Way back in 1968-1972: (1972) when I switched from Pre-Trib to Post-Trib, I was told interpretation of prophecy was not salvational. I was attending a UPC church between 1968 and 1972. Not salvational was the ruse to quiet me down. This was used to make Post-Trib unimportant. But at the same time, the Pre-Tribers were very adamant, harsh, and mean-spirited. Mention the Post-Tribulation coming and they were ready to fight. I could not understand it. Why, if this subject was not salvational was there such hatred about it?
Over the years I have been persecuted by Pastors, Deacons, Elders, Ministers, Bishops, Apostles, and regular church members when I mentioned I was Post-Trib. The very first time my name was scandalized and my character and spiritual standing attacked, was over the Post-Trib coming of Jesus. I was openly attacked from the pulpit by Pre-Trib Pastors and Ministers. I was attacked openly at Camp Meetings and Fellowship meetings by Pre-Trib Pastors and Ministers.
One time a Pre-Trib Pastor from Hogansville, Georgia told me in front of over 150 people at a fellowship meeting: "Brother Reckart you are invited." I asked him if I was coming to his church to be attacked and he promised me no one would be allowed to do this. I drove over 450 miles to this meeting. I rented a motel room for three days. The first service started with good worship. After this the Pastor got up and welcomed everyone. In about ten minutes he could not resist. He started ranting about JC coming before AC. He then railed on me as a false prophet, saying anyone who believed in the Post-Tribulation coming of Jesus was a false prophet. He said this openly. There were at this meeting about 15 ministers who had attended the prior meeting where he openly invited me by name to his meeting. I listened to about ten minutes of this rant and got my wife and walked out. On the way out the door, Pastor Terry Dotson said to me, what he did was not right. I went on out to my car and had an unusual experience to let me know God was with me.
Event #1: As I was walking to my car, a man came rushing out of the side door of the Church which was off the pulpit area where over 15 ministers were seated. He called my name. I did not recognize him. He introduced himself as a minister from a central America nation. He asked me if I was the one who wrote the book on the Lord's Supper and he showed me a copy. I told him yes. He gave me a big hug and told me what he learned in that book was a great blessing to he and his Church. He was very excited to tell me he had a much greater revelation and understanding of Communion than ever before. When he asked why I was leaving and told him, he responded that what the Pastor had done was not only wrong and unfair, it was not Christian. He said he was sorry to see me attacked and prayed God's blessings upon me.
Event #2: As I drove away, my wife who had just had eye surgery on her retina ask me to find a drug store to buy some eye patches. So, I drove around Hogansville not know where to go. Just driving and taking turns and random on streets I thought a drug store might be on. I turned on a busy street and drove a few blocks and there was a Walgreen's. I got out and went into the store and purchased the patches. I departed out the door to my car to hear a women hollering "Sir, Sir." I stopped as she approached. She asked me: are you a preacher? I said yes. She said my son is in intensive care in Atlanta and I cannot go there. I was praying for him and the Holy Spirit told me to come here to this store and he would send a preacher to come and pray for me and my son. She told me she had been waiting in the parking lot for some time watching everyone coming and going and no one looked like a preacher until I arrived. I looked at her, we were just a few feet from the entry doors of the drug store. I asked her: did the Holy Ghost tell you he would send a preacher here and pray for you? She answered yes. I then said: if the Holy Ghost told you that, I will not make the Holy Ghost a liar. I will pray for you. I then laid hands on her head and began praying a prayer of faith and calling on Jesus name. The Holy Ghost fell in the parking lot. She trembled under the power and I could also feel the anointing. After prayer she said she was glad she obeyed God. I got in my car and my wife asked me what all that was about? I told her I did not know, but that God told this woman to come to the drug store and he would send a preacher there to pray for she and her son.
What was so surreal here was, that at the very moment the preacher was calling me a false prophet, God was speaking to a woman to go to Walgreen's and he would send a preacher there to pray for her and her son. I am certain God knows a whole lot more about me than that Pastor did who ranted on me. And I am also sure, if God chose between a pre and post trib preacher to pray for this woman, he chose a post-trib preacher. Now that is a fact no man will ever erase from my works page in the Lamb's Book of Life.
I have taken a lot of shots and backstabbing over this issue. Some try to use other issues to do their rat killing, but it all boils down to the Post-Trib issue and the doctrines of the faith that relate to this interpretation. One of these is the Messianic Judaism identity of the Church. Because of this, there are over 100 categories of men and women who hate me. Who speak with a forked-tongue, how they love me, respect me, and honor my life's works, and so forth: and then proceed to attack and kill. But I have survived
ALL the attacks of the gainsayers. And yes, many of the gainsayers are now dead.
I want to encourage my Brothers and Sisters around the world who are experiencing persecution, hatred, and slander because of their stand for the Post-Trib coming of Jesus. I was recently in Jamaica and was in awesome meetings where the power of God was so great. In the midst of this meeting, although I was not there on a Post-Trib purpose, the ugly spirit of contention and hate arose. It remains there in Jamaica. UPC Pastors and Ministers spreading hate and discord. While at the same time claiming interpretation of prophecy is not salvational. It has now spread through Jamaica that the UPC is only a Pre-Tribulation organization. That there are no UPC pastors or churches who believe in the Post-Tribulation coming of Jesus. That the UPC hierarchy, including the present Chairman, Dr. David Bernard, opposes the Post-Tribulation interpretation. I have had contact with Pastor Bernard over the years and not one time did he ever mention to me that he or the UPC hated or opposed those who believed in the Post-Tribulation rapture. Yet in Jamaica, the UPC officials are trying to persecute, name-call, and spread evil reports against those ministers and members who believe in the Post-Tribulation rapture. The Pre-Tribs are contending for their different view to the disunity of the body. If the present hierarchy of the UPC does not stop its slander and backstabbing of UPC members and Ministers, they will cause many to leave the organization and become independant. If the hierarchy believes they can spread slander, discord, hate, and give bad names of Ministers and members, all to defend the lie that all the UPC is Pre-Trib: then the UPC in Jamaica needs to be split right now. Pastors who lean to the Post-Trib are threatened that if they come out and teach this, the other Pre-Trib churches will spread the word all Pre-Tribs in these churches should leave and come to theirs. So, Pastors are afraid to declare themselves as Post-Trib. If this practice does not stop, I am thinking of going to Kingston and starting a Post-Trib Church. Something the hierarchy will have no control or power over. But why is this necessary? In the USA, there are districts where there are Pre and Post Tribs. While they do not agree on interpretation of prophecy, they do agree to disagree. Why is this an impossible solution in Jamaica?

In the year 2010, I can say the UPC of Jamaica is the most prejudice group we have encountered in all the world against the Post-Tribulation rapture. Second to this is the Philippines. And then third place is here in America where there are several young novices and blasphemers who think by attacking me, they are now to be trusted to be the guide of those seeking the Truth. Some have openly said not to follow me, to follow them. This is all about who will be the guide. Frankly, I am just a man of God. I am not interested in guiding anyone unless they are Post-Trib and share our doctrine on the true Israel of God. And if I am a guide to some I do not claim to be the guide of all. There are some I would not guide at all. They are not worthy of the Truths I know. So, I am sure 2011 will be another year of persecution here in the US, in Jamaica, in the Philippines, and in other places of the world.
The Post-Tribulation rapture is the truth because I said so. The Church is the Israel of God because I said so. And the Messianic Judaism of Jesus is the only valid Judaism, because I said so. And I can back up what I say by the Scriptures.
Jesus bless all who in every place stand for the Post-Tribulation rapture truths of God. Do not let the mockers and the scoffers brow-beat you into accepting their false doctrine of a pre-trib, mid-trib, and pre-wrath rapture. The Rapture will not be until "
after the tribulation of those days." Jesus said it. Believe it.
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made