenant of Abraham are now in the Israelite Church.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made And Anointed
According to the official record of the Apostles, it was the Pharisees who had joined the Israelite Church who tried to being in dual covenant salvation.
"But there arose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses" (Acts 15:5).
This maneuver by the Pharisees to take the Israelite Church from the New Covenant back to the Old Covenant had to be stopped. There is no way the Apostles would take the Church back past Calvary. The agenda of the Pharisees was put into check. It was DOA in Jerusalem before the Apostles and Elders. This man whom God has made will keep it DOA when it appears today masquerading as a way to make salvation better and give people a better way to please God.
The Israelite Church was now about fifteen years old. We are past the last half of Daniel's 70th week. We are past the scattering of the saints because of persecution in Acts 8; we are past the Samaritan revival in Acts 8; we are past the conversion of Saul to Paul in Acts 9; we are past the Gentiles grafted into the olive tree in Acts 10; we are past the Jerusalem convention where Peter was questioned about preaching to the Gentiles; and we are past the spread of the Gospel to all Judea and then to Antioch. After all these years of un-opposed preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to Jews and Gentiles with no demands or teachings about law keeping: here came the Pharisees.
We have some specific teachings of Jesus that does not include law-keeping.
First, the Gospel is not the preaching of law-keeping. No one will ever prove that it is. I said so!
Second, the Lord's Supper contains only acknowledgment of the New Testament. There is no law-keeping associated with Calvary in the Cup.
Third, the Apostle John said clearly:
"For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17).
There is a reason for the distinction. Obviously a keen eye can detect that grace and truth did not come by Moses and was not contained in the law.
Fourth, Jesus did not preach law-keeping as a means of improving a person's salvation or of giving them a better chance to be saved. Jesus referred to his own words having in them eternal life:
"He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day" (John 12:28).
We have another verse that bears witness with this and by the mouth of two or three witnesses let all be established:
"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7).
There is nothing of law-keeping in any of this.
Peter had a revelation straight from God:
"Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life" (John 6:68).
There are no words of eternal life in the law. I said so!
Fifth: The Apostles were not Ministers of the law. The law requires priests and in the New Testament none of the Apostles or Ministers are priests. This shows us the law has no representation in the Israelite Church. The Apostles were not sent to preach or teach the law. Apostle James, the half-brother of Jesus, made a bold, strong, and clear point that the Church was not an oracle of the law:
"For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day" (Acts 15:21).
It is clear there was now a distinction between the Church and the synagogues. If the Church was an oracle of Moses, why point to the synagogues? The Apostle James could speak that Moses was preached every worship day in the Church. Yes, it does take a keen eye to rightly divide the Truth. Many do not have it. But I do. I said so!
Sixth, law-keeping was rejected by the Israelite Church in the Jerusalem convention:
"Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment" (Acts 15:24).
Seventh, the Apostles and the Israelite Church did not see observing New Testament Passover or New Testament Pentecost as being law-observing. These two events occurred on days set forth in the law, but when the types and shadows were fulfilled, there is no need to leave the light and go back to the darkness of the shadows.
If Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Gal 3:14), why go back to law keeping and take back upon us the curse?
My daughter remarked to me some weeks back how so many who are now coming awake about the Jewishness of the Church are shooting past Calvary back to law-keeping. How that when they discover the Jewish roots of the olive tree, they are deceived that the root is law-keeping. And they leave the Church and begin to join Jewish synagogues and other false Messianic groups in search of a better relationship with God. They do not know the relationship they seek is in Jesus and not law-keeping.
I could not agree more. Her observation comes from years of seeing me preach the true Israel of God and many others who grab that and then quickly go off into law-keeping because they do not have a strong foundation in the Israelite Church. Many of these are not under my leadership and so they are unable of themselves to avoid going back under the law for a better salvation or to be saved.
If there were more Pastors who preached the Truth about the Israelite Church olive tree, and that we are not grafted into law-keeping, many souls would not be carried away by this raging wind of law-keeping. But many Pastors are themselves confused. They do not know how to preach from the Old Testament through the lens of the New Testament. They have been taught by peers and scholastic writings that the Church is to keep the law. In fact one UPC pastor was very bold that he keeps the law. I am very bold to say he lied. He does not keep the law. In fact, I do not know a single UPC preacher who keeps the law. The most of them pick and choose which laws they will keep and which laws they will claim Calvary abolished. It is this partial-law-keeping that sets up fragile minds to think that if part of the law helps their salvation and to be saved, that keeping all the law will increase their chances. No one keeps the law without the idea doing so helps save them. They quickly depart from their faith of being saved by Christ alone, by grace alone, and by faith alone as found in Acts 2:38.
I have been on the cutting edge of Israelite New Covenant Church theology since about 1982. At first no man stood with me. Then a few saw the light and teamed up. But then some of these wanted to use the truth to become great and famous and went on their own way to destruction. A few came along and took part of the Truth away and perverted it with made-up revelations they thought went past my understanding and they would stand upon the mountain top of Truth and proclaim themselves as the temple to which all men should seek. But glory to God, praise Jesus, little by little there has come forth from different nations men of love for the Truth. Men who can abide in the vine, abide in the olive tree, men who seek not their own self-made revelations, but who see the Truth, embrace it, and then determine themselves to stand for it.
It has been clear to me that many Pastors and Church members do not know, that everything important in the law has been transferred to the New Testament. That is why it is called the New Covenant. It is because men do not know how to preach the New Testament that they do not know how they can preach holiness. They do not know how to use the law as a schoolmaster. They do not know what it means that when they come to Christ they are no longer UNDER the schoolmaster. Because of ignorance and following religious traditions of unfinished Pentecost, they never come to the perfection of Truth so they cannot in anyway help in the last perfection of the Body of Christ. They are worthless to the Body ministry. They are inward focused only on their own collection of people and even these they have not perfected.
In fact, they claim openly they have no ministry of perfection. They call themselves apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers and are WORTHLESS to the perfection of the saints. And this is why liberalism and worldliness has showed up in their churches. Any church that has open worldliness permitted by the pastor, is public confession he has no ministry of perfection. Who would want to be under such men? These CANNOT be in the real five-fold ministry because it is a PERFECTION group of Ministers.
It is right here, many souls who seek a closer relationship with God begin to look into law-keeping for their perfection. They yearn in their hearts for something more than the Pentecostal shout, the Pentecostal running, the Pentecostal leaping, and Pentecostal holy laughter. They want more than stage shows and a church that is a theater. They feel in their heart to draw closer to God in holiness.
Yes, an outward standard of dress that is moral and beautiful. Women want long uncut hair because they know this is their glory and they know by this they have power on their head. They have nothing to condemn their prayers before angels. While there are many reprobate novices now trying to say a woman has no power on her head because of her long uncut hair, these will never lead astray the true and pure hearted women who love God with all their heart. The reprobates who pastor these backslid Pentecostal churches do not have a holiness beauty for a wife. They have a Jezebel for a wife who refuses to live by a holiness standard. So these pastors take up their attack on outward holiness to give a protective cover for their evil wives. They will have influence within churches who are liberal and worldly, but that is the extent of their change agent ministry. Laodicaea will accept these kinds of luke warm pastors and novices but not the true people of God. When holy women and men are unfulfilled in backslid Pentecostalism many will seek a law-keeping group because they see no alternative. Finding a real holiness Apostolic Church these days that is not tied to Rome via pagan holidays is very difficult. With worldliness taking over many Jesus Name churches those who love holiness will seek shelter even if it is in a law-keeping group. And there they will be just as damned as if they stayed in the Laodicaea church and backslid.
As I observe so many now trying to improve on the finished work of Calvary by going back under the law, I am sad. I am broken hearted because these have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge. And law-keeping preachers will take advantage of this zeal and cause many souls to be damned. We cannot go back past Calvary to law-keeping without treading underfoot the Son of God and bringing his sacrifice to an open shame. It was the shame of the law, the judgments of the law, the death penalties of the law, that nailed Jesus to the Cross. And to go back to law-keeping and take Jesus down from the Cross and say he did not need to die, because a person will keep the law anyway, is an insult to the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. I said so!
If any of you are thinking about going back under the law to observe the sabbath, to observe dietary laws, to observer feast days, new moons, and circumcision, the Apostle James had this to say about you:
You are subverting souls! You are subverting your self. Paul ask the Galatians:
"who hath bewitched you."
We can see that when any person is led back under the law there is a bewitching, perverting, and overturning spirit involved. And this is exactly what "subverting" means. It is a method of trickery and deception so that a person is "bewitched" which means also beswitched, and they do not know they have been hood-winked by a very crafty and slick law-keeper.
If law-keeping is subverting, perverting, and overturning the faith of men and women, those attempting to subvert them are already perverted from the Gospel of Christ.
The Gospel of the Israelite Church contains within it the blessings and covenant of Abraham. And I tell all of you, this was 400 years before there was any law given on Mt. Horeb. I can also tell all of you there is absolutely NO LAW KEEPING in the blessing and covenant of Abraham.
To all you who love Jesus and his words abide in you, you have one that will judge you in the last day. It is Jesus. You will NEVER be judged by Moses or the law. I said so!
For those of you who know the glory of this great salvation of Christ alone, by grace alone, and by faith alone as found in the Apostle's Doctrine: I say you are a friend of Truth and Jesus.
Now stop all this hate against Pastor Reckart and get into unity and help reach the nations with the true Light of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
The blessings and covenant of Abraham are now in the Israelite Church.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made And Anointed
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
In Defense Of Israelite Christianity Having The Eternal/Everlasting Covenant And Blessing Of Abraham
The Millennial Reign of Christ Will Prove My Title Correct
The following email was redacted to contain only the important part:
"Some of my convictions are still at variance with that of the JMFI, and I do not think it will be of much value to further expound on it.
God made an eternal/everlasting covenant with the people of Israel, whether they are faithful or not, and to say that the church has replaced Israel is akin to calling God a liar. Holding to this view, does not mean that I believe Israel will be saved by the observance of the Torah, but that some will, by accepting Yeshua as the Messiah."
Error gives Truth an opportunity to triumph.
My response to all who believe like this:
Well, you believe something Jesus and the Apostles did not believe.
You equate all who claim to be Jews as Israel and Abraham's seed. And within this error you think all Jews have an eternal covenant with God. Your Israel is not the Israel of the Scriptures. You are refusing to accept many scriptural facts.
1.) Any seed of Abraham that is not circumcised is not counted for the seed (Gen 17:14). The Apostle Paul who knew more about circumcision than any man now living said this:
"For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law" (Gal 5:3).
(But you make the uncircumcised and those who do not keep the whole law the inheritors of the Abraham covenant).
2.) Any seed of Abraham that does not do the works of Abraham is not counted for the seed (John 3:39). Abraham's covenant of circumcision is a testimony to keep God's charge, his commandments, his statutes, and his laws. (But you still make those Jews who do not keep all the covenant of Abraham to be heirs of the covenant).
3.) Any seed of Abraham that commits any of the “cut-off” sins under the Law are not counted for the seed (Num 15:31). One of those sins is witchcraft. Their Cabala is a total witchcraft occult system. (But you still make these who follow the Cabala the inheritors of the Abraham covenant).
4.) Any seed of Abraham that rejects Christ is omitted from the seed and according to Moses and the Apostle Peter to be destroyed from among the people (Acts 3:23). How can these marked for eternal damnation still have an eternal/everlasting covenant? (But you still make these who receive not that prophet, the Israel that has an eternal/everlasting covenant in Abraham).
5.) Any seed of Abraham that is not “born again” their first birth no longer counts (John 3:1-5; Rom 3:20). (But you still make these Israel).
6.) Any seed of Abraham that is an atheist is not counted for the seed. (But you still make these Israel).
7.) Any seed of Abraham that is homosexual is not counted for the seed. (But you still make these Israel).
8.) Any seed of Abraham that worships idols and false gods is not counted for the seed. (But you still make these Israel).
9.) Jesus said God is able to raise up children to Abraham from stones (Mat 3:9), showing that God does not need Jews as the seed of Abraham who are reprobates. (But you still accept these reprobates within the covenant of Abraham, while at the same time these people started a war of persecution and death against those Jews who were also supposed to have protection in the Abraham covenant. The temple cult who claimed Abraham privilege thrust out and denied the privilege of other Jews who were the children of Abraham. Since that time, the temple cult made war against the Ekklesia children of Abraham.).
10.) Jesus said the Kingdom would be taken from them and given to others who bring forth the fruits thereof, (But you still make those who no longer have the Kingdom the inheritors of Abraham's covenant).
11.) Jesus said there would be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth when they see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Kingdom of God and they thrust out (Luke 13:28), (But you still make the thrust out ones Abraham's seed with an eternal/everlasting covenant that if God breaks with them, he is a liar). Herein the "thrust out ones" have all the curses and the Ekklesia "called out ones" have all the blessings. I said so!
12.) You totally discount and ignore the lesson of the rich man and Lazarus. In hell the rich man was in torment. Now my Brother, what sin did the rich Israelite do that severed him from Abraham’s bosom? Where is his eternal/everlasting covenant that gave him eternal security from all sin? See, you are following the eternal security doctrine of the Jews and the dispensational Baptist. You are not following Jesus and the Apostles. Your doctrine is not Apostolic at all and this will keep you out of JMFI.
13.) What of the five brothers of the rich man who he wanted Abraham to send back someone from the dead to preach to? Where is their eternal/everlasting covenant of eternal security in the bosom of Abraham? The rich man knew his five brothers were on their way to hell without protection from the Abraham covenant. They were headed right where he was in the fire. The rich man did not believe his brothers had special exemption from hell fire because they were of Abraham's seed. (But you still make these five brothers protected by the covenant of Abraham). If they are not protected because they also have sinned out, how are other Jews protected who are also sinners of the same sort?
14.) You have refused and failed to identify any sin or sins for which a seed of Abraham can forfeit their inherited right within the covenant of Abraham. Because of this you can give all Jews a blanket pass to claim special status as Abraham's seed. And we are supposed to now worship the Jews because of this so-called "chosen people" doctrine. You give no attention to the uncircumcised hard hearts of Jews who have hate for Jesus and his Church. Like the Haredi in Israel who stand outside the homes of Christian Messianics screaming: TO HELL WITH JESUS!
15.) You have refused and failed to accept that Jesus Christ came to CONFIRM the promises (covenants) made to Abraham and the fathers (Rom 15:8). You continue to make those who reject the confirmation Israel.
16.) You have refused to answer the question: WHO IS ISRAEL? Or maybe WHAT IS ISRAEL.
17.) You are totally in the dark on the identity of many Jews who claim to be Jews and they do not have one red corpuscle of Abraham’s blood in them. I speak about the Gentiles who made themselves Jews in Esther 8:17.
18.) You refuse to believe there were many who claimed to be Jews but could not prove their genealogy in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, Ezra 2:62. Nehemiah 7:64. (But you still make these Israel).
19.) Then what about the Khazars who about 750AD converted to Judaism and were afterward counted for Jews and the descendants of these filled Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, and Poland, (documented by Jewish historian Arthur Koestler in his “Thirteenth Tribe”)? It is largely these who now control Israel in the middle east and they are not real Jews at all. They are not descendants of Abraham. (But you still make these Abraham's seed and think that by supporting Israel you are helping God keep his covenant with Abraham).
20.) You have totally refused to transfer to the real seed of Abraham the eternal/everlasting covenant. And you have refused to see this seed of Abraham as the followers of Jesus Christ. If you do not transfer to the followers of Jesus Christ being the true seed of Abraham who has the eternal/everlasting covenant, you are not a real believer at all. It is this seed of Abraham, the seed that reached the climax of the hope of Abraham in which he REJOICED TO SEE HIS DAY (read what Jesus said in John 8:56). My Brother you are not a true believer. You believe something but it is not the true Apostolic Truth. That is why you cannot be a member of JMFI.
21.) You do not believe in the true Olive tree doctrine of the Apostle Paul in Romans 11. Because in your doctrine no Jew or Israelite can be cut off from his inheritance because of unbelief. You make them still have an eternal/everlasting covenant even when they are cut off and dead. You are preaching another Gospel which Paul warned against.
22.) Because you refuse to transfer the covenant of Abraham to Christ and his followers, the Church Israel, the Ekklesia, the Kingdom of God, you have totally uprooted and destroyed the olive tree of Romans 11. Like the dispensationalist you are claiming there is no Church Israel. Well what is the Church if it is not Israel? Or is the Church a Gentile bride as the trinitarian pre-trib dispensational secret rapture people claim?
23.) You have destroyed the promise of Abraham that through him, that is his seed, that is Christ, the Gentiles would be blessed. Paul talked about the blessing of Abraham coming upon the Gentiles through Christ (Gal 3:14). But you deny this. Tell me Brother, did the Gentiles come into the blessings of Abraham via those whom you make Israel and whom you make have the everlasting covenant? If your doctrine was true, no Gentile would be saved today until they were a part of that Israel that is antichrist. And this is precisely where your false doctrine on who Israel is will take you. You, like many, will make the coming antichrist have an eternal covenant with God all because he is Jewish. Your doctrine is very dangerous. Claiming all Jews have an eternal/everlasting covenant in Abraham will give the coming antichrist validity and a basis for people to accept him. No doctrine could be more dangerous to the endtime last day people of God.
24.) Because you cannot see Abraham’s seed in the Church Israel and the everlasting covenant with them and being the olive tree, you cannot see how the Gentiles grafted into this Israel tree can share in the blessings, the root, and the fatness thereof. And because of this, you cannot see that the true Apostolic Church is the true Israel of God.
25.) Yes, the Church Israel did replace old unbelieving thrust out Israel. And while you do not like it because of your Jewish, Calvinistic, and Baptist doctrine on predestination and eternal security, you will never change what the Scriptures so plainly teach.
26.) Jesus admitted some Jews were children of Abraham in John 8:37-44. But these also had another father which Jesus said was the devil (John 8:44). How is it possible that those who had Abraham's seed in them also had the devil for their father and you claim these have an eternal/everlasting covenant with God and cannot be looked upon as having forfeited that inheritance? I say they were transferred out (thrust out) of the inheritance by God himself and he is no liar for doing so.
How could Jesus say they would be thrust out and taken from their eternal/everlasting right in the covenant of Abraham if it was IMPOSSIBLE?
I will say it plainly: any other Jew or Jews who have the devil for their father DO NOT have the inheritance of the covenant of Abraham. They have sinned out of it and will be thrust out of Israel never again to have any part in the covenant of Abraham. And yes, they can sin out of it regardless of what the Jews, the Baptist, and the dispensationalist say.
27.) You say they cannot sin out of Abraham's covenant. This is as false as it gets. This lie is exposed in Deuteronomy 9:14 where God threatened to destroy all of Israel in the idolatry of the golden calf. And God promised Moses he would make of him a nation of people mightier and greater than they. What happened here? Did God forget his eternal/everlasting covenant with Abraham where he is alleged to have given all Israel eternal security? If idolatry would cause them to brake the covenant with God and he would destroy them, then the covenant of Abraham does not cover this sin or many others. It was only by God's grace and the prayer of Moses they be forgiven that they were not consumed. Now, tell me, what of Korah and his host who stood up against Moses in Numbers 16:1-24? Did they have eternal security with the claim of Abraham's eternal/everlasting covenant? Did they sin out of it and God counted it not, and slew them all?
28.) There are 144,000 of the 12 tribes found in heaven at the end of the age (Rev. 7:4). And there is a host no man can number of all nations, tribes, tongues, and people. This is the picture of who will be saved over the time of the Church until the end of the tribulation (Rev. 7:9). And only 144,000 Israelites are saved. What happened to all the other millions since the days of Christ who are claimed to have eternal security in the covenant of Abraham? Were are they? I will tell you. They are lost and they are going to hell and burn in the lake of fire.
Let me say something right here about the land covenant of Abraham. It has NOTHING to do with eternal security or the chosen people or salvation or eternal blessings in heaven, or that they have special privilege before God so they can do anything they want and still claim to be the people of God.
The covenant of Abraham has ONLY TO DO WITH THE LAND. And nothing more. The Blessing of Abraham has to do with being counted righteous by an act of God's grace. It was because Abraham BELIEVED God that this righteousness was imputed to him (Gen 15:6). This has nothing to do with the land grant covenant. Abraham BELIEVED God and was counted righteous BEFORE he was circumcised as a seal of the land grant covenant.
The ones Jesus said would be thrust out have no valid claim on the land grant or the blessing of Abraham. They are cut off from them, no longer being a part of the olive tree. This is why no Jews can claim they are justified or have special status as the chosen people. And it also certifies that Jews by that name of the tribe of Judah, have no more right to the land of Israel within the Abraham land grant than that area cut out for that tribe. All the rest of the land grant to the other tribes has been forfeited by them with God evicting them off of it and they never came back to claim it again. There is no provision for any tribe to take the lands of another tribe.
Because Jews need salvation and cannot rely upon the covenant of the land grant for it, Peter warned all of them in Acts 2:38-42 to save themselves from that untoward (evil) generation. Now why tell them to get saved if they already had eternal security in the land covenant to Abraham? This lie that Jews are the chosen people and have special privilege because of the land Covenant of Abraham will cause many Jews not to believe in Jesus and be saved. And with many, like the Pope, saying Jews today do not need to believe in Jesus for salvation because they are Abraham's seed, will cause millions of Last Day Jews to be damned. Who would dream that Christians and their false doctrines would cause millions of Jews to be damned?
29.) Jesus did not give the Jews a path to heaven via the Abraham covenant. He told them clearly:
"NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER BUT BY ME" (John 14:6). To teach Jews can circumvent Jesus and claim a path to God by the covenant of Abraham is to make Jesus a liar. If any Jew wants to meet God in a saved condition he/she had better come to Jesus as the way. And the false doctrine that after the rapture Jews can be saved by law keeping and resumed animal sacrifices, will cause many Jews to believe this Baptist lie and be damned.
30.) We now must deal with the eviction of 10 tribes from Israel who are extinct as far as tribal identity and Jewish and Israelite religion and faith. It is very doubtful the millions descended from among these evicted idolatrous tribes remained circumcised and remained Mosaic religious. Therefore they are not the children of the Abraham land covenant. They sinned out of the land covenant and were evicted from Israel that was given to Abraham for an inheritance.
What happened here? Did God not know this would happen? Did Moses not warn them (Deut 8:19-20)? Did God not foresee that tens of thousands of Israelites would brake the Abraham covenant and depart out from under it? Or did God see it and tell Abraham that if they were not circumcised they brake his covenant and no longer have any claim to their inheritance in the land grant?
And what is this lie that no descendant of Abraham can brake the land covenant when God said they could? And what of the other tens of thousands of the tribe of Benjamin that are now extinct? The only real Israelites remaining would be the tribe of Judah and called Jews. But where are the real ones? The Jews of the 13th tribe are not descendants of Abraham and have no claim on the Abraham land covenant.
The pollution of the seed of Abraham is so great that only 144,000 will be saved between Calvary and the end of the tribulation and coming of Jesus. Jews need to take heed to this number and get into it and realize all others are going to hell. They must obey Acts 2:38 and reserve their place in the 144,000 or go to hell with the other lost Jews (Mark 16:16). If they do not, then they will be lost and the land covenant of Abraham will not offer them a loop-hole to God. The other wanna-be Jews who are really Gentiles, must come to Christ in Acts 2:38 as Gentiles or they will not be in the great number saved out of all nations. All Jews need to take my warning: because if Jews do not, their unbelief will cause them to remain cut off out of the olive tree and DEAD! I say this like Paul out of love for their souls. I will not lie to them like the Baptist and Dispensationalist and tell them they do not need Christ to be saved, that they can trust in the land grant covenant given to Abraham.
31.) I got the email that God chose the seed of Abraham in 1800BC. And this date is supposed to settle all matters. Well I guess not. I read Ephesians 1:4 and found out who the real "chosen" people are and this was way before 1800BC. The chosen people may have been the Israelites and the Jews before Calvary, BUT NOT AFTERWARD. The ONLY chosen people of God after Calvary are those from all nations who are in Christ. These are now the true Israel of God. I said so!
32.) If all Jews have eternal security and have the right to the eternal/everlasting covenant of Abraham, and cannot sin out of it: tell me how Judas could be told by Jesus it would be better he was never born than to betray the son of man? And how then could Judas go into hell as the son of perdition if he had security in the Abraham covenant? And if Judas can go to hell plotting murder how many more Jews will go to hell who never actually killed someone but played a hand in plotting it?
33.) My last in this series has to do with 70AD and the destruction of Jerusalem where according to Josephus 1.1 million Jews perished. How could God allow this if these all had the eternal/everlasting covenant of Abraham protecting them from God's wrath and anger? Jesus predicted this horrible loss of Jewish lives. And not one time did he promise them salvation because of the covenant of Abraham. If the Jews stick to the Old Testament and do not try to use the New here to their advantage: they will know that between 70AD and 1948AD there was NO ISRAEL. The Jews were evicted by God from Abraham's inheritance of the land. It is right here, if Abraham's covenant was unconditional, God could have proven it. He would not have allowed Jerusalem to be destroyed and the Jews scattered among the nations out of the Abraham land grant. It is only in the New Testament we have the Truth of this and prophecies by Jesus and the Apostles about it. And no where in these is the covenant of Abraham ever used to claim for the Jews any unconditional eternal security for their salvation or the land grant restored. What we are seeing in Israel may be the endtime antichrist government and regime. All that is needed to cap its existence purpose is their long awaited Messiah who we know will be the antichrist.
As far as Israel goes as a nation: regardless of what I believe about their rights to any of the covenant of Abraham, they do have a right to protect themselves and have what ever government they want. And all Jews, real ones or not, have a right to reject Jesus and observe what ever religion or non-religion they choose. As human beings we can respect the right to life of all Jews throughout the world. Nothing herein is written for the purpose of creating antisemitism. It is written to confront antichrist attacks upon the Israel of God which is the Church of Jesus Christ.
The whole idea that if anyone says anything bad about the Jews, that this makes God angry, is a big fat lie. Jesus and the Apostles had plenty to say.
Indeed, you cannot become a member of JMFI and hold the unscriptural doctrine you are teaching.
I pray Jesus is able to make you to see the truth of the glorious Gospel where there is neither Jew nor Gentile, but that all are counted lost that he may have mercy on all. As of right now, you do not see any of Israel as being lost. You believe they have an eternal/everlasting covenant and cannot ever be lost. And if you ever decide some are lost, please decide in that moment how they have the covenant of Abraham. The rich man learned he did not have eternal/everlasting eternal security just because of his flesh and blood.
Jesus and his Apostle John would disagree that Jews have a special deal worked out with God because of their inherited flesh and bloodline to Abraham:
John 1:12-13—"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believed on his name. Which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, not of the will of man, but of God."
Indeed you can not now become a member of JMFI. Not only is your doctrine wrong. Your spirit is wrong.
Question for the serious Bible students:
If the rapture took place on the evening of the day of Pentecost, which Abraham's seed would have been counted for the seed of Abraham and enjoyed the eternal/everlasting covenant?
The Church Israel
The unbelieving Israel
If unbelieving Israel is ever not counted for the seed of Abraham, that is the day they are eternally lost. How then can they have eternal security with an eternal covenant?
If unbelieving Israel is cut off and has no eternal/everlasting covenant in Abraham, how then is the covenant eternal/everlasting still to them?
I was sent an email saying if I believe the Church Israel replaced the unbelieving Jews, that this means I hate Jews and I also am an antisemite. Where did this insanity come from? It came from Jews who deny Jesus and his Church and say they are not Israel. The Jews would expel Christian Jews from the Temple and Synagogues saying:
"We are Israel and you are no more of Israel, you are Christians. And Christian Jews are no more of Israel. You are no more counted as the seed of Abraham. You are followers of that mamser Jesus."
Who was it that started the doctrine that not all Jews are Israel and not all Jews are counted for the seed of Abraham?
I was told if I believe the Church Israel replaced the unbelieving Jews that I have denied and destroyed the eternal/everlasting covenant God made with Abraham. This is an insane accusation.
I have said and taught that Jesus said:
"Upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18).
The Israel of God as the Church (Ekklesia) at this time can only refer to a congregation of called out Israelites brought into a unity of religious purpose to fulfill the covenant of Abraham. This was the work of Jesus. To deny it is to attack the very purpose of Jesus creating his Israel out of Israel. His Church out of a Church. The Church and congregation here is not that body of people who were the Church Acts 7:38. The Church of Jesus came out of that Church in the wilderness. This Church was first a people of redeemed Israel. Later the redeemed of the Gentiles would be grafted into it by the Gospel. This is the Truth because I said so. This remnant of redeemed Israel and the redeemed Gentiles are the ones who are the beneficiaries of all the blessings of the eternal/everlasting covenant of Abraham. And the gates of hell will not prevail against this Truth. These are the true Jews (read Romans 2:28-29).
The Church Israel is the Israel who has the eternal/everlasting covenant and blessings of Abraham.
I see those who are against the Church Israel with the eternal/everlasting covenant and blessings of Abraham as the ones who represent the gates of hell.
Those who deny the Church Israel replaced the unbelieving Israel, are against the Church. They deny the fullness of the Church as the seed of Abraham. And they deny Gentiles are grafted into this Church Israel that has the eternal/everlasting covenant and blessings of Abraham.
I am Church Israel ONLY and proud of it.
And the gates of hell (which means death, gates of death), will not prevail against the Church Israel of God.
God has chosen all people of all nations and races to be his own. It is through the Lord Jesus Christ all nations can now partake in the eternal/everlasting covenant and blessings of Abraham. Jesus showed us the salvation of the nations is not about race but about grace. Before Calvary the Jews could lay claim to being the only beneficiaries of the Abraham covenant and blessings, but NOT AFTER CALVARY!
As this moral bankrupt and apostate generation continues to decline, Jesus is going to do a great endtime work with the Truth. Those who do not join up with Truth will eventually be carried away by winds of false doctrine and end up reprobate. This simple Bible study will separate the men from the boys and the prophets from the novices. Truth is powerful. Those who can grasp the Truths in this Bible study should become powerful in the Word. Truth will separate us from error. It is with this in mind I even took the time to share the information in this Study with you who are reading it.
Those with a devil in them will oppose this Bible study.
Bishop Reckart
A Man Who Is a Jew By Choice In The Church Israel :)
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Monday, August 15, 2011
I purchased the domain name "WHY APOSTOLIC" in April 2006.
I did so because I believed many people would like to know about the true New Testament Church.
I believed many want to know who gave the world the New Testament. Well, the Apostolic Church did.
Many want to be saved but they do not know how to select a Church like the Church they read about in the New Testament. Here we show them they are looking for an Apostolic Church.
Why Apostolic and its network of writers lay out the Gospel before the world as no other web sites on the internet. Why Apostolic identifies and promotes Apostolic writers who are men of honesty and integrity in matters of faith and doctrine. Anything they write will be checked for 100% accuracy in doctrine or it will never appear on our web sites.
Each Bible study on Why Apostolic and the Jesus Messieh network of web sites have no doctrinal errors. No other Apostolic writers have greater writing skills than Pastor Reckart and the Ministers whose writings he promotes. There are no Bible studies like them on the whole internet. They are rich in knowledge, understanding, revelation and Truth. No other Jesus Name writers of the past 100 years have put forth such great studies.
Many thousands have read the ones posted. They have been copied many thousands of times. The information has been used all over the world by pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and novice preachers. Tens of thousands of souls have been encouraged and refreshed by the information contained in the writings.
Why Apostolic is not complete. There are study titles which have no link because I have not completed the writing of the study. In the near future I hope to finish them. And, I plan to expand the focus of this web site.
http://whyapostolic.com/ is a source of truth you will not find anywhere else on the internet. When you come to the web sites of Pastor Reckart and the ones he recommends, you will find everything you need. You do not need any other web sites on the internet. Make the Jesus-Messieh network of websites your favorites. On these web sites Jesus is the name above all names. It is greater than Yahweh and Jehovah. And the highest praise is "Praise Jesus" or "Hallelu-Jesus" or "Hallelu-Yeh". On our web sites you will find all the Truth that is currently available upon the earth.
I want to give my thanks to all those pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, and novice preachers who have used the information posted. You will no doubt become people God made.
My special thanks to all the great men of God who are writing Apostolic doctrine that is 100% true and without any doctrinal error.
Jesus bless us all more and more.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made
I did so because I believed many people would like to know about the true New Testament Church.
I believed many want to know who gave the world the New Testament. Well, the Apostolic Church did.
Many want to be saved but they do not know how to select a Church like the Church they read about in the New Testament. Here we show them they are looking for an Apostolic Church.
Why Apostolic and its network of writers lay out the Gospel before the world as no other web sites on the internet. Why Apostolic identifies and promotes Apostolic writers who are men of honesty and integrity in matters of faith and doctrine. Anything they write will be checked for 100% accuracy in doctrine or it will never appear on our web sites.
Each Bible study on Why Apostolic and the Jesus Messieh network of web sites have no doctrinal errors. No other Apostolic writers have greater writing skills than Pastor Reckart and the Ministers whose writings he promotes. There are no Bible studies like them on the whole internet. They are rich in knowledge, understanding, revelation and Truth. No other Jesus Name writers of the past 100 years have put forth such great studies.
Many thousands have read the ones posted. They have been copied many thousands of times. The information has been used all over the world by pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and novice preachers. Tens of thousands of souls have been encouraged and refreshed by the information contained in the writings.
Why Apostolic is not complete. There are study titles which have no link because I have not completed the writing of the study. In the near future I hope to finish them. And, I plan to expand the focus of this web site.
http://whyapostolic.com/ is a source of truth you will not find anywhere else on the internet. When you come to the web sites of Pastor Reckart and the ones he recommends, you will find everything you need. You do not need any other web sites on the internet. Make the Jesus-Messieh network of websites your favorites. On these web sites Jesus is the name above all names. It is greater than Yahweh and Jehovah. And the highest praise is "Praise Jesus" or "Hallelu-Jesus" or "Hallelu-Yeh". On our web sites you will find all the Truth that is currently available upon the earth.
I want to give my thanks to all those pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, and novice preachers who have used the information posted. You will no doubt become people God made.
My special thanks to all the great men of God who are writing Apostolic doctrine that is 100% true and without any doctrinal error.
Jesus bless us all more and more.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made
Friday, August 12, 2011
How Long Can Old Fashion Pentecost Survive?
Many of the old-timers who preached holiness or hell, Oneness or hell, and being baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost or hell, are now dead and forgotten. Most of the pastors filling the Pentecostal pulpits have come from some liberal or very loose Bible college. Many of these also came out from under already backslid or liberal pastors. They are the most evil and hateful men against holiness standards I have ever seen. They have raised a group of reprobate novices who are attacking holiness standards for men and women. They are so reprobate they even proudly refer to themselves as "greasy grace" preachers. They are third and fourth generation Pentecostals who have never been under a real holiness Man of God. They are so detached from old fashion Pentecost that if you should meet one in the public you would not be able to distinguish them from the world. I refer to them as novices because they are not and never will be true mature men of God.
Most of the Pentecostal churches today have fallen into the Charismatic Trinitarian ditch. They can now spout off "don't judge me" better than the best Southern Baptist. And loose? I am sure there must be a better word, maybe like BACKSLID. But to say these whose women have bobbed hair, dress in slacks, wear earrings, sport colorful tattoos, and who speak in some tongue and dance shouting hallelujah, are not saved; will bring a hailstorm of hate, screams, and cries from the pulpits of Laodicea.
Look at our Pentecostal churches which are no longer a real place of salvation. They are so filled with easy-believism, that people can claim to have the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues and they have spoken nothing more than "cha, cha, cha, ta, ta, ta, ti, ti, cha, ta, tie, cemi tie, cemi tie, cemi tie" and such like. This is not the real Holy Ghost. And then we have the holy laughter mixed in here from one side of the church to the other. But where are the holiness folks. Where are the men and women, boys and girls, who are real people of God? They are in the midst. They are brainwashed to take part. They are told they must be in unity and under subjection to authority. Which means what ever the Pastor does it is OK, he gets a free pass on worldliness and bringing in all manner of backsliding.
The Pentecostal churches are now heavily into being movie theaters. Almost all of them have one or more big screens on which they keep a flashing picture of the pulpit, a camera that pans the audience so the attenders can see their face up before the worshippers. And seems now each congregation looks for their own golden calf. A man or woman who will lead them in magic worship with dancing, use of rods, strobe lights, laser beams of different colors, while a drum beat begins the work up to cause them all eventually to bow down at the shout of hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
I have been in these modern worship centers. They are impressive with their high majestic and cathedral ceilings. TV cameras are perched around like buzzards taking in the view of a fresh kill. Men with cameras on their shoulders moving around to get those exciting shots of the Pastor putting a little body movement into his dead preaching to make it seem he is being moved by the Spirit. All this fake body movement stuff is just as fake as the body movements of the dancers. It is learned behavior now because the real Holy Ghost has long departed from these Ichabod sanctuaries.
I began to see the Pentecostal backsliding back in the 80s. It got worse in the 90s. And even more worse when 2000 came. It was like then the lights went out and darkness swept over most of the Pentecostal churches. You go into them and they even turn the lights way down low. Is this a sign darkness has taken over the people and gross darkness their hearts and they do not even know it? How is it possible a people who claim to be holiness can look about them and know they are not in a holiness Church any more, but they stay right there glued to the big screens, as the program director and his choreographed actors put on the show of the night?
I know there are many wonderful men and women who really love God. And they are sick of it. Yes, I said they are sick of it. They know their church is gone, off the chain, and they are sick of it. They are slowly beginning to see their hopes that the pastor will turn the church around is all in vain. They waited in vain. They prayed in vain. They continued to give their tithes and offerings and they were cursed. No blessing came. And they have become so discouraged they almost want to quit Church altogether.
All around us old fashion Pentecost is almost gone. The liberal movers and shakers out of Louisiana, Missouri, and Texas have gutted Pentecost of its heritage of holiness glory. Here and there scattered about America some old timers hold on. But within another 10-20 years they will be gone and Pentecost as we once knew it will be no more. Philadelphia at last was replaced by Laodicea, a Christless religious sham where the door is shut and no one on the inside can hear the knock at the door. We have this prophecy but we cannot see it fulfilled before our very eyes. We do not want to see it.
Around the United States and the world there are still a few really good Churches who have great Pastors who preach the Truth and hold the doctrine of holiness and standards. All they need is a little perfection in some doctrinal areas. If they will not backslide with the host of Laodicea they will come to these important Truths. But I predict as long as they stay affiliated with backslid organizations where their mouths are gagged, they will not be brave enough to accept full restoration of all the Apostolic Truth.
Many of the present day Pentecostal churches have no future but hell. Each time I get an email from these backslid Pentecostals telling me not to judge them, I shake my head in disbelief. Those who go to these places of backsliding will be lost. Neither these churches or the members who remain there will survive unto eternal rewards of the righteous. They are part of the great falling away and will be damned. They really do not care anyway or they would stop their hate talk about holiness standards. They would stop all their hate talk against men of God who stand up and sound the trumpet. It is the hate among them against the old paths that will damn them and send them to hell. They are very bold against the old paths. They are even very openly telling us they are change agents.
I am a Man God made for this hour. I was prepared, ordained, and sent to proclaim the everlasting Gospel. And that Gospel is holiness from its plan of salvation all the way to the resurrection.
No backslid Pentecostal will EVER prove this false.
I said so!
Having seen the coming demise of old fashion Pentecost, and knowing the drastic measures that many must take to escape: I can now understand why the Laodicea church and those within it are beyond correction and redemption. They will not be corrected and like the demonic who screamed "let us alone (Mark 1:24)," these do not want to accept that they are not the people of God.
There is just one thing left for the real people of God remaining within this growing endtime Christless Laodicea church: and that is TO COME OUT FROM AMONG AND BE YE SEPARATE.
I said so!
Either COME OUT or die lost in Pentecostal Laodicea.
If you have no where to turn, consider moving to Tampa, Florida and supporting a Church where old fashion Pentecost is still a way of life.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made For His Glory
Most of the Pentecostal churches today have fallen into the Charismatic Trinitarian ditch. They can now spout off "don't judge me" better than the best Southern Baptist. And loose? I am sure there must be a better word, maybe like BACKSLID. But to say these whose women have bobbed hair, dress in slacks, wear earrings, sport colorful tattoos, and who speak in some tongue and dance shouting hallelujah, are not saved; will bring a hailstorm of hate, screams, and cries from the pulpits of Laodicea.
Look at our Pentecostal churches which are no longer a real place of salvation. They are so filled with easy-believism, that people can claim to have the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues and they have spoken nothing more than "cha, cha, cha, ta, ta, ta, ti, ti, cha, ta, tie, cemi tie, cemi tie, cemi tie" and such like. This is not the real Holy Ghost. And then we have the holy laughter mixed in here from one side of the church to the other. But where are the holiness folks. Where are the men and women, boys and girls, who are real people of God? They are in the midst. They are brainwashed to take part. They are told they must be in unity and under subjection to authority. Which means what ever the Pastor does it is OK, he gets a free pass on worldliness and bringing in all manner of backsliding.
The Pentecostal churches are now heavily into being movie theaters. Almost all of them have one or more big screens on which they keep a flashing picture of the pulpit, a camera that pans the audience so the attenders can see their face up before the worshippers. And seems now each congregation looks for their own golden calf. A man or woman who will lead them in magic worship with dancing, use of rods, strobe lights, laser beams of different colors, while a drum beat begins the work up to cause them all eventually to bow down at the shout of hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
I have been in these modern worship centers. They are impressive with their high majestic and cathedral ceilings. TV cameras are perched around like buzzards taking in the view of a fresh kill. Men with cameras on their shoulders moving around to get those exciting shots of the Pastor putting a little body movement into his dead preaching to make it seem he is being moved by the Spirit. All this fake body movement stuff is just as fake as the body movements of the dancers. It is learned behavior now because the real Holy Ghost has long departed from these Ichabod sanctuaries.
I began to see the Pentecostal backsliding back in the 80s. It got worse in the 90s. And even more worse when 2000 came. It was like then the lights went out and darkness swept over most of the Pentecostal churches. You go into them and they even turn the lights way down low. Is this a sign darkness has taken over the people and gross darkness their hearts and they do not even know it? How is it possible a people who claim to be holiness can look about them and know they are not in a holiness Church any more, but they stay right there glued to the big screens, as the program director and his choreographed actors put on the show of the night?
I know there are many wonderful men and women who really love God. And they are sick of it. Yes, I said they are sick of it. They know their church is gone, off the chain, and they are sick of it. They are slowly beginning to see their hopes that the pastor will turn the church around is all in vain. They waited in vain. They prayed in vain. They continued to give their tithes and offerings and they were cursed. No blessing came. And they have become so discouraged they almost want to quit Church altogether.
All around us old fashion Pentecost is almost gone. The liberal movers and shakers out of Louisiana, Missouri, and Texas have gutted Pentecost of its heritage of holiness glory. Here and there scattered about America some old timers hold on. But within another 10-20 years they will be gone and Pentecost as we once knew it will be no more. Philadelphia at last was replaced by Laodicea, a Christless religious sham where the door is shut and no one on the inside can hear the knock at the door. We have this prophecy but we cannot see it fulfilled before our very eyes. We do not want to see it.
Around the United States and the world there are still a few really good Churches who have great Pastors who preach the Truth and hold the doctrine of holiness and standards. All they need is a little perfection in some doctrinal areas. If they will not backslide with the host of Laodicea they will come to these important Truths. But I predict as long as they stay affiliated with backslid organizations where their mouths are gagged, they will not be brave enough to accept full restoration of all the Apostolic Truth.
Many of the present day Pentecostal churches have no future but hell. Each time I get an email from these backslid Pentecostals telling me not to judge them, I shake my head in disbelief. Those who go to these places of backsliding will be lost. Neither these churches or the members who remain there will survive unto eternal rewards of the righteous. They are part of the great falling away and will be damned. They really do not care anyway or they would stop their hate talk about holiness standards. They would stop all their hate talk against men of God who stand up and sound the trumpet. It is the hate among them against the old paths that will damn them and send them to hell. They are very bold against the old paths. They are even very openly telling us they are change agents.
I am a Man God made for this hour. I was prepared, ordained, and sent to proclaim the everlasting Gospel. And that Gospel is holiness from its plan of salvation all the way to the resurrection.
No backslid Pentecostal will EVER prove this false.
I said so!
Having seen the coming demise of old fashion Pentecost, and knowing the drastic measures that many must take to escape: I can now understand why the Laodicea church and those within it are beyond correction and redemption. They will not be corrected and like the demonic who screamed "let us alone (Mark 1:24)," these do not want to accept that they are not the people of God.
There is just one thing left for the real people of God remaining within this growing endtime Christless Laodicea church: and that is TO COME OUT FROM AMONG AND BE YE SEPARATE.
I said so!
Either COME OUT or die lost in Pentecostal Laodicea.
If you have no where to turn, consider moving to Tampa, Florida and supporting a Church where old fashion Pentecost is still a way of life.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made For His Glory
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Seven Proofs Of A Post Tribulation Rapture
I will post here a link to my 1972 first writing ever about the post-tribulation rapture. I have transcribed it for the benefit of those who love the Truth.
It was in this year Jesus showed me the truth on his second coming. It was in this year I switched from being pre-trib to become post-trib.
I can remember it so well. I was the only post-trib preacher I knew in all of Florida. There were none else.
I sent out this writing to all the pastors in Florida for whom I had an address (UPC, IMA, PAW, MAA, PAJC, ALJC, and AMF). I sent out over 200 letters to these pastors.
I got one letter from all these pastors. It was from Donald Lero of Homestead, Florida. He thanked me on my writing. He informed me he was Amillennial and believed in a future tribulation after which Jesus would come and it would be also the end of the world. I later met with Pastor Lero and we discussed the post tribulation rapture and resurrection. He did not know of another pastor in all the state of Florida who believed in the post-tribulation rapture and resurrection. I was the only one who believed this who also believed in the future millennial.
Pastor Lero was the secretary for the Ministerial Apostolic Association. This was a group of about 200 Pastors and Ministers. He told me that so far as he knew all of these were pre-tribulation rapture believers. These Pastors and Ministers were from several states.
I eventually got another letter from Evansville, Indiana and from Pastor A.D. Van Hoose. In realty he was the only man who encouraged me to continue to write about the post-tribulation rapture and resurrection.
For many years I was the only voice I heard teaching about the post-tribulation rapture and resurrection. It was after 1976 I began to see the fruit of the writing I had sent out. Here and there men converted to the post-tribulation rapture and resurrection doctrine. And over the past years from 1976 until now, hundreds of pastors and ministers now hold this doctrine.
My first little writing was my attempt to reach the Apostolic people with the real truth on the second coming of Jesus. It did start a fire that has not been extinguished.
Here is the link to that famous writing:
Jesus bless us all,
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made To Give Him Glory
It was in this year Jesus showed me the truth on his second coming. It was in this year I switched from being pre-trib to become post-trib.
I can remember it so well. I was the only post-trib preacher I knew in all of Florida. There were none else.
I sent out this writing to all the pastors in Florida for whom I had an address (UPC, IMA, PAW, MAA, PAJC, ALJC, and AMF). I sent out over 200 letters to these pastors.
I got one letter from all these pastors. It was from Donald Lero of Homestead, Florida. He thanked me on my writing. He informed me he was Amillennial and believed in a future tribulation after which Jesus would come and it would be also the end of the world. I later met with Pastor Lero and we discussed the post tribulation rapture and resurrection. He did not know of another pastor in all the state of Florida who believed in the post-tribulation rapture and resurrection. I was the only one who believed this who also believed in the future millennial.
Pastor Lero was the secretary for the Ministerial Apostolic Association. This was a group of about 200 Pastors and Ministers. He told me that so far as he knew all of these were pre-tribulation rapture believers. These Pastors and Ministers were from several states.
I eventually got another letter from Evansville, Indiana and from Pastor A.D. Van Hoose. In realty he was the only man who encouraged me to continue to write about the post-tribulation rapture and resurrection.
For many years I was the only voice I heard teaching about the post-tribulation rapture and resurrection. It was after 1976 I began to see the fruit of the writing I had sent out. Here and there men converted to the post-tribulation rapture and resurrection doctrine. And over the past years from 1976 until now, hundreds of pastors and ministers now hold this doctrine.
My first little writing was my attempt to reach the Apostolic people with the real truth on the second coming of Jesus. It did start a fire that has not been extinguished.
Here is the link to that famous writing:
Jesus bless us all,
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made To Give Him Glory
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