Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Is there an ancient uncorrupted Hebrew Bible in existence today?

70AD Temple Destruction in Jerusalem
The original manuscripts and early copies of the Old Testament disappeared over time, because of wars, (especially the destruction of the First and Second Temples), and other intentional destructions made by enemies [Wikipedia Hebrew Manuscripts].
The Talmud (and also Karaite mss.) states that a standard copy of the Hebrew Bible was kept in the court of the Temple in Jerusalem [ibid].

There are questions that beg to be asked, but no one is asking them.

It is a fact, which the Jews confess, that the Christians were using the Greek Septuagint Bible to spread their teachings about Jesus being the Messieh and also the Savior. 
It is also a fact which the Jews confess that they did not like this. 
It also a fact which the Jews confess that they no longer loved the Greek Septuagint which they had in all their synagogues. They had the Geek Bible in their places of worship for over a hundred years. According to Jewish sources, there was ONLY ONE COPY OF THE HEBREW BIBLE AND IT WAS KEPT IN THE TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM. This is a confession right there that there was no Hebrew Bible used in any synagogue.

Now here we have a problem. The liars claim Jesus and the Apostles used the Hebrew bible. Where did they get it if there was one Hebrew Bible and it was under lock and key hidden in the temple?
The liars claim this Hebrew bible was the only perfect preserved Word of God. 
We do not know who all saw this one Bible. 
We do not know where it was kept in the temple. 
We do not know if Jesus himself or the Apostles ever saw this one copy. Or even read it. Of course this information demands we ask a lot of questions. And I am just the one to challenge the world with such hard questions.

Okay is it true that there was one copy of the original Hebrew Bible in the temple? And is it also true the Jews venerated this Hebrew Bible and placed it as being more important than the Greek Bible used in the synagogues? 

If so, how come it was not used in the Jerusalem temple? Why was it hidden away? And more importantly, how come when the Christians used the Greek Septuagint Bible to preach about Jesus, did they not go and parade it out and show the nation and the world that the Christians were not preaching and teaching according to the Hebrew Bible? Would the Jews miss such a chance if it existed? And if it did exist how come they did not use it?

Right here we must ask a difficult question?

The Jews confess they were angered at the Christians. 
They became so angry they invented a benediction at the end of the synagogue service that cursed the Christians to be blotted out and the Jesus Kingdom they called "arrogant government" be uprooted in their days:

"For the apostates [Christians] let there be no hope. And let the arrogant government [kingdom] be speedily uprooted in our days. Let the noẓerim and the minim be destroyed in a moment. And let them be blotted out of the Book of Life and not be inscribed together with the righteous [Jews]. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who humblest the arrogant" (Schechter)(emphasis [Christian] [kingdom] [Jews] added)."

You can Google this curse. It is worded differently by different writers. They were so angry that the Christians had taken and used their Geek Bible, that they held a special conclave council in 90AD at Jabneh. At this special council the issue came up about the Christians using their Greek Bible. They had no permission and no right. That was the attitude.
Remember, this Greek Bible was used by the Jews since 280BC. So it really did belong to them. It belonged to the temple religious leaders. They used it. They would parade the scrolls around upon their shoulders and give them great honor and respect. They called this Greek Bible the Scriptures. 

And then Jesus came.

As Jesus began quoting the Greek Scriptures, he spoke the names of Old Testament people as found spelled in the Greek Scriptures. This slowly stirred up hatred from the temple cult toward the disciples of Jesus. It would be asked by the temple cult: "who has taught them letters?" The letters here are not Aramaic or Hebrew. They would most likely know these letters from childhood. But who taught them the Greek letters used in the Bible scrolls in the synagogue? When Christians began acquiring and using the Greek Scriptures, because Jesus had done so: the temple cult did not appreciate it. It took away from them they exclusive claim to have the only interpretation and understanding. Now the Holy Spirit would guide the Christians in proper interpretation and understanding. And the temple cult did not like this.

But here is an important question? How come the Jews did not just let the Christians have that Greek Bible and go get the Hebrew one in the temple and use that one?

How come they did not create a massive scriptorium in Jerusalem and mass produce this Hebrew Bible? 

How come they did not challenge the Christians using this one Hebrew Bible? And now for the really big question? 

In 90AD when they were in council and trying to plot a way to destroy Christianity and cast doubt and suspicion on the Greek Septuagint, did they not go get that one Hebrew Bible and show the Christians they were wrong?

Well we are told that the one Hebrew Bible that existed in the temple was destroyed in the 70AD destruction. So they did not have it any more. Can I ask a question here, an honest question? 

God is looking down on Jerusalem. 
God approved Titus to come there and set the place on fire from hell and to tear down stone upon stone. 
Now God is not stupid or dumb. You cannot trick him. You cannot control him or manipulate him. 
Now think for a minute. God would know that in that temple there was preserved the one last Hebrew Bible. He would know that if he allowed that one Hebrew Bible to be destroyed that he was destroying his own Word Book. If God knew this one Hebrew Bible was in that temple, and if God honored and respected that book, I can promise you that he would not have allowed Titus to get any where near Jerusalem until that book was safe far away. And I can promise you that heaven and earth would pass away before one iota and one tittle of the Law would perish in that one last Hebrew Bible. But since it was destroyed in the fire, apparently God did not care. Let someone fight that fact.

But, did God preserve that one last Hebrew Bible?

Why? If God knew it was the most perfect translated Bible in the world?

Why? If God knew if it was destroyed that the Jews would have to collect scraps and fragments and quotes from Jewish writers to try and reconstruct that book? Why did he allow that one copy to perish in the fires of hell that consumed the temple?

Ok, now we can get back to that council meeting in 90AD. Now we know why they could not drag out the one last Hebrew Bible. We know they could not because it was burned up in 70AD. So now what will they do? The Christians had taken their Greek Bible and they did not like that Bible any more. What will they do?

They decided to make a new Greek Bible. That is what they voted to do. So they hired a reprobate former Christian named Aquila to make a new Greek Bible (Aquila's translation although said to be literal, was a crude novice poorly translated book). They would remove all the LXX Greek Septuagint Bibles from the synagogues. They would put this new Greek Aquila Bible in them (which they did and was used up to about 1000AD). And thus, the Christians would have the older Greek Bible and they would have the new invented one. Did I say invented one? Yes I did. Now why did I say this? I say this because Aquila, in spite of all the lies how he could read Aramaic/Hebrew would never translate a single jot or tittle from the Hebrew because it was burned up. There was none for him to sit down and translate from. So what would he do? He would take the LXX Greek Septuagint and just edit it and make changes in the wording and spellings. And that is just what he did. But the liars will tell us he translated from a burned up book?

Now we are told that by the time of Origin there was a Hebrew Old Testament but we do not know where it came from. We do not know if it was a backward translation from Greek to Aramaic/Hebrew? We just do not know. Now if the Jews in 90AD had that Bible, they would not need to be making a Greek new one. More importantly here, why being Jews would they want a Greek tongue Bible any way? Why not just use the Hebrew Bible if one existed? After all we are told the lies how they highly treasured and loved the Hebrew language and considered all other tongues profane. Why would they want to use a Greek profane tongue Bible if they could have a holy Hebrew one?

We have been fed a slop bucket full of lies, distortions, fables, traditions, and perversions. We have the lies and contradictions of hundreds of rabbis who just about cannot agree on anything. The Mishnah is evidence of this fact. The Talmud is also witness. And herein is the expose of this evil Babylonian Talmud. It is not the Hebrew Scriptures. It will never become the Hebrew Scriptures no matter how many Jews and Gentiles venerate and idolize this book. The Talmud is nothing more than a cheap Babylonian substitution of the original Hebrew Bible. We look upon Babylon as evil and the Jews look upon Babylon as the second most holy city after Jerusalem.

Now what of this Masoretic bible that Ben Ezra and his club supposedly recreated from fragments and translations from the Greek back into Aramaic/Hebrew? We can see that this book, is not an original copy of the one Hebrew bible destroyed in the 70AD destruction. No one can prove that it is. At best they can say it might be similar or the closest. But who will ever be able to validate this, the original is gone, and God burned it up?

For we Christians, we do not need a Hebrew Bible. Jesus and the first Christians did not need one. No Christian needed one. Jesus saw fit we would have a New Testament that would triumph over the Hebrew Bible. And on the pages of this New Testament, all the words of God needed for salvation is complete. Other than using the Old Testament as a schoolmaster, it has no value to salvation. Salvation is found only in the New Testament in Acts 2:38.

We have a Bible and it is the New Testament.
We now want to make sure the corrupters do not alter this Bible like the Jews altered the Old Testament. And if we find any corruptions we will repair them.

To Jesus, the only Wise God, be honor, majesty, power, and glory for ever and ever.

Jesus, name above all names.

I win, You can win....

I win

Because Truth wins.

I win

Because Jesus is on my side.

I win

Because my challenger(s) defaulted

I win

Because I read the back of the book.

I win.

You can win

You can win if you will stop spread lies and start spreading the Truth

You can win

If you will stop challenging and begin preaching the Truth

You can win

If you win the day you stop hating the Truth and realize you will be lost if you continue in lies, fables, and traditions.

You can win if you will leave Pentecostal catholicism and Jewish witchcraft kabbalahism.

Yes, you can win

But you must stand up for Jesus Christ against all unrighteousness.

You can win.

But will you?

Will you make a decision to leave Pentecostal catholicism and the 8 monk doctrines?
Will you make a decision to stand up for the Truth?

Will you?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Just The Facts Please "SHOW ME"

From Wikipedia

Hebrew Manuscripts

List of manuscripts (With note if it is or is not a complete Bible)

No complete Hebrew Bible from 600BC to 1008AD is in existence

Nash Papyrus, dated to the 2nd BC – 1st AD (Not the complete Bible)

  • Severus Scroll (named for the Roman Emperor who restored this scroll, reportedly seized from the Temple in Jerusalem, to the Jewish community in 220), a lost manuscript of early 1st century AD, only a few sentences are preserved by Rabbinic literature (Not the complete Bible)
  • Codex Hilleli, a lost manuscript of circa AD 600, destroyed in 1197 in Spain, only a few sentences are preserved by Rabbinic literature[8] (Not the complete Bible)
  • Codex Muggeh (or Muga)(="corrected"), lost, cited as a source in Massoretic notations. (Not the complete Bible)
  • Scroll 2, dated AD 1155-1255, University of Bologna Library (Not the complete Bible)

Here we are in 1155-1255AD and no actual proof that a complete Hebrew Bible is in existence. The Masoretic text will soon appear now with backward dating.

Masorah manuscripts
  • Codex Orientales 4445, dated between AD 820 and 850; the manuscript contains Genesis-Deuteronomy 1:33 (less Numbers 7:47–73 and Numbers 9:12–10:18). (Not the complete Bible)
  • Codex Cairensis, (Prophets) pointed by Moses Ben Asher, dated by a colophon AD 895 (the oldest ms bearing the date of its writing), (was in Cairo, now in Jerusalem) (Not the complete Bible)
  • Codex Babylonicus Petropolitanus, (Latter Prophets) dated AD 916Russian National Library (Not the complete Bible)
  • Aleppo Codex, AD 930, Museum Ben Zwi (Israel), (was complete, supposedly pointed by Aaron Ben Asher, partly destroyed in 1947); this ms is the basis of the Jerusalem Crown edition. (Not the complete Bible)
  • Codex Leningradensis, (complete) copied from a Ben Asher ms., dated AD 1008Russian National Library; this ms is the basis of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and other editions. (First complete Bible but there are hundreds of differences in wording with prior partial existing MSS)
  • Michigan Codex, (Torah) 10th century[9] (Second complete Bible but there are hundreds of differences in wording with prior partial existing MSS)
  • Damascus Keter (Damascus Pentateuch), 10th century[10] (Third complete Bible but there are hundreds of differences in wording with prior partial existing MSS)
  • Reuchlin Codex (Prophets), dated AD 1105 (Fourth complete Bible but there are hundreds of differences in wording with prior partial existing MSS)
  • Codex Yerushalmi, lost, reportedly used in Spain (circa 1010) by Jonah ibn Janah(Lost so this one does not count)
  • Erfurt Codices (complete, Berlin), E1 circa 14th century, E2 possibly 13th century, E3 possibly 11th century (Fifth complete Bible but there are hundreds of differences in wording with prior existing MSS)
  • Codex Jericho, (Pentateuch) lost, cited in the notes to a Massoretic manuscript written circa 1310. (Lost so this one does not count)
  • Codex Ezra, lost, C.D. Ginsburg owned a manuscript written in 1474 which purported to have been copied from this. (Lost so this one does not count)
  • Codex Sinai, mentioned in Massoretic notes and reportedly used by Elia Levita (circa 1540). (Lost so this one does not count)
  • Codex Sanbuki (named for Zambuqi, on the Tigris River), lost, frequently quoted in Massoretic annotations and apparently seen (circa 1600) by Menahem Lonzano(Lost so this one does not count)
  • Codex Great Mahzor, lost, mentioned in Massoretic notes (the title suggests that this codex contained only the Pentateuch and those selections from the Prophets that were read during the liturgical year) (Lost so this one does not count)
  • Cairo Geniza fragments contains portions of the Old Testament in Hebrew and Aramaic, discovered in Cairo synagogue, which date from about 4th century AD (Not a complete Bible. The wording is different than other MSS)
  • Ben Asher Manuscripts. (Many of these are lost. What now remains is considered the true Jewish Bible. But it did not exist in the days of Jesus or the Apostles. The current Masorretic Text in Aramaic which is falsely called Hebrew, is the text many claim is the Hebrew. This Aramaic/Hebrew text did not exist prior to 800AD and had to be reconstructed from several different manuscripts. This MSS is the one vowel points were added to.)
Count up the actual full Bible MSS.
Count up the lost ones.

Now, which one existing today can anyone say existed in the days of Jesus and the Apostles?

I have ask this many hundreds of times: 

Show me the Hebrew Bible that existed in the days of Jesus and the Apostles. 

Show me the one today that is proven to be the one that existed in the days of Jesus and the Apostles.
Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls are not a complete Bible. There are scraps of MSS in different languages. 

We have no proof these scrolls are actual copies of an older Bible or translated from the Paleo-Hebrew. 

They appear to be in agreement with the Masoretic text invented between 800-1200AD. 

We do not know the true date of these scrolls and the dating is based upon faulty analysis on relics found in the caves. It is a certain fact that many of these relics could have been there hundreds of years before the caves were used as a bible making center. Some certainly date after the current accepted date of the scrolls. 

It is interesting that these caves and the extensive work carried out there by the scroll makers, is not mentioned on the list of Masoretic bible making sites. If it was not one of the recognized Masoretic sites, how then can scholars claim the scrolls are part of the Masoretic text transfer system? 

It could very well be that these Dead Sea Scrolls were written years later and the ones that seem to agree with the Masoretic text could be no older than 800AD themselves. 

A critical analysis is not welcomed because the 200BC-100AD dates are needed to give the Ben Ezra Masoretic text credibility.  

What I find strange in my own analysis, is that when the Pharisees met in the Council of Jamnia in 90AD to have Aquila write a new Greek translation, they did not know anything about the Dead Sea Cave Scriptoriums. This is hardly possible. It is totally unreasonable that they would know all the places Christians met and hid and used the Greek Septuagint but they would not know of an extensive scriptorium where a large number of people lived and used as a center for their activities. 

The large number of people who inhabited and frequented these scriptoriums, coming and going, they could not have been a secret. The Sicarri knew every secret place in Israel. This means the temple cult would have known. It also means those after 70AD would have known.

The question is, where is the Hebrew Bible they claim they faithfully preserved? They cannot prove its existence for hundreds of years. How did they lose it if they faithfully preserved it?

Where is a complete copy of it from 600BC to 1008AD? 

How come they cannot prove a complete copy existed in the time of Jesus and the Apostles? 

How come if a complete copy existed that Ben Ezra and his scribes must invent a new one from scratch from a collection of fragments gathered from several distant places. Do not lie and try to make the Ben Ezra the bible that existed in Jesus' day. That would be the same as saying the King James Version is what the Christians used in the first century (absurd).

How come there was no total and full copy in any one place for hundreds of years? 

The answer to these hard and difficult questions demands we ask one thing. 

Was there even in existence a complete Bible in the Aramaic (Hebrew) in the time of Jesus? 

We do know Josephus mentions 22 books. But this is way short of 39 +7 additional. But were these 22 collected into one volume of scripture in one book? So far the answer is no. 

If anyone has any proof of a complete Aramaic/Hebrew bible in the days of Jesus and the Apostles, I want to see it. I have asked for this bible for nearly 30 years now from bible scholars and so far none have provided that bible.

We are asked to believe Jewish fables concerning the Masoretic text.
We are asked to believe they faithfully preserved the Aramaic/Hebrew bible but cannot produce it.
We are asked to believe they carefully copied every jot and tittle but cannot produce a single bible where these jots and tittles were written.
We are asked to believe they did not pronounce YHWH or YHVH because they did not want Gentiles or the profane to know how to and thus use it in vain.
We are asked to believe they lost the pronounciation and no one now knows it, but they use monk invented names such as Jehovah and Yahweh.
We are asked to believe the Aramaic/Hebrew language is the holy tongue of God.
We are asked to believe the numerology of this alleged sacred tongue unlocks the secrets of the Bible code.
We are asked to believe that anything any Jewish rabbi says is true, even if it disagrees with what Jesus or the Apostles said.
We are daily hammered to accept Jewish fables. It is time we reject any Jewish claim on interpretation of scripture that cannot be verified by Jesus or the Apostles.

Pretending The UPC church has always existed...

Today we will pretend with many UPC people that it has always existed (although we know it was created in 1945).

Let's pretend we are UPC today.
Let's pretend we believe the King James Bible is the only one God ever inspired.
Let's pretend all other Bibles are from the devil.
Let's pretend if you use another Bible, you are being prideful, antisemitic, and a Jew hater.
Let's pretend that the KJV Bible is the only one that is 100% right and no errors.

Boy, we are in Pentecostal church now. People are shouting, dancing, leaping, running, screaming halleluyah, and yelling King James, King James, King James: as they hold up their bible.

Ok you are a UPC now, a pretend one. And pretend the UPC has existed since the day of Pentecost.

Pretend you are living in 1610.
Now you are a 1610 UPC church. Now what Bible did the UPC church use in 1610? Give me the name. No tricks. No anger and hateful remarks. Just the facts please. What was the Bible of the UPC church in 1610?

Let's pretend we are living in a 1000AD UPC church. What would our bible be that had Jehovah and Easter in it?

Let's pretend we lived in a 325AD UPC church. What would be our bible that had Jehovah and Easter in it?

Let's pretend we lived in a 240AD UPC church. What would be our bible that had Jehovah and Easter in it?

Let's pretend we lived in a 100AD UPC church. What would be our Old Testament bible that had Jehovah and Easter in it?

Let's pretend we lived the ten years after the day of Pentecost in a UPC church. What would be our Old Testament bible that had Jehovah and Easter in it?

I know for those who have no learning about church history, especially UPC church history, they might not know the answers to the above questions. So, they can go ask their Pastor. Or they can send an email to Pastor David Bernard and ask him.

I wonder how many pastors will tell the questioner they are stupid. Or do not pay attention to these questions (because they are ashamed to answer them). Or offer to give a written response (with the names of the bible the UPC church would have been using in those years). Asking a UPC pastor to give a written response to questions like these above, would be like asking him to tell the Truth. 

Will he? 

Can he? 

Does he have the truthful ability to do so?

I post this series of pretend situations, to provoke thinking. To show UPC people that the King James Version was not considered the Word of God or the Scriptures before 1611. And that there was no KJV bible in the days of Jesus and the Apostles with Jehovah in it. And they did not call Passover Easter.

I want to provoke unto learning. I want to test the honesty of men and women. I want to see how many really do love the Truth.

1.) So, admit the KJV did not exist in the days of Jesus and the Apostles. (Write back and say "I admit #1).
2.) Admit the two bibles (Aramaic and Greek) that existed in the days of Jesus did not have Jehovah and Easter in them. (Write back and say "I admit #2).
3.) Admit that Jesus and the Apostles used only the Greek Septuagint bible and never the Babylonian Aramaic. (Write back and say "I admit #3).

Confess truthfulness and admit the Truth.

I am not a fool

Ok, now we want to get behind the tetragrammaton. 

We know this is four letters YHWH or YHVH. 

We also know that the name tetragrammaton comes from two words: tetra=four (4) and grammaton from gramma=letters. So tetragrammaton means 4 letters. 

Now to get behind this name of the four letters. We must understand that those who believe in this tetragrammaton and who inserted it into the Masorretic Aramaic bible text were scribes. 

All the history books call these Masorretics "scribes." 

There are in the New Testament a group of evil men within the temple cult of the Pharisees and the Sadducees this group is called scribes. But if we want to know what scribe means in the Greek, because "tetragrammaton" is a Greek word: we will just go take a look at Strong's #1122. 

There we will find that scribe in Greek is "grammateus." So now we have the revelation that they who put the tetragrammaton in the Masorretic text are themselves the grammateus. Now look at part of this one verse: "scribes condemn him to death" (Matthew 20:18). Let me fix this so you can understand what Jesus really said here: "grammateus condemn him to death." 

Here we have it, the Masorretic bible makers, the grammateus who put the tetragrammaton in the Aramaic bibles, will assist in putting Jesus to death. 

The very men so many shower love, honor, respect, and grant eternal immunity for perverting the Word of God: these men, Jesus predicted would use their grammateus skills, their vote, all of their influence to have Jesus crucified. 

Just as sure as those nails went into his hands and his feet (perhaps by Roman soldiers), the scribes were there in their tetragrammaton grammateus robes, to laugh and wag their heads (Matthew 27:41-43; Mark 15:31-32; Luke 23:10). 

Make no mistake, the grammateus who wrote YHWH with the stroke of their pens many thousands of times, are guilty of the blood and death of Jesus. 


I am many things, but I am not a fool....

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Blessed Eyes

Many have vision problems, some are blind or going blind. A lot of blindness can be prevented.

What is so sad, is to see people who are going blind not caring. And people seeing others going blind and do not care.

When my wife started going blind (1998), she started seeing things blurry. She could not read road signs or billboards. She could not read the Bible, a newspaper, or a book. So, I would read to her. I would read the road signs, the good billboards, and most important, I would tell her what we were passing in the grocery store and in Wal-Mart or some other store. As we walked I talked. She listened. I am now her eyes.

One of my memorable moments when my wife was going blind was in a restaurant. Of course my wife uses a fork or spoon but very carefully since she does not know what she is getting. Well, my wife ordered her food. When the young girl brought it to us. She sat my plate down and then my wife's. Then she said to my wife: your water is at 12 o'clock. Your napkin is at 9 o'clock. Your steak is at 9 o'clock. Your green beans are at 3 o'clock. And your sweet potato is at 6 o'clock. She then took my wife's hand and directed it in a fan motion right to left to touch her water glass. Then she said: do you need anything else? I was so fascinated by this girl's actions. I said yes, two things. She said what is it? I said who taught you to do that? She teared up and said, oh my mother is blind and I help her when I am not working. Then I said, second thing: will you stand by my table until I finish praying? She said yes sir. And so I prayed a simple fast prayer for the food and for this girl and her mother.

Blessed Eyes

When our daughter Donna was married in 2000 her eye doctor outfitted her with a special pair of glasses that allowed her to see some image but not clear. The problem was her retina. It had detached and would not reattach because of her diabetes. At several junctions in her going blind she would cry. But she said if she had to choose between her eyes and her hearing, she would choose to lose her eyes. She went through bouts of depression, loneliness, and the fear of unknown sounds. She overcame all that by the help of Jesus. She was quite an over comer.

One year, in 2005 I went on missions to the Philippines and she wanted to go. So I took her to the mission field. She had as her companion Jhane Jacutin from Cagayan de Oro. The two hit it off and Jhane has become our spiritual daughter. She was so blessed by the outpouring of love for her. It was good therapy. She traveled with me to several islands but sometimes she had to stay in a hotel (Pension House) until I got back. I was so scared for her being alone. But she would insist I go and preach and teach. So, I would make sure she had food, drink, anything she needed or wanted. I always had some girl who would look after her and take her out for walks. She liked those walks.

In 2007, totally blind now, she said to me, I want to go with you on the pump boat from Bogo to Cayawan. And I told her, when we get to Cayawan we have to climb out on the outrigger and slip down into a smaller boat. Do you think you can do that? She said she wanted to go and she would find a way. So she went. Wow, what courage, blind, on a primitive outrigger pump boat. After a few hours we arrived at Cayawan and the little boats lined up to come under the outriggers to take passengers on into shore. When our time in the line came, I helped her get down on her knees, crawl out on the bamboo plank of the outrigger. Others seeing me trying to help my blind wife went into action.

Some jumped into the water and climbed in the little boat. Some slipped past us and helped her inch her way forward. All the time, the pump boat is heaving, rocking, rolling side to side, and there she was perched on an outrigger inching her way out. At last she arrived. I had her to move her knees out from under her and turn and roll over and sit down with her legs dangling. About five feet below was the little boat. There were now three young boys there with hands outstretched to help her. They took her two feet in their hands, and told her to turn loose of the outrigger. The boats were bobbing and she was scared out of her wits. But, she turned loose and they gently lowered her into the little boat. Wow, what an experience.  The little boat took us on in to the shore where she had to climb out of the boat into waist deep water to wade the rest of the way to shore.

Sister Reckart was blessed by the members of the Church there who showered her with love. Then we reversed the entire process when we departed. She was back on the pump boat and headed back to Bogo and then to Cebu.

Because of her kidney failure problems and being on dialysis, it is doubtful she will ever be able to go again. But, she is checking to see if there is a dialysis center in Cebu and if there is one she is comfortable with, she will likely make the trip again.

All the time, I am her eyes.

The eyes are one of the important doorways to the mind and soul. I realize this living with a wife in the blind world. I do everything for her. I cook all her meals. I take care of everything. She does continue to wash clothes providing I pile them up by color for her. She likes that. And she still loves shopping. Second to that, she talks. Blind people transfer from their eyes not only to their ears, but to talking. So, if you want to be a friend to a blind person, get them to talk and just listen. You could make their day.

On my last trip to the Philippines I saw an old blind man sitting on the sidewalk holding a little cup. I was so smitten when I walked past. I turned and went back. He had a little coin in it that he rattled as he said something in his language. I reached into my pocket and pulled out two 500 peso bills (about $23). I touched him on the head and said silently (in the name of Jesus Christ). Some friends of his standing and watching an American give him money began to shout to him. He stuck his fingers in the cup and pulled out the money. They told him how much it was. And he danced right there in front of God and every body. I turned and disappeared in the crowd.

I was passing through Car Car, south of Cebu and I saw a very young girl walking behind a little casket. Behind her was a little stream of people. They were in a procession going somewhere with that little casket. I asked the driver what was going on, He said a funeral, the little girl's baby had died. I told him to turn the taxi around. By the time he was able and go back they had disappeared. I told him to find that girl. He began to ask where she went and they pointed the direction. We found her walking up a hill toward the cemetery. By this time I was crying. I had the driver to pull up and stop next to the young girl. Then I saw her young husband with her and he was crying. They were both crying. As I got out of the taxi crying and tears running down my face, I handed the little wife 2000 pesos (about $50). She looked at me like I was an angel. She smiled and gave me a hug and I prayed for them in Jesus Christ name. I got back into the taxi and went on my Journey to Negros.

Eyes to see.
Eyes of compassion.
Eyes of caring.
Eyes that love.
Eyes that are blessed, not with vision, but with love.
Then I realized why Truth is so important. Why seeing it is so impressive.

I remember the words of Jesus:

But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear (Matthew 13:16).

I look back over the years when I wandered in Pentecostal Catholic blindness; When I was led by blind pastors; When I let others be my eyes; And they led me into so many lies. Then I began to read and study on my own. I was scared to give up the lies of pagan holidays. I was told I was leaving God if I left the UPC. But I knew I had to escape Pentecostal Catholicism. I had to, to be saved.

I can see why so many in the UPC hate the truth. I am shocked by the arrogance, the hate, the slander, the rancor, the ogre mentality, from them that Truth must be destroyed so their blindness can continue.

When the day of spiritual healing came to my eyes and I gave up Pentecostal Catholicism, I began a personal war on spiritual blindness. I had one goal now:


I then got this revelation from Jesus Christ God, that those who see the Truth have beautiful eyes.

I have looked into the eyes of men and women who at last got the Truth. And believe me, it shows up in the eyes in mysterious ways.  The look of joy. The look of excitement. The look of love. The look of compassion. And the look that only Truth can bring to the face.

Blessed Eyes
Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made

Thursday, July 25, 2013

After 100 Years, The Incredible Discovery Of Dr. Delitzsch Remains World Shaking

After one hundred years, the incredible discovery of Dr. Delitzsch remains world shaking.

No one can destroy the clay tablet evidence.

Yes, the information about YHVH?YHWH being evil and pagan is destructive. It shows us that Babylonian Jewish rabbis purposely perverted the Word of God. But should this shock us? Why were they in Babylon in the first place? It was because they had already replace the true God with another pagan god named Baal and had worshiped this pagan Gentile god for many, many years. Would it matter to them which god they now had or his name (Read Jeremiah 23:27-32)? They are in Babylon as wicked and evil idolaters. To adopt the chief god of the Assyrians would have been nothing more than changing whom they called Baal (lord, which they then CAPPED to represent this god).

Dr. Delitzsch proved that these reprobate rabbis, priests, and false prophets cared no more for Israel than the heathens. Why then should he be forced to think of the land of Israel as any holy place for Christians, when the blood of thousands of Christians, shed by Jews from the time of John the Baptist, soaked the ground? Dr. Delitzsch saw that in nations and countries where Christian blood was not shed, where the blood of prophets did not cry from beneath the altar, that place was more holy than Israel or Jerusalem.

When he discovered the lies of rabbis and Jewish bible scribes, he lost all confidence in anything the Jews said from then on. If they would not admit the Babylonian scribes interpolated into the Bible the name of a false God, he wanted no more to do with any of these Jews. Ironically or not, he discovered that when he went to the Jews about this, instead of dealing with the facts, they began a campaign to destroy his reputation, his character, and his discovery. While Dr. Delitzsch did go in the wrong direction after he lost his confidence in the Old Testament, he never cursed Jesus Christ. He never went on a campaign to destroy Christianity.

This has angered a lot of people who think that idolatrous rabbis and priests should still be respected even if they hate Jesus Christ and spread lies about Mary, the Apostles, and the New Testament. You can tell when one of these surfaces, because they will accuse you of being antisemite or a Nazi. Dr. Delitzsch was not antisemite, he was anti-Babylonian rabbi and scribe. He opposed any Jew who attacked him and who refused to admit that Babylonian rabbis perverted the Bible. He was not a Nazi because they did not exist then. It is customary when people want to defend the lies of evil Babylonian bible scribes, for them to attack the messenger. Why not attack those clay tablets. Why not deal with the facts, this pagan god was not the God of the Old Testament righteous Israelites or Jews. Why not deal with the facts and stop the ad-hominem abuse attacks?

Dr. Delitzsch proved that the rabbis stole the name of their YHWH god from the pantheon of gods of the Assyrians. Cry all you want. But until you prove those clay tablets are false, you can not disprove what Dr. Delitzsch showed the world. After 100 years the evidence still stands.
The clay tablets unearthed and deciphered, prove there was a Jahveh god as the chief god of the Assyrians.

The name of Jesus came from Heaven, not from the chief Assyrian god Jahave. Any attempts to associate the name of Jesus with an idol god will send people to hell. Jesus name is above every name and that will stand when the world and hell are on fire.

In the KJV the name of this pagan idol god is hidden in the secret code LORD, which many think refers to the God of the Old Testament but it really refers to the pagan god of Sumeria/Akkadia/Assyria.

The cults covert LORD to the tetragrammaton and then in the next progression of the lies into Jehovah or Yahweh. And they tell us these are the names behind the secret code LORD.

So LORD does not at all mean LORD, it means some other name like Jahve, Yahve, Jehovah, or Yahweh.

We must remove these pagan names from our Bible. LORD needs to be corrected to God or removed completely.

No one can deny Jah-a-ve is the chief god of the Assyrian pantheon.
No one can deny this Jah-a-ve god is pagan.
No one can prove any patriarch from Adam to Moses knew this pagan god and or accepted or worshiped him.
No one can prove this pagan god was the God of creation.
No one can prove this pagan god was the God of Noah.
No one can prove this pagan god was the God of Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob.

This pagan god is not known by this name anywhere in the Old Testament among the prophets.
Even in the case of Melchizedec, who prophesied about the most high God (Genesis 14:18-20); this pagan god is not know. If this Melchizedec was Shem, the son of Noah, this proves that Noah and his sons did not know or accept a pagan god named Jah-a-ve. Any use of LORD in the flood account is fraud. Noah did not know or use the name LORD, it did not exist. Noah did not know the tetragrammaton secret code that LORD represented YHVH or YHWH. Do not put lies in the Bible. I warn all of you. Stop putting lies in the Bible. You will go to a burning hell if you do this. Do not defend lies put into the Bible or you also will go to a burning hell. I warn all of you.

This YHWH and YHVH god is pagan. It is not the God of the Old Testament although the Babylonian rabbis put this into the bible in over 5,000 places.

Bishop Reckart
A Man God Made
Jesus name above all names, because I said so....

Bible Manuscripts, God's Name, Jesus

The oldest extant manuscripts of the Masoretic Text date from approximately the 9th century CE,[3] and the Aleppo Codex (once the oldest complete copy of the Masoretic Text, but now missing its Torah section) dates from the 10th century (Wikipedia--Masortic Text).

Another Talmudic story, perhaps referring to an earlier time, relates that three Torah scrolls were found in the Temple court but were at variance with each other. The differences were then resolved by majority decision among the three.[4]

(Where was the preserved original they could have compared them to?)

The current received text finally achieved predominance through the reputation of the Masoretes, schools of scribes and Torah scholars working between the 7th and 11th centuries, based primarily in the Land of Israel in the cities of Tiberias and Jerusalem, and in Babylonia.

(Where is the preserved original? They would not need to be working on anything. They would just be copying, RIGHT?)

Ben Asher was the last of a distinguished family of Masoretes extending back to the latter half of the 8th century. Despite the rivalry of ben Naphtali and the opposition of Saadia Gaon, the most eminent representative of the Babylonian school of criticism, ben Asher's codex became recognized as the standard text of the Bible.

(What about the preserved original? Would it not rather be the codex?)

The language of the Masoretic notes is primarily Aramaic but partly Hebrew.

(So, it is a lie that the Old Testament was totally written in Hebrew?)

Even though often cited as very exact, the masoretic "frequency notes" in the margin of Codex Leningradiensis contain several errors.[13][14][15]

(Several errors when they claim they copied without error from the original?)

Early rabbinic sources, from around 200 CE, mention several passages of Scripture in which the conclusion is inevitable that the ancient reading must have differed from that of the present text.

(Differed? What about the claim all copies were made and no errors could possibly have come in?)

The Dead Sea Scrolls have shed new light on the history of the Masoretic Text. Many texts found there, especially those from Masada, are quite similar to the Masoretic Text, suggesting that an ancestor of the Masoretic Text was indeed extant as early as the 2nd century BCE. However, other texts, including many of those from Qumran, differ substantially, indicating that the Masoretic Text was but one of a diverse set of Biblical writings (Lane Fox 1991:99-106; Tov 1992:115).

(Diverse? Which means there were errors and the wording was not copied precisely as they claim?) 

During the Neo-Assyrian and the Neo-Babylonian period, Aramaeans, the native speakers of Aramaic, began to settle in greater numbers, at first in Babylonia, and later in Assyria (Upper Mesopotamia; modern-day northern Iraq, northeast Syria, northwest Iran), and south eastern Turkey.[10] The influx eventually resulted in the Neo Assyrian Empire and Chaldean Dynasty of Babylonia becoming operationally bilingual in written sources, with Aramaic used alongside Akkadian. As these empires, and the Persian Empire that followed, extended their influence in the region, Aramaic gradually became the lingua franca of most of Western Asia and Egypt.[10]

(So admitting Aramaic is not Hebrew, and that this Assyrian language replace the older Paleo-Hebrew?)

Aramaic, like Hebrew, is a Northwest Semitic language, and the two share many features. From the 7th century BCE, Aramaic became the lingua franca of the Middle East. It became the language of diplomacy and trade, but was not used by the Hebrew populace at this early date. As described in 2 Kings 18:26, Hezekiah, king of Judah, demands to negotiate with Assyrian ambassadors in Aramaic rather than "Judean" (or "Judahite") so that the common people would not understand.

(Wow, admitting the Jews did not speak Aramaic at the time of Hezekias?)

During the 6th century BCE, the Babylonian captivity brought the working language of Mesopotamia much more into the daily life of ordinary Jews. Around 500 BCE, Darius I of Persia proclaimed[citation needed] that Aramaic would be the official language for the western half of his empire, and the Eastern Aramaic dialect of Babylon became the official standard. Documentary evidence shows the gradual shift from Hebrew to Aramaic:
  1. Hebrew is used as first language and in society; other, similar Canaanite languages are known and understood.
  2. Aramaic is used in international diplomacy and foreign trade.
  3. Aramaic is used for communication between subjects and the imperial administration.
  4. Aramaic gradually becomes the language of outer life (in the marketplace for example).
  5. Aramaic gradually replaces Hebrew in the home, and the latter is used only in religious activity.
These phases took place over a fairly protracted period, and the rate of change varied depending on the place and social class in question: the use of one or other language was likely a social, political and religious barometer.

(Admitting Aramaic and Hebrew are not the same tongue or language. How could Aramaic replace Hebrew if Aramaic and Hebrew were the same tongue?)

Table of Contents
Considered Foreign by Ancient Hebrews.
Of all Semitic languages the Aramaic is most closely related to the Hebrew, and forms with it, and possibly with the Assyrian, the northern group of Semitic languages. Aramaic, nevertheless, was considered by the ancient Hebrews as a foreign tongue; and a hundred years before the Babylonian exile it was understood only by people of culture in Jerusalem. Thus the ambassador of the Assyrian king who delivered an insolent message from his master in the Hebrew language and in the hearing of the people sitting upon the wall, was requested by the high officials of King Hezekiah not to speak in Hebrew, but in the "Syrian language," which they alone understood (II Kings xviii. 26; Isa. xxxvi. 11).

(Proof the Jews at that time did not speak Aramaic which is later falsely called Hebrew?)

These quotes are all from Wikipedia pages. They show clearly that ancient Paleo-Hebrew as not Aramaic. What is not said, which is a shame, is that ancient Paleo-Hebrew is not Hebrew at all but Phoenician. The Israelites adopted the Phoenician language around 1000BC. This is the language Hezekias and the Israelites used. When the Assyrians came with their Aramaic, they spoke instead in the Phoenician tongue. Hezekias asked them to speak in the Syrian Aramaic language because he and his little band of advisors understood that Babylonian language. We can see right here that Aramaic which is falsely called Hebrew today, was a foreign language. They admit it is a foreign language to the ancient Israelites.
The Jews admit the rabbis translated the ancient Bible scrolls that were in the Phoenician language into Aramaic.
But that Aramaic text it totally lost. What remains are the Targums. These are writings by various rabbis that include quotations of scripture. The Targums differ greatly and attempts to reconcile them continues. The differences between these Targums indicate either willful changing the text of scriptures or a lack of proper education to copy or translate.
At issue here more than vowels between the consonants, is the tetragrammaton YHVH or YHWH. These four letters come from Babylon and from a pagan god named Jahve or Yahve. This god is recognized by all Assriologist as the name of the chief god of the Assyrian Akkadian pantheon. When the Babylonian rabbis translated the scriptures from Paleo-Hebrew (Phoenician), they interpolated the consonants of this Babylonian chief god into them in over 5000 places. There is no "Hebrew" bible ever. There is no such thing as a Hebrew language. Jews admit that Phoenician is called Paleo-Hebrew but it is not Hebrew. They admit that the Aramaic language is not Hebrew. They admit it is a foreign tongue. How then did Aramaic come to be called Hebrew?
It came to be called Hebrew only because of the Aramaic bible translation. This bible translation in Aramaic was called the Hebrew scriptures. Not because the language was Hebrew, but because the people who used this Aramaic bible translation were Hebrews. This Aramaic bible was then called the Hebrew bible, or the bible of the Hebrews.  It is customary today to see scholars refer back and forth to the Aramaic and Hebrew. They now claim the Hebrew Aramaic is a little different than the ancient Aramaic because of the style of the letters have changed. But this does not change the fact that what they call Hebrew is actually Aramaic.
Scholars cannot produce a real Hebrew bible because there never was one. There never was a Hebrew language. If Abraham came to the Jews in Babylon in would not know how to talk to them. Because they would be speaking in either Phoenician or Aramaic and he spoke neither. This is important because we now have bibles where Abraham is not only speaking Aramaic, he is using the name of a pagan idol god Jahve(h) or Yahve(h), Catholic corrupted to Jehovah. The mystery of the tetragrammaton is solved. We know its root is in ancient Assyria and we know this god was the chief god of their pantheon.
Why did Abraham call his God El-Shaddai (God Almight; Gen 17:1, 28:3)? Why when God appeared to him, to Isaac, and to Jacob did he call himself El-Shaddai and never YHVH or YHWH, the name of the Assyrian god (Gen 17:1? Abraham never knew any god named YHVH or YHWH. He named his son Ishma-EL showing who his God was. Why then, did the Babylonian rabbis insert the tetragrammaton into the scriptures and have Abraham saying Jehovah when that name was not invented until around 1260AD? Why did they have him saying Jehovah hidden in the secret code LORD when he never knew this god or the secret code?
Read this next confession by a world famous scholar:
This is not Pastor Reckart saying this. I am just showing you that these scholars know the ancient bible scrolls were perverted. They tell us when and by whom.The enormous task of trying to unravel all this fraud covers centuries. If you defend this fraud you are not on the side of God.
Here is the picture as I see it:
The original scriptures were written by Moses. Before his book of the Law there were no written scriptures.
This book of the Law was translated into Paleo-Hebrew by Levite priest sometime around 1000BC.
This book of the Law was found written in the Phoenician Paleo-Hebrew language in the time of Josiah (2Kings 22:1-11). There was at that time only one book of the Law remaining. It was lost but found in the temple. This one book of the Law, and by Law I mean the first four books of the bible. There were no other books now in the OT with this book. So of the 39 books now, 35 did not exist in the days of Josiah. Josephus mentions 22 books in his day and this is contemporary with Jesus and the Apostles. Many of the other books had not been added yet. This book of the Law was called the book of the covenant (Exo 24:7). It is impossible for these four books to contain the tetragrammaton YHVH or YHWH since this Assyrian god was not known to Moses and it was not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The other books of the Old Testament we now have were added centuries later. We do not know when. Some claim Ezra added them. I cannot accept what is not proven. Jewish conjecture and traditions cannot become fact because of repetitious repeating of the traditions by rabbis or others. The point here is that the tetragrammaton god YHVH and YHWH was not known to the ancient patriarchs of Israel. And this false idol name was inserted into the Aramaic translated scriptures by evil rabbis.
Evil rabbis can make all the translations they want. But God will not allow them to stand.
At the same time the Babylonian evil rabbis were translating the Paleo-Hebrew scriptures and making their Aramaic bible, God worked out his own bible translation. It happened in Egypt around 280BC. As the Babylonian rabbis were translating and corrupting the Paleo-Hebrew into the foreign Aramaic tongue, God was working with 70 other rabbis in Alexandria, Egypt to translate the same scriptures into another foreign tongue... GREEK.
These Alexandrian rabbis apparently did not know about the Babylonian rabbis and their corrupted translation incorporating the tetragrammaton god. They translated the ancient Paleo-Hebrew into Greek. And what is so shocking right off the bat, is that in the Greek translation there is no tetragrammaton. There is no YHVH or YHWH. It is a lie that these letters could not have been written in Greek. If that lie was true, there could be no Greek words that contain any of those letters. So if you ask me to produce an ancient Bible that does not have the tetragrammaton I will hand you the Greek Septuagint. Why do Jews admit they used the Greek Septuagint in their synagogues in the days of Jesus and the Apostles, but people lie about this and say they used the Hebrew, which they mean Babylonian Aramaic? When Jesus took the book and read (Luke 4:17-20),  he was reading from a Greek Bible. Anyone who denies this is of the devil.
The quotations from the Old Testament found in the New are in the main taken from the Septuagint; and even where the citation is indirect the influence of this version is clearly seen (Jewish Encyclopedia--Bible Translations)
Two things, however, rendered the Septuagint unwelcome in the long run to the Jews. Its divergence from the accepted text (afterward called the Masoretic) was too evident; and it therefore could not serve as a basis for theological discussion or for homiletic interpretation. This distrust was accentuated by the fact that it had been adopted as Sacred Scripture by the new faith (Christians, my clarification here). A revision in the sense of the canonical Jewish text was necessary. This revision was made by a proselyte, Aquila, who lived during the reign of Hadrian (117-138). He is reported to have been a pupil of R. Akiba and to have embodied in his revision the principles of the strictest literal interpretation of the text; certainly his translation is pedantic, and its Greek is uncouth (ibid).
A third translator, Symmachus, whose date is not known, tried to smooth down Aquila's un-Grecian Greek by the use of both the Septuagint and Theodotion (ibid).
Aramaic was selected by the rabbis after the day of Jesus Christ because they could use the name YHVH and YHWH as the name of their God, which Jesus NEVER USED. In fact, Jesus told the rabbis, they neither knew him or his Father (John 8:19). They knew the Babylonian Assyrian god YHVH/YHWH, but they did not know the God Jesus called Father. This proves right here that this Assyrian pagan god YHVH/YHWH is not the true God.
ARAMAIC LANGUAGE AMONG THE JEWS – ...1). It was in Aramaic that Josephus had written his book on the "Jewish War," as he himself informs us in the introduction, before he wrote it in Greek. That he meant the Aramaic is evident from the reason he ...linguistically Aramaized is shown by the fact that Hillel loved to frame his maxims in that language.The Targum, the Aramaic Version of the Scriptures. The oldest ...literary monument of the Aramaization of Israel would be the Tarcum, the Aramaic version of the Scriptures, were it not that this received its final revision in a somewhat later age."

Why revise something you claim was copied exactly from generation to generation? Someone is lying here.
In all my years of defending the name of Jesus above all names, I have never met such hate, such slander, such lies, such perversions, as those that come from the people trying to make the tetragrammaton god the true God. The hate is enormous. The slander is great. But I will not cave in to liars be they rabbis, monks, Catholics, Protestants, or Pentecostal Catholics. The name of Jesus is not associated or connected to any Assyrian god.
You can keep your Assyrian YHVH/YHWH Jehovah, Yahweh, Yah, Jah, Iah, god. I do not want him. I have Jesus Christ as my God. He never told me I had to have another God. And he never gave me the name of another God to believe in and trust for my salvation.
I am totally dedicated to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ God.
No other God,No other Name.